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timesten的安装step by step


因为工作的需要,我编写了一份timesten的安装文档。安装环境是RedHat AS5 64位的操作系统。

1、  <!----> root 登录系统


<!---->2、  <!----> /etc/sysctl.conf 文件后追加一些配置, vi /etc/sysctl.conf

#edit for timesten

net.ipv4.tcp_rmem=4096 4194304 4194304   

net.ipv4.tcp_wmem=98304 4194304 4194304   

net.ipv4.tcp_mem=98304 4194304 4194304   






net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range=1024 65000

kernel.sem=5000 32000 100 128



<!---->3、  <!---->修改 limit 配置

echo "* hard nofile 8192" >> /etc/security/limits.conf

echo "* soft nofile 8192" >> /etc/security/limits.conf


<!---->4、  <!---->重启机器



<!---->5、  <!---->建用户

useradd timesten -d /timesten


<!---->6、  <!----> passwd 命令修改 timesten 用户的口令为 timesten


<!---->7、  <!---->切换成 timesten 用户

su – timesten


<!---->8、  <!----> tt70install.tar.gz 放到 /timesten 目录下


<!---->9、  <!---->解压 tt70install.tar.gz

tar -xvf tt70install.tar.gz


<!---->10、              <!---->安装 timesten

su - root

mkdir /etc/TimesTen/

chown timesten:timesten /etc/TimesTen/

su – timesten

cd install




<!---->11、              <!---->选择产品是 64 位,还是 32 位,出现如下提示:

Of the following two choices :


  [1] 32-bit Linux for x86

  [2] 64-bit Linux for AMD64 and Intel EM64T processors


Which platform are you currently running? [ 2 ]


选择安装 64 Linux 版本,确认回车


<!---->12、              <!---->确认 timesten 实例名,出现如下提示

NOTE: Each TimesTen installation is identified by a unique instance name.

      The instance name must be a non-null alphanumeric string, not longer

      than 255 characters.


Please choose an instance name for this installation? [ tt70 ]

默认选择 timesten instance 名字,直接回车,提示:

Instance name will be 'tt70'.

Is this correct? [ yes ]



<!---->13、              <!---->选择安装产品,出现如下提示

Please select a product :


  [1] Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database

  [2] Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database with Cache Connect to Oracle


Which product would you like to install? [ 1 ] 2

选择安装“ Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database with Cache Connect to Oracle ”,输入 2 ,确认回车


<!---->14、              <!---->选择安装组件,出现如下提示

Of the three components:


  [1] Client/Server and Data Manager

  [2] Data Manager Only

  [3] Client Only


Which would you like to install? [ 1 ]

选择安装“ Client/Server and Data Manager ”,默认确认回车


<!---->15、              <!---->选择安装 timesten 的目录,出现如下提示

Where would you like to install the tt70 instance of TimesTen? [ /timesten ]

选择 /timesten ,确认回车


<!---->16、              <!---->选择创建守护进程的主目录,出现如下提示

Where would you like to create the daemon home directory? [ /timesten/TimesTen/tt70/info ]


The directory /timesten/TimesTen/tt70/info does not exist.

Do you want to create it? [ yes ]

提示目录不存在是否创建,默认选择 yes ,确认回车。开始解压安装,提示如下

Installing into /timesten/TimesTen/tt70 ...

Uncompressing ...



<!---->17、              <!---->解压结束后,安装 Demo 程序,出现如下提示



The TimesTen Demo applications can take up to 64 Mbytes of disk space.

Depending on how your system is configured, you may not want to create the

DemoDataStore directory in the default location,



Where would you like to create the DemoDataStore directory? [ /timesten/TimesTen/tt70/info ]


Creating /timesten/TimesTen/tt70/info/DemoDataStore ...


<!---->18、              <!---->选择 timesten 守护进程的端口,出现如下提示


NOTE: All installations that replicate to each other must use the same daemon

      port number that is set at installation time. The daemon port number can

      be verified by running 'ttVersion'.


The default port number is 17001.


