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不不不, 这个您真错了!其实是你引用的那个jsp和本身的jsp ...
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有时候,在抓取网站的时候,网站的编码方式可能不统一,这样的情况,可能有些网页编码不成功,而htmlparser报了错,不能正常的读取。抛出来的异常为:org.htmlparser.util.EncodingChangeException: character mismatch (new: 中 [0x4e2d] != old: [0xd6?]) for encoding change from ISO-8859-1 to GB2312 at character offset 23
为了解决不管它是用何种编码方式,都能够正常读取数据。我在htmlparser的Page类中加了一个字段,之所以要在Page类中加,那是因为它历遍所有的标签过程中,把meta标签属性content捕获到了,并已经传值到setEncoding(String charset)办法中。
// Decompiled by Jad v1.5.8f. Copyright 2001 Pavel Kouznetsov. // Jad home page: http://www.kpdus.com/jad.html // Decompiler options: packimports(3) // Source File Name: Page.java package org.htmlparser.lexer; import java.io.*; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.net.*; import java.util.zip.*; import org.htmlparser.http.ConnectionManager; import org.htmlparser.util.ParserException; // Referenced classes of package org.htmlparser.lexer: // InputStreamSource, PageIndex, StringSource, Cursor, // Stream, Source public class Page implements Serializable { public Page() { this(""); } public Page(URLConnection connection) throws ParserException { if(null == connection) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("connection cannot be null"); } else { setConnection(connection); mBaseUrl = null; return; } } public Page(InputStream stream, String charset) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { if(null == stream) throw new IllegalArgumentException("stream cannot be null"); if(null == charset) charset = "ISO-8859-1"; mSource = new InputStreamSource(stream, charset); mIndex = new PageIndex(this); mConnection = null; mUrl = null; mBaseUrl = null; } public Page(String text, String charset) { if(null == text) throw new IllegalArgumentException("text cannot be null"); if(null == charset) charset = "ISO-8859-1"; mSource = new StringSource(text, charset); mIndex = new PageIndex(this); mConnection = null; mUrl = null; mBaseUrl = null; } public Page(String text) { this(text, null); } public Page(Source source) { if(null == source) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("source cannot be null"); } else { mSource = source; mIndex = new PageIndex(this); mConnection = null; mUrl = null; mBaseUrl = null; return; } } public static ConnectionManager getConnectionManager() { return mConnectionManager; } public static void setConnectionManager(ConnectionManager manager) { mConnectionManager = manager; } public String getCharset(String content) { String CHARSET_STRING = "charset"; String ret; if(null == mSource) ret = "ISO-8859-1"; else ret = mSource.getEncoding(); if(null != content) { int index = content.indexOf("charset"); if(index != -1) { content = content.substring(index + "charset".length()).trim(); if(content.startsWith("=")) { content = content.substring(1).trim(); index = content.indexOf(";"); if(index != -1) content = content.substring(0, index); if(content.startsWith("\"") && content.endsWith("\"") && 1 < content.length()) content = content.substring(1, content.length() - 1); if(content.startsWith("'") && content.endsWith("'") && 1 < content.length()) content = content.substring(1, content.length() - 1); ret = findCharset(content, ret); } } } return ret; } public static String findCharset(String name, String fallback) { String ret; try { Class cls = Class.forName("java.nio.charset.Charset"); Method method = cls.getMethod("forName", new Class[] { java.lang.String.class }); Object object = method.invoke(null, new Object[] { name }); method = cls.getMethod("name", new Class[0]); object = method.invoke(object, new Object[0]); ret = (String)object; } catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { ret = name; } catch(NoSuchMethodException nsme) { ret = name; } catch(IllegalAccessException ia) { ret = name; } catch(InvocationTargetException ita) { ret = fallback; System.out.println("unable to determine cannonical charset name for " + name + " - using " + fallback); } return ret; } private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException { if(null != getConnection()) { out.writeBoolean(true); out.writeInt(mSource.offset()); String href = getUrl(); out.writeObject(href); setUrl(getConnection().getURL().toExternalForm()); Source source = getSource(); mSource = null; PageIndex index = mIndex; mIndex = null; out.defaultWriteObject(); mSource = source; mIndex = index; } else { out.writeBoolean(false); String href = getUrl(); out.writeObject(href); setUrl(null); out.defaultWriteObject(); setUrl(href); } } private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { boolean fromurl = in.readBoolean(); if(fromurl) { int offset = in.readInt(); String href = (String)in.readObject(); in.defaultReadObject(); if(null != getUrl()) { URL url = new URL(getUrl()); try { setConnection(url.openConnection()); } catch(ParserException pe) { throw new IOException(pe.getMessage()); } } Cursor cursor = new Cursor(this, 0); for(int i = 0; i < offset; i++) try { getCharacter(cursor); } catch(ParserException pe) { throw new IOException(pe.getMessage()); } setUrl(href); } else { String href = (String)in.readObject(); in.defaultReadObject(); setUrl(href); } } public void reset() { getSource().reset(); mIndex = new PageIndex(this); } public void close() throws IOException { if(null != getSource()) getSource().destroy(); } protected void finalize() throws Throwable { close(); } public URLConnection getConnection() { return mConnection; } public void setConnection(URLConnection connection) throws ParserException { mConnection = connection; mConnection.setConnectTimeout(6000); mConnection.setReadTimeout(6000); try { getConnection().connect(); } catch(UnknownHostException uhe) { throw new ParserException("Connect to " + mConnection.getURL().toExternalForm() + " failed.", uhe); } catch(IOException ioe) { throw new ParserException("Exception connecting to " + mConnection.getURL().toExternalForm() + " (" + ioe.getMessage() + ").", ioe); } String type = getContentType(); String charset = getCharset(type); try { String contentEncoding = connection.getContentEncoding(); System.out.println("contentEncoding="+contentEncoding); Stream stream; if(null != contentEncoding && -1 != contentEncoding.indexOf("gzip")) stream = new Stream(new GZIPInputStream(getConnection().getInputStream())); else if(null != contentEncoding && -1 != contentEncoding.indexOf("deflate")) stream = new Stream(new InflaterInputStream(getConnection().getInputStream(), new Inflater(true))); else{ stream = new Stream(getConnection().getInputStream()); } try { /* * 时间:2008年12月23日 * 原因:当String charset = getCharset(type);返回来的是ISO-8859-1的时候,需要处理一下 */ if(charset.indexOf("ISO-8859-1")!=-1){ charset = getQICHAODEFAULT_CHARSET(); } mSource = new InputStreamSource(stream, charset); } catch(UnsupportedEncodingException uee) { charset = "ISO-8859-1"; mSource = new InputStreamSource(stream, charset); } } catch(IOException ioe) { throw new ParserException("Exception getting input stream from " + mConnection.getURL().toExternalForm() + " (" + ioe.getMessage() + ").", ioe); } mUrl = connection.getURL().toExternalForm(); mIndex = new PageIndex(this); } public String getUrl() { return mUrl; } public void setUrl(String url) { mUrl = url; } public String getBaseUrl() { return mBaseUrl; } public void setBaseUrl(String url) { mBaseUrl = url; } public Source getSource() { return mSource; } public String getContentType() { String ret = "text/html"; URLConnection connection = getConnection(); if(null != connection) { String content = connection.getHeaderField("Content-Type"); if(null != content) ret = content; } return ret; } public char getCharacter(Cursor cursor) throws ParserException { int i = cursor.getPosition(); int offset = mSource.offset(); char ret; if(offset == i) try { i = mSource.read(); if(-1 == i) { ret = '\uFFFF'; } else { ret = (char)i; cursor.advance(); } } catch(IOException ioe) { throw new ParserException("problem reading a character at position " + cursor.getPosition(), ioe); } else if(offset > i) { try { ret = mSource.getCharacter(i); } catch(IOException ioe) { throw new ParserException("can't read a character at position " + i, ioe); } cursor.advance(); } else { throw new ParserException("attempt to read future characters from source " + i + " > " + mSource.offset()); } if('\r' == ret) { ret = '\n'; if(mSource.offset() == cursor.getPosition()) try { i = mSource.read(); if(-1 != i) if('\n' == (char)i) cursor.advance(); else try { mSource.unread(); } catch(IOException ioe) { throw new ParserException("can't unread a character at position " + cursor.getPosition(), ioe); } } catch(IOException ioe) { throw new ParserException("problem reading a character at position " + cursor.getPosition(), ioe); } else try { if('\n' == mSource.getCharacter(cursor.getPosition())) cursor.advance(); } catch(IOException ioe) { throw new ParserException("can't read a character at position " + cursor.getPosition(), ioe); } } if('\n' == ret) mIndex.add(cursor); return ret; } public void ungetCharacter(Cursor cursor) throws ParserException { cursor.retreat(); int i = cursor.getPosition(); try { char ch = mSource.getCharacter(i); if('\n' == ch && 0 != i) { ch = mSource.getCharacter(i - 1); if('\r' == ch) cursor.retreat(); } } catch(IOException ioe) { throw new ParserException("can't read a character at position " + cursor.getPosition(), ioe); } } public String getEncoding() { return getSource().getEncoding(); } public void setEncoding(String character_set) throws ParserException { this.QICHAODEFAULT_CHARSET = character_set; getSource().setEncoding(character_set); } public URL constructUrl(String link, String base) throws MalformedURLException { return constructUrl(link, base, false); } public URL constructUrl(String link, String base, boolean strict) throws MalformedURLException { int index; URL url; if(!strict && '?' == link.charAt(0)) { if(-1 != (index = base.lastIndexOf('?'))) base = base.substring(0, index); url = new URL(base + link); } else { url = new URL(new URL(base), link); } String path = url.getFile(); boolean modified = false; boolean absolute = link.startsWith("/"); if(!absolute) do { if(!path.startsWith("/.")) break; if(path.startsWith("/../")) { path = path.substring(3); modified = true; continue; } if(!path.startsWith("/./") && !path.startsWith("/.")) break; path = path.substring(2); modified = true; } while(true); while(-1 != (index = path.indexOf("/\\"))) { path = path.substring(0, index + 1) + path.substring(index + 2); modified = true; } if(modified) url = new URL(url, path); return url; } public String getAbsoluteURL(String link) { return getAbsoluteURL(link, false); } public String getAbsoluteURL(String link, boolean strict) { String ret; if(null == link || "".equals(link)) ret = ""; else try { String base = getBaseUrl(); if(null == base) base = getUrl(); if(null == base) { ret = link; } else { URL url = constructUrl(link, base, strict); ret = url.toExternalForm(); } } catch(MalformedURLException murle) { ret = link; } return ret; } public int row(Cursor cursor) { return mIndex.row(cursor); } public int row(int position) { return mIndex.row(position); } public int column(Cursor cursor) { return mIndex.column(cursor); } public int column(int position) { return mIndex.column(position); } public String getText(int start, int end) throws IllegalArgumentException { String ret; try { ret = mSource.getString(start, end - start); } catch(IOException ioe) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("can't get the " + (end - start) + "characters at position " + start + " - " + ioe.getMessage()); } return ret; } public void getText(StringBuffer buffer, int start, int end) throws IllegalArgumentException { if(mSource.offset() < start || mSource.offset() < end) throw new IllegalArgumentException("attempt to extract future characters from source" + start + "|" + end + " > " + mSource.offset()); int length; if(end < start) { length = end; end = start; start = length; } length = end - start; try { mSource.getCharacters(buffer, start, length); } catch(IOException ioe) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("can't get the " + (end - start) + "characters at position " + start + " - " + ioe.getMessage()); } } public String getText() { return getText(0, mSource.offset()); } public void getText(StringBuffer buffer) { getText(buffer, 0, mSource.offset()); } public void getText(char array[], int offset, int start, int end) throws IllegalArgumentException { if(mSource.offset() < start || mSource.offset() < end) throw new IllegalArgumentException("attempt to extract future characters from source"); int length; if(end < start) { length = end; end = start; start = length; } length = end - start; try { mSource.getCharacters(array, offset, start, end); } catch(IOException ioe) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("can't get the " + (end - start) + "characters at position " + start + " - " + ioe.getMessage()); } } public String getLine(Cursor cursor) { int line = row(cursor); int size = mIndex.size(); int start; int end; if(line < size) { start = mIndex.elementAt(line); if(++line <= size) end = mIndex.elementAt(line); else end = mSource.offset(); } else { start = mIndex.elementAt(line - 1); end = mSource.offset(); } return getText(start, end); } public String getLine(int position) { return getLine(new Cursor(this, position)); } public String toString() { String ret; if(mSource.offset() > 0) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(43); int start = mSource.offset() - 40; if(0 > start) start = 0; else buffer.append("..."); getText(buffer, start, mSource.offset()); ret = buffer.toString(); } else { ret = super.toString(); } return ret; } public static final String DEFAULT_CHARSET = "ISO-8859-1"; public static String QICHAODEFAULT_CHARSET = "gb2312"; public static final String DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE = "text/html"; public static final char EOF = 65535; protected String mUrl; protected String mBaseUrl; protected Source mSource; protected PageIndex mIndex; protected transient URLConnection mConnection; protected static ConnectionManager mConnectionManager = new ConnectionManager(); public static String getQICHAODEFAULT_CHARSET() { return QICHAODEFAULT_CHARSET; } }
Parser parser = new Parser(url); parser.setEncoding(parser.getLexer().getPage().getQICHAODEFAULT_CHARSET());
一般情况下,设置成这样应该是没问题的啦,但是,你有时候看到的编码方式并不一定是它该网页的编码方式。比如说,肉眼看到页面中有<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312" />,htmlparser可以正常的获取到,代码如下:
public void doSemanticAction() throws ParserException { String httpEquiv = getHttpEquiv(); if("Content-Type".equalsIgnoreCase(httpEquiv)) { String charset = getPage().getCharset(getAttribute("CONTENT")); getPage().setEncoding(charset); } }
public String getContentType() { String ret = "text/html"; URLConnection connection = getConnection(); if(null != connection) { String content = connection.getHeaderField("Content-Type"); if(null != content) ret = content; } return ret; }
org.htmlparser.util.EncodingChangeException: character mismatch (new: 中 [0x4e2d] != old: [0xd6?]) for encoding change from ISO-8859-1 to GB2312 at character offset 23
public void setEncoding(String character_set) throws ParserException { String encoding = getEncoding(); /** * time:2008年12月23日 */ if(encoding!=null){ character_set = encoding; } if(!encoding.equalsIgnoreCase(character_set)) { InputStream stream = getStream(); try { char buffer[] = mBuffer; int offset = mOffset; stream.reset(); try { mEncoding = character_set; mReader = new InputStreamReader(stream, character_set); mBuffer = new char[mBuffer.length]; mLevel = 0; mOffset = 0; mMark = -1; if(0 != offset) { char new_chars[] = new char[offset]; if(offset != read(new_chars)) throw new ParserException("reset stream failed"); for(int i = 0; i < offset; i++) if(new_chars[i] != buffer[i]) throw new EncodingChangeException("character mismatch (new: " + new_chars[i] + " [0x" + Integer.toString(new_chars[i], 16) + "] != old: " + " [0x" + Integer.toString(buffer[i], 16) + buffer[i] + "]) for encoding change from " + encoding + " to " + character_set + " at character offset " + i); } } catch(IOException ioe) { throw new ParserException(ioe.getMessage(), ioe); } } catch(IOException ioe) { throw new ParserException("Stream reset failed (" + ioe.getMessage() + "), try wrapping it with a org.htmlparser.lexer.Stream", ioe); } } }
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2.直接调用 paser.setInputHTML(httpclient返回的html);
什么网页 什么编码都通用了。。。

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p_x1984 写道
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gbfd2012 写道

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2011-09-22 15:39 1898形式是: <a href="#" c ... -
org.htmlparser.util.ParserException: Error in open
2009-06-11 11:03 3634使用HTMLparser时碰到一个错误 org.htmlpa ... -
2008-12-18 16:26 1602今天,有个人问我,前几天已经可以抓取,今天不知道为什么就不可以 ... -
htmlparser 假死问题
2008-12-18 10:10 2124前几天,在用htmlparser分析页面时,遇到一个郁闷的问题 ... -
htmlparser 文件不存在
2008-12-12 16:11 1072今天用htmlparser分析了一些网页,在过程中,有一个网页 ...
在解析HTML时,常见的乱码问题通常源于以下几个方面: 1. **编码识别不准确**:网页可以使用多种字符编码,如GBK、UTF-8等。如果解析器不能正确识别网页的编码,就可能导致乱码。HTMLParser.jar通过改进源码,增强...
