JSF 2.0 proposal has been posted on March 2007 and planned for the release in last quarter of 2008. It will be shipped with
JEE 6.0 release. Looking into the
features lits of the
JSF 2.0, it is added lots of interesting features in the list and also they are aiming to attract more new developers to use
JSF technology.
JSF 2.0 Features
Some of the interesting features includes Bookmarking for URLs, expanding the existing lifecycle mechanism, more support
for the AJAX requests, use annotations instead of faces-config.xml, introducing JSFTemplating concepts and much more. It seems
the list size is big it will be great to see when the final version is released. Basically it is categorized into four parts:
Ease of development, New Features, Performance and Adoption. We will look into the each category with brief explanation. This tips based on the JSR 314 and the features list is taken from the original JSR document.
Ease of development
- Component aggregation. Allow development of custom component with
little or no Java coding. [A] Perhaps consider a standard set of
- Allow for "zero configuration" web applications. No
faces-config.xml, no web.xml. If necessary, annotations will be used to
supplement the configuration data.
- Vastly improve the developer experience with regard to error
messages that happen during iterative development, and even during
deployment of the application. For example the EG will consider options
including, allowing the developer to tell the runtime what stage of
development the web application is in, and take action accordingly:
Development, Test, Deployment. Line precise error reporting. Pluggable
Exception Handling.
- Provide default exception handling mechanisms. For example, all runtime errors get forwarded to an error page.
- Eliminate the need to author a JSP tag handler when writing JSF components.
- Leverage annotations to declare JSF artifacts (components, managed beans, navigation rules, etc) to the runtime.
- Declarative Renderers, otherwise known as Renderers without resorting to out.println().
- Real world, production view description technology, including
templating: include something influenced by Facelets, JSFTemplating or
Tiles in the specification.
- Make it very easy to create CRUD based applications.
New Features
- Expand the request processing lifecycle to be aware of Ajax. This
may include describing a small developer-contract footprint JavaScript
library as part of the JavaServer Faces specification.
- Separate the "build the tree" and "render the tree" processes into two separate lifecycle phases.
- Allow for partial tree traversel during lifecycle execution via Ajax.
- Allow for bookmarkable JSF pages. More broadly, if HTTP GET can be used, it should be used.
- Decent client side, inter-component and form-level validation (leveraging JSR-303 validation if possible).
- First class support for bundling and delivering static resources
associated with a component: images, stylesheets, scripts, etc. Should
be able to specify default locations for resources.
- Strategic additions to the Standard HTML RenderKit: Date Picker, Tree, Tab View, File Upload components.
- Provide a mechanism to minimize the "Lost Update" and "Duplicate
Button Press" problems. These mechanisms must be pluggable or
customizable from the user.
- Page actions: The ability to say, "when this page loads, invoke this action (via Ajax if necessary)."
- Provide a mechanism to easily access persistent store.
- Saving and restoring page deltas rather than saving and restoring the full view state each time.
- Re-do UIComponent state saving with a view towards making stateless components the default.
- Allow for moving as much of the event processing and inter-page
component interaction into the client as possible. This may imply
specifying client side controller framework.
- Streamline the rendering process via caching if possible.
- Improve the interceptor mechanism delivered via the PhaseListener
feature so that the developer can control exactly what kinds of
requests are allowed to be processed by each PhaseListener instance.
- Enable components to have a client based lifecycle in addition to,
or instead of the server based request/response lifecycle. Such a
client based lifecycle would enable use-cases such as drag-and-drop,
master-detail and sub-dialogs on a single page interface web
- Improve the UIComponent specification to allow an increase in the
interoperability of UIComponent libraries from arbitrary vendors.
- Enable applications to use features that are defined in the
JavaServer Faces specification but are intended for use in the Java EE
platform as a whole. For example, the managed bean facility is useful
even in an application that only uses Servlets from Java EE but
provides the rest of the web application features from software outside
of the platform.
- Allow JSF application resources to be accessed via REST.
- Enable components that publish events via RSS/Atom.
- Add support for REST (JSR 311)
- Broad and pervasive support for scripting at all levels of the
specification. It will be possible to use a scripting language to write
all executable artifacts in a JSF application.
- Specify command line interface for authoring JSF applications.
- Support for passing values from page to page. This will be a
standardization of the many different Dialog/Conversation/Scope/Flash
ideas currently in use.
- "Skinning", or "Themeing" of components.
- An important target user for JavaServer Faces technology is the
developer who relies on an Internet Service Provider (ISPv) to host
their application, as well as hosting their development environment. It
must be easy to iteratively develop a JavaServer Faces application that
is hosted entirely on an ISP.
**JSF 2.0(JavaServer Faces 2.0)**是Java平台上的一种服务器端的用户界面框架,用于构建富互联网应用程序(Rich Internet Applications,RIA)。它遵循MVC(Model-View-Controller)设计模式,提供了一种声明式的...
