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linux下硬盘检测工具: smartmontools
工具主页: http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net/
Smartmontools for SCSI硬盘: http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net/smartmontools_scsi.html
The following options are currently available for SCSI disks and tape drives unless otherwise noted:
-a | --all : equivalent to the combination -i -H -A -l error -l selftest options invoked in that order.
-A | --attributes : outputs the current device temperature, trip temperature, the number of elements in the grown defect list (GLIST) and data from the start-stop log page. Outputs some vendor specific information if available.
-C | --captive : used in conjunction with -t short or -t long options to do short or long self tests in the foreground. [Has no effect on tape drives.]
-d TYPE | --device=TYPE where TYPE is "ata", "scsi", "sat", "marvell", "3ware,N", "hpt,L/N[,M]" or "cciss,N". Overrides utility's guess about the class of the device which is based on the form of the nominated device's name.
-h | --help : outputs lengthy usage message and exits without any other action.
-H | --health : outputs single device health metric determined by the device manufacturer. This will be "OK" or a failure message.
-i | --info : outputs device identification information (derived from a SCSI INQUIRY command) and whether the device supports SMART (and temperature warnings) and if those facilities are currently enabled. The type of transport (e.g. FC or SAS) is also reported, if available. Some users have reported disks that report the wrong transport.
-l TYPE | --log=TYPE where TYPE is either "background", "selftest" or "error". Decodes are outputs the requested log. Note that --all does not include --log=background .
-q TYPE | --quietmode=TYPE where TYPE is either "silent" or "errorsonly". When the type is silent then nothing is output to the console but the exit status is set (so it is suitable for scripts). For "errorsonly" only errors are output to the console. The exit status is always set. [See the smartctl man page.]
-r TYPE | --report=TYPE where TYPE is either "ioctl[,<n>]" or "scsiioctl[,<n>]". Turns on low level debugging of issued commands and responses. These commands are issued through a system command called an "ioctl" in Unix. The debug can be for all issued commands (i.e. "ioctl") or only SCSI commands ("scsiioctl"). Optionally the TYPE can have a comma and a number post pended to increase the volume of debug. See this section for more details.
-s VALUE | --smart=VALUE where VALUE is either "on" or "off". Enables or disables SMART monitoring (and temperature warnings).
-S VALUE | --saveauto=VALUE where VALUE is either "on" or "off". Controls whether the error log values are preserved across device power cycles.
-t TEST | --test=TEST where TEST is either "offline", "short" or "long". Despite its name "offline" is a short foreground test that all SCSI devices should support. A "short" self test is typically 2 minutes or less. A "long" self test will be considerably longer than 2 minutes, depending on the size of the media. The estimated time that a "long" self test will take is printed after the "selftest" log (i.e. with '-l selftest' or '-a')
-V | --version : outputs the smartctl version number (including the cvs version of all its source files) and build information then exits without any other action.
-X | --abort : will terminate a background short or long self test. Usually the self test log notes that a self test has been aborted. [Has no effect on tape drives.]
1、smartctl -a <device> 检查该设备是否已经打开SMART技术。
2、smartctl -s on <device> 如果没有打开SMART技术,使用该命令打开SMART技术。
3、smartctl -t short <device> 后台检测硬盘,消耗时间短;
smartctl -t long <device> 后台检测硬盘,消耗时间长;
smartctl -C -t short <device> 前台检测硬盘,消耗时间短;
smartctl -C -t long <device> 前台检测硬盘,消耗时间长。
4、smartctl -X <device> 中断后台检测硬盘。
5、smartctl -l selftest <device> 显示硬盘检测日志。
6、smartctl -l error <device> 显示硬盘错误汇总。
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标题中的“Linux下硬盘检测程序”指的是在Linux操作系统中用于检查和分析硬盘健康状况的工具。这类工具通常利用S.M.A.R.T(Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology)技术来获取硬盘自我监测的数据,...