5. **字符编码识别**:HTMLParser可以自动检测HTML文档的字符编码,确保正确地处理各种语言的字符。 6. **DOM树构建**:虽然HTMLParser主要是事件驱动的,但也可以通过`HTMLNode`类构建一个DOM树,便于对整个HTML...
5. **字符编码识别**:HTMLParser2.1能自动检测网页的字符编码,确保正确解析非ASCII字符,这对于处理包含多种语言的网页尤其重要。 6. **兼容性与效率**:作为Java库,HTMLParser2.1可以运行在任何支持Java的平台...
同时,需要注意的是,HTMLParser默认不处理编码问题,所以在解析前需要确保HTML内容已经被正确地解码。 在实际开发中,结合requests库获取网页内容,然后使用HTMLParser进行解析,是构建网络爬虫的基本流程之一。...
1. **字符编码**:在读取文件时,需要注意文件的编码格式,本例中使用的是“GBK”编码。 2. **异常处理**:在实际开发中,应该对可能出现的各种异常进行妥善处理,比如文件不存在、解析错误等。 3. **性能优化**:...
- **AbstractNode**: 提供了Node的一些抽象实现,简化了实际开发过程中的编码工作。 - **Element**: 表示HTML文档中的具体元素,如标签、属性等。 #### 三、提取网页信息的设计与实现 ##### 3.1 解析HTML文档 ...
// 创建解析器,指定 HTML 内容和字符编码 Parser parser = Parser.createParser(htmlContent, ENCODE); // 创建一个访问者,例如 TextExtractingVisitor,用于处理解析结果 TextExtractingVisitor visitor = ...
在本文中,我们将深入探讨HTMLParser的使用,包括其核心类`Parser`以及如何初始化和使用它。 首先,`Parser`是HTMLParser库的核心组件,它负责解析HTML页面。`Parser`类提供了多个构造函数,以适应不同的初始化需求...
// 设置编码 public static void main(String[] args) { // 从文件读取HTML parseFromFile("path_to_your_file.html"); // 从URL读取HTML parseFromUrl("http://example.com"); } private static void ...
以下是如何使用HtmlParser实现网络爬虫的关键知识点: 1. **HtmlParser库**:HtmlParser是一个强大的HTML解析器,它能够解析HTML文档,将其转换为一个可操作的节点树,方便开发者通过节点过滤和遍历来获取目标信息...
在HTMLParser中设置页面编码的方式有两种:一种是使用Lexer,另一种是使用静态方法createParser。由于Lexer是一个高级功能,对于大多数中文页面来说,常用的方法是使用静态方法createParser来设置编码。 6. 示例...
在这个场景中,我们关注的是一个针对`HtmlParser`的优化,特别是针对乱码问题的解决方案。 首先,让我们深入理解`HtmlParser`库的工作原理。`HtmlParser`通常提供一种方法来解析HTML源代码,将其转换为DOM...
根据给定文件的信息,本文将围绕“Java HTMLParser解析网页源码”的主题展开,深入探讨其功能、工作原理以及在不同场景下的应用方法。 ### Java HTMLParser简介 HTMLParser是用Java编写的开源HTML解析器,它能帮助...
记得在解析之前,先设置解析器的编码,以防止乱码问题: ```java Parser parser = new Parser(new StringReader(htmlSource), "UTF-8"); ``` 4. **处理异常和优化** 在实际使用中,由于网页结构的复杂性,可能...
`Htmlparser.rar`可能是一个包含源码或者示例项目的压缩文件,供你下载后进行实际编码练习。通过查看和运行这些代码,你可以更直观地理解HTMLParser的工作原理。 `htmlparser使用指南 4_海起啦啦.txt`是关于使用...
在实际使用中,可能需要处理不规范的HTML或编码问题。可以通过设置错误处理策略,如忽略或替换非法字符,确保解析过程的稳定性。 8. **注意事项** - HTMLParser不支持XML,如果你需要解析XML文档,应使用`xml....
在解析 HTML 时,正确处理各种字符集和编码是非常重要的。 5. **Formatter.dcu**:可能提供了格式化 HTML 输出的功能,例如将 DOM 树重新转换为 HTML 字符串,或者进行一些格式调整。 6. **Entities.dcu**:可能...