- Peter Norvig
Director of Research at Google and author of the standard text on AI.
- Alan Kay
Inventor of Smalltalk. Coined the term "object-oriented programming".
- Guy Steele
Co-inventor of Scheme and part of the Common Lisp Gang of Five. Currently working on Fortress.
- Donald Knuth
Author of The Art of Computer Programming and TeX
- Gerald Jay Sussman
Co-creator of Scheme and co-author of The Structure And Interpretation of Computer Programs.
- John McCarthy
Invented Lisp
- John Carmack
Founder of id Software; lead programmer of Doom, Quake, and others.
- Dennis Ritchie
Invented C and contributed to development of UNIX
- Joe Armstrong
Inventor of Erlang
- Ken Thompson
Inventor of UNIX
19 Jamie Zawinski
Author of XEmacs and early Netscape/Mozilla hacker.
20 Ward Cunningham
Wrote the first Wiki and FIT.
25 Robert Morris
Wrote the Internet Worm and co-founded Viaweb with Paul Graham
26 Brendan Eich
Inventor of Javascript. CTO of the Mozilla Corporation
34 Brad Fitzpatrick
Wrote LiveJournal, OpenID, memcached, Perlbal
50 Paul Buchheit
Creator of GMail
54 David Heinemeier Hansson
Invented Rails
67 Steve Yegge
Blogger and Googler
73 Douglas Crockford
JSON founder, JavaScript Architect at Yahoo!
75 Marc Andreessen
Co-wrote Mosaic. Founded Netscape.
79 Zed Shaw
Wrote Mongrel (Rails HTTP server)
81 Roy Fielding
One of the principle authors of HTTP specification. Invented REST. Co-founder of Apache project
85 Aaron Swartz
Invented web.py
86 Trevor Blackwell
Principal at Viaweb. Now founder and CEO of Anybots
89 Mark Pilgrim
Wrote Universal Feed Parser. Author of Dive into Python and Dive into Accessibility.
107 Adrian Holovaty
Lead developer of Django
114 Marco Baringer
Common Lisp hacker, author of Uncommon Web
122 Rasmus Lerdorf
Invented PHP
150 Mark Zuckerberg
Founder and CEO of Facebook
158 Nick Bradbury
Wrote HomeSite, TopStyle, and FeedDemon
164 Rick Olsen
Core Rails developer, wrote Mephisto and Beast
169 James Duncan Davidson
Started Apache Ant and Apache Tomcat projects. Author of Java Servlet API and Java API for XML processing J2EE specifications.
170 Brian Behlendorf
Apache organizer
185 Chris Wanstrath
Notable Rails programmer
191 Jacob Kaplan-Moss
Django developer. Wrote Tivo apps in Python and now hacking Python on the PSP
203 Rob McCool
Wrote NCSA HTTPd; drafted Common Gateway Interface specification
208 Craig McClanahan
Original author of Apache Struts
231 Jeff Mogul
HP Fellow working on networking performance. Contributed to HTTP 1.1 spec
233 Eric Bina
Co-wrote Mosaic.
234 Simon Willison
Django developer. Hacker Liason for Yahoo UK
242 Graeme Rocher
Grails project lead
246 Graham Spencer
Co-founder Excite & Jot-Spot
251 Greg Linden
Founder Findory & worked at Amazon
259 Rainer Joswig
Contributes to CL-HTTP
260 Biz Stone
264 Joel Spolsky
266 Dierk Koenig.
Groovy, Grails contributor
267 Peter-Paul Koch
Javascript guru. Maintains quirksmode website.
275 Evan Williams
277 Robert Thau
Early Apache developer. Started Bianca Troll
282 Alex Russell
Created Dojo Javascript library
283 Sam Stephenson
Created Prototype Javascript library
284 Naval Ravikanth
Founder vast.com
【标题】"CSDN 牛人 项目代码 大全"所涵盖的知识点非常广泛,这是一份集合了CSDN社区内高手们分享的项目源代码合集,旨在帮助新手快速学习和提升编程技能。这个压缩包可能包含各种类型的项目,涉及到不同的编程语言...
介绍百度老总李彦宏的故事 搜索百度李彦宏 牛人牛人 百度发展史
【标题】:“转载牛人文章学习” 这篇标题表明我们即将探讨的是某位业内专家或博主的文章,关于IT行业的某个主题,特别是与Android相关的技术。在IT领域,"牛人"通常指的是那些在某一技术领域有深厚造诣的人,他们...
华为牛人 在华为 工作十年的感悟
牛人写的 samba.pdf 牛人写的 samba.pdf
牛人软件1.0的出现,无疑为那些渴望学习新知识的菜鸟们打开了方便之门,将复杂的操作简化,让学习者能够更加集中精力掌握核心技能。 首先,我们来分析一下插件的概念以及它在软件中的作用。在计算机领域,插件是指...
牛人研究所作为一个集合众多专业人才与资源的平台,其提供的图像资源具有相当的吸引力和实用价值。今天,我们就来深入探讨这些从牛人研究所下载的图像,看看它们为何值得我们大家的关注和下载。 首先,从牛人研究所...
"牛人写的Javascript"这一主题,暗示我们将探讨的是由业界高手编写的JavaScript代码示例,这些代码可能包含创新的设计思路、高效算法或者独特的编程技巧。 描述中的“JS游戏”指的是使用JavaScript编写的交互式游戏...
爬虫(Web Crawler)是一种自动化程序,用于从互联网上收集信息。其主要功能是访问网页、提取数据并存储,以便后续分析或展示。爬虫通常由搜索引擎、数据挖掘工具、监测系统等应用于网络数据抓取的场景。...
【标题】:“一位牛人网址收藏夹..” 这个标题暗示我们可能会发现一个包含了一系列有用网址的资源,由一位在IT领域有深厚经验或独特见解的人物精心整理。这样的收藏夹通常是个人经验与专业知识的结晶,可能涵盖了...