Linux 系统中 hdparm 硬盘检测工具的使用 hdparm 是一个功能强大的硬盘检测工具,主要用于查看硬盘的相关信息、测速、优化和修改硬盘相关参数设定。在 Linux 系统中,hdparm 工具可以帮助用户快速地了解硬盘的状态...
本压缩包包含的“硬盘检测工具”是一款实用的软件,用于帮助用户监测硬盘状态,诊断可能存在的问题,并提供相应的解决方案。 硬盘检测工具通常具备以下功能: 1. **SMART监测**:SMART(Self-Monitoring, Analysis...
在本篇文章中,我们将深入探讨Linux硬盘分区以及GParted工具的使用。 1. Linux硬盘分区类型: - **MBR(Master Boot Record)**:传统的分区方式,最多支持4个主分区或3个主分区加1个扩展分区,最大容量为2TB。 -...
标题中的“硬盘检测工具 用图形显示您的硬盘健康状况”指的是专门用于检查硬盘状态和性能的软件,这类工具能够提供可视化的界面来呈现硬盘的健康信息。这些工具通常包括SMART(Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and ...
1. **功能特性**:HDDScan是一款免费且开源的硬盘检测工具,支持多种类型的硬盘,包括SATA、SAS、USB等。它可以进行SMART(Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology)自我监控、分析和报告技术检查,...
7. **兼容性**:优秀的硬盘检测工具应能支持各种类型的硬盘,包括SATA、IDE、SSD等,并且兼容不同的操作系统,如Windows、Mac OS和Linux。 文件名为“电脑硬件检测工具.EXE”表明这可能是一款Windows系统的可执行...
9. 兼容性:优秀的硬盘检测工具应兼容多种硬盘类型,包括IDE、SATA、SSD等,同时支持Windows、Mac OS、Linux等多种操作系统。 10. 用户界面:直观易用的用户界面使得用户无需专业知识也能轻松操作检测工具,快速...
《硬盘检测工具CrystalDiskInfo8.8.2详解》 在信息技术领域,硬盘作为数据存储的重要设备,其健康状态直接影响到系统的稳定性和数据的安全性。为此,一款名为CrystalDiskInfo的硬盘检测工具应运而生,它是一款强大...
固态硬盘检测工具通常具备以下功能: 1. **SMART检测**:SMART(Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology)是一种自我监测、分析和报告技术,能够实时监控硬盘的状态,包括读写错误率、通电时间、重试...
7. 兼容性:好的硬盘检测工具应支持多种类型的硬盘,包括IDE、SATA、SCSI、SSD等,同时兼容各种操作系统,如Windows、Mac OS和Linux。 8. 用户界面:直观易用的用户界面使用户能轻松理解检测结果和操作步骤,这对于...
### Linux与FreeBSD下检测硬盘坏道的详细指南 硬盘作为计算机存储的重要组成部分,其健康状况直接影响着数据的安全性和系统的稳定性。当硬盘出现坏道时,可能会导致数据丢失、读写速度下降甚至系统崩溃等问题。因此...
"硬盘哨兵"是一款适用于Linux系统的免费工具,它提供了全面的硬盘检测功能,帮助用户预防潜在的硬件问题。下面我们将深入探讨如何利用这款工具以及Linux内置命令来监测硬盘健康状态。 首先,硬盘哨兵(Hard Disk ...
硬盘检测工具Hard Disk Sentinel V5.40
在Linux系统中,使用C语言来检测USB设备并区分它们是U盘还是硬盘是一项常见的任务,特别是在自动化管理和脚本编程中。QT库则提供了一种图形用户界面(GUI)的方式来实现这一功能。以下是对这个主题的详细解释: ...
**硬盘检测工具——Hard Disk Sentinel** Hard Disk Sentinel是一款专业且功能强大的硬盘健康监测软件,它致力于为用户提供全面的硬盘状态监控、性能测试和故障预警。该工具能够有效地帮助用户了解硬盘的运行状况,...