本例中的"jsf2.0版本helloworld"就是一个基础的入门示例,旨在展示如何在MyEclipse环境中配置和运行一个简单的JSF应用。 **JSF 2.0的关键特性** 1. **Faces Flow**: JSF 2.0引入了Faces Flow,这是一种新的导航模型...
**JSF 2.0 源代码详解** JavaServer Faces (JSF) 是一个用于构建Web用户界面的Java框架,由Sun Microsystems(现已被Oracle收购)开发并维护。JSF 2.0是该框架的一个重要版本,它带来了许多改进和新特性,提升了...
JSF 2.0是其一个重要版本,带来了许多改进和新特性,使得开发更加高效且易于维护。这个压缩包包含了JSF 2.0的API jar包、实现库(即impl jar包)、源码以及doc帮助文档,为深入理解和学习JSF提供了全面的资源。 API...
在本篇中,我们将深入探讨JSF 2.0中的TextBox组件,它是用户界面中用于输入文本的基础元素。JSF(JavaServer Faces)是Oracle公司提供的一个用于构建Web应用程序的MVC框架,而JSF 2.0版本带来了许多改进和新特性,使...
文档《JSF2.0系列简介.doc》可能详细介绍了JSF 2.0的基础知识和实践指导,而压缩包中提供的源代码可能是为了演示如何在实际项目中使用JSF 2.0。这些示例可能涵盖了以下内容: - **创建基本的JSF页面**:展示如何...
**JavaServer Faces 2.0 (JSF 2.0) 和 Spring 框架的整合教程** 在当今的企业级Web开发中,JSF 2.0 和 Spring 的结合使用非常常见,因为它们各自提供了独特的优势。JSF 是一个用于构建用户界面的组件模型框架,而 ...
### JSF 2.0 开发配置与应用详解 #### 一、概述 JavaServer Faces (JSF) 是一种用于构建基于 Java 的企业级 Web 应用程序的标准框架。JSF 2.0 作为该技术的一个重大更新版本,不仅在功能上有了显著提升,还在易用...
JSF 2.0是一个重要的版本更新,引入了许多改进和新特性,旨在提升开发效率和用户体验。Mojarra是JSF规范的主要实现之一,版本2.0.2-FCS(Final Candidate Release)是该版本的一个稳定版本。 1. **组件库增强**: ...
在JSF 2.0中,Ajax功能的引入极大地增强了用户界面的交互性和实时性。这一部分我们将深入探讨如何实现自定义的Ajax更新方式,以更灵活地控制UI组件的异步更新。在这个主题中,我们将关注以下几个关键知识点: 1. **...
**JSF 2.0(JavaServer Faces 2.0)是Java EE 6平台上的一个关键组件,用于构建Web用户界面。它提供了一个模型-视图-控制器(MVC)框架,使得开发人员能够更高效地创建动态、数据驱动的Web应用程序。** **一、JSF...
### JSF 2.0 Cookbook 知识点详解 #### 一、JSF 2.0 概述 **JSF (JavaServer Faces)** 是Java平台标准的一部分,它是一种用于构建企业级Web应用的框架。JSF 2.0作为JSF的一个重大更新版本,在2010年发布,引入了...
在"Jsf2.0 Reference"中,我们能够深入理解JSF的核心概念和技术,这包括但不限于以下几个方面: 1. **JSF生命周期**:JSF组件有其独特的生命周期,包括六种阶段:恢复视图、应用请求值、处理验证、更新模型值、调用...
### JSF 2.0 开发资料:详细解析与实用指南 #### 一、JSF 2.0 概览 JavaServer Faces (JSF) 2.0 是 Java 平台上的一种用于构建用户界面的标准组件框架。它作为 Java EE 的一部分,在 JSF 2.0 版本中进行了大量的...
- **配置**:启动 Eclipse 后,可通过“Help”-> “Install New Software...”来安装额外的插件,例如 JSF 工具包等。 ##### 安装服务器支持 JSF 2.0 - **Tomcat 6 或 7** - 下载并安装 Tomcat 6 或 7。 - 需要...
**JSF 2.0 开发简介** JavaServer Faces (JSF) 2.0 是一个重要的里程碑,它显著改善了JSF 1.0 的功能,并吸取了来自开源社区的创新成果。JSF 2.0 的核心目标是简化Web应用程序的开发,通过引入新特性,如注解配置、...
### JSF 2.0与Ajax交互实现 #### 核心知识点概述 1. **JSF 2.0**: JavaServer Faces (JSF) 是一个用于构建基于组件的用户界面的标准Java框架。JSF 2.0是JSF的一个重大更新版本,提供了更简洁的API、增强的功能以及...
《JSF 2.0规范详解》 一、概述 JavaServer Faces(简称JSF)是一种基于组件的Java EE标准,用于构建用户界面。JSF 2.0规范是JSF技术的重要升级版本,由Sun Microsystems(现为Oracle公司的一部分)在2009年发布。...