Do you want to use the default port number for the TimesTen daemon? [ yes ]

默认选择 17001 端口,确认端口没有被占用 <!---->[1] <!----> ,确认方法见脚注。

如果 17001 端口没有被占用的话,则默认回车确认,如果被占用,则输入 no ,回车,出现如下提示

Please enter a unique port number for the TimesTen daemon (<CR>=list)? [ ] 18001


Processing /timesten/TimesTen/tt70/PERL/perl.tar ...


<!---->19、              <!---->选择激活数据存储的控制权限,出现如下提示

Would you like to enable datastore access control? [ no ]yes

输入 yes ,回车确认,出现如下提示

The daemon log will be located in /timesten/TimesTen/tt70/info


<!---->20、              <!---->选择 timesten 守护进程日志

Would you like to specify a different location for the daemon log? [ no ]yes

为方便管理,应该重新选择日志目录,输入 yes ,出现如下提示:

Where would you like the daemon log to be written? [ /timesten/TimesTen/tt70/info ]


在新的终端 <!---->[2] <!----> 里面,用 timesten 用户登录,建立目录

cd /timesten/TimesTen/tt70

mkdir log


回到安装 timesten 的终端,输入新的目录

Where would you like the daemon log to be written? [ /timesten/TimesTen/tt70/info ] /timesten/TimesTen/tt70/log


Are you sure you want the daemon log to be written to /timesten/TimesTen/tt70/log? [ yes ]



<!---->21、              <!---->输入 ORACLE_HOME ,出现如下提示

NOTE: Cache Connect to Oracle requires the ORACLE_HOME environment variable.

      If you cannot provide a valid path to your Oracle installation,

      you must modify the script :


      as well as the daemon options file :


      when you have acquired the appropriate value.

      Cache Connect to Oracle will not function properly without

      ORACLE_HOME defined in these files.

      Note that you can add or change this instance's ORACLE_HOME setting

      by running <install_dir>/bin/ttmodinstall -changeOracleSetting.


Would you like to specify a value for ORACLE_HOME ? [ yes ]



Please enter a value for ORACLE_HOME (q=quit)? [  ]

因为安装 billing 应用的时候,已经把 oracle 的客户端安装好,所以这里直接输入“ /opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1

Please enter a value for ORACLE_HOME (q=quit)? [  ] /opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1



The following variables have been set in the file :



ORACLE_HOME= /opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1


<!---->22、              <!---->激活 Cache Connect to Oracle Administrator ,出现提示

Would you like to enable the Cache Connect to Oracle Administrator? [ yes ]



<!---->23、              <!---->选择 Cache Connect to Oracle Administrator 的端口,出现提示

What TCP/IP port number would you like Cache Connect to Oracle Administrator to listen on? [ 18005 ]


NOTE: To access the TimesTen Cache Connect to Oracle Administrator

      go to the url: http://localhost:18005/cache


由于 g++ 版本的原因,安装程序可能会提示

NOTE: It appears that you are running version 4.1 of the g++

       compiler. TimesTen ships with multiple sets of client libraries and server

      binaries : one built with g++ 3.2.3, one with g++ 3.4.6, and one with

      g++ 4.1.0. The installer has created links to the 4.1.0 library in the

      <install_dir>/lib directory and to the 4.1.0 server binary in the

      <install_dir>/bin directory. If you want to use a different compiler,

      please modify the links to point to the desired library and server binary.


之后,系统开始安装 server 组件,安装程序提示

Installing server components ...


<!---->24、              <!---->选择记录所有 server 的连接和断开连接

Would you like to log all server Connects/Disconnects? [ yes ]



<!---->25、              <!---->选择 TimesTen 服务 TCP 端口,出现提示

What is the TCP/IP port number that you want the TimesTen Server to listen on? [ 18003 ]


Starting the daemon ...

TimesTen Daemon startup OK.


Installing client components ...



<!---->26、              <!---->确认 TimesTen 服务安装的机器、端口、 instance ,出现提示

What is the name of the host running the TimesTen server? [ localhost ]

安装程序将获取本机的 hostname ,默认回车确认。


确认 TimesTen 服务的端口,出现提示

What is the TCP/IP port number that the TimesTen server is listening on? [ 18003 ]



确认 TimesTen 服务的 instance ,出现提示

What is the name of the instance running the TimesTen server? [ tt70 ]

此处安装程序默认选择 tt70 ,默认回车确认



Creating new /timesten/TimesTen/tt70/info/sys.ttconnect.ini

Extracting 3rd party tools ...


<!---->27、              <!---->不安装 TimesTen 文档,出现提示

Would you like to install the documentation? [ yes ]no

输入 no ,回车确认,出现提示

Documentation not installed.

To manually install the documentation, run the command 'setup.sh -installDoc'


<!---->28、              <!---->安装结束,安装程序提示如下

NOTE: The TimesTen daemon startup/shutdown scripts have not been installed.


As root, run the script 'set



    timesten的安装step by step.doc

    已Oracle TimesTen安装部署为例,编写了一份timesten的安装文档。安装环境是RedHat Linux 64位的操作系统。


    此文档将详细阐述在Linux环境下如何安装、配置、测试以及卸载TimesTen。 1. **Linux上安装TimesTen** 1.1. **准备工作** 在安装TimesTen之前,确保你的Linux系统满足其最低硬件和软件要求。你需要一个支持的...


    根据提供的文件信息,我们可以详细解析出关于在Linux AS5系统上安装Timesten及与Oracle 11g客户端相关的知识点。 ### 安装环境配置 #### 操作系统 - **AS5 (Asianux Server 5)**:基于Red Hat Enterprise Linux...

    内存数据库 TimesTen 安装手册【pdf】

    以下是对TimesTen安装过程的详细说明: 一、系统需求 在开始安装TimesTen之前,你需要确保你的系统满足以下硬件和软件条件: 1. 操作系统:TimesTen支持多种操作系统,包括但不限于Windows、Linux、Unix等。 2. ...


    【TimesTen 安装快速入门】是针对Oracle公司的一款内存数据库软件——TimesTen的入门教程。TimesTen的主要特点是通过在内存中存储和管理数据,优化数据结构和访问算法,极大地提升了数据库操作的效率和响应速度,使...


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    以下是对标题“Timesten安装笔记”和描述中涉及的知识点的详细说明: 1. **系统要求**: - 安装环境:Linux 发行版 Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 3 或 SUSE 9。 - CPU 架构:Intel EM64,即支持 64 位操作...

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    TimesTen 安装配置笔记

    ### TimesTen 安装配置知识点总结 #### 一、TimesTen 概述 **1.1 内存数据库概述** - **定义与特点**:内存数据库(In-Memory Database, IMDB)是一种将数据主要存储在主内存而非磁盘上的数据库管理系统。与传统...

    TimesTen安装配置-Oracle 内存数据库.doc.doc

    7. **软件解压与安装**:将TimesTen的安装文件`tt70install.tar.gz`复制到`timesten`用户的主目录,并解压缩。然后,以`root`权限创建 `/etc/TimesTen` 目录并将其所有权分配给`timesten`用户。 8. **安装过程**:...

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    在安装Oracle TimesTen时,通常遵循以下步骤: 1. 针对Linux环境调整内核参数,如修改`/etc/sysctl.conf`文件,并执行`sysctl -p`使修改生效。 2. 安装Oracle 10.2客户端,以便与Oracle数据库进行同步。 3. 创建新的...


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    《TimesTen数据库在Oracle环境下的安装与配置》 TimesTen是一款高效、内存中的数据库系统,专为实时数据处理和分析而设计。它提供快速的数据存取速度,适用于交易密集型应用和需要即时响应时间的场景。本文将详细...


    总的来说,安装Oracle TimesTen涉及到多个步骤,包括系统准备、安装软件、配置环境、验证安装以及后续的管理和维护。理解这些步骤和注意事项是确保TimesTen能够高效、稳定运行的基础。在实际操作中,根据具体的操作...

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