看看darron schall 给我们带来的这个强制转换类:
用法:ObjectTranslator.objectToInstance(Object对象,要强转成的类型) as 要强转成的类型
package com.goufang.util
import flash.net.ObjectEncoding;
import flash.net.registerClassAlias;
import flash.utils.ByteArray;
import flash.utils.describeType;
import flash.utils.getDefinitionByName;
/** *//**
* Utility class to convert vanilla objects to class instances.
public final class ObjectTranslator
/** *//**
* Converts a plain vanilla object to be an instance of the class
* passed as the second variable. This is not a recursive funtion
* and will only work for the first level of nesting. When you have
* deeply nested objects, you first need to convert the nested
* objects to class instances, and then convert the top level object.
* TODO: This method can be improved by making it recursive. This would be
* done by looking at the typeInfo returned from describeType and determining
* which properties represent custom classes. Those classes would then
* be registerClassAlias'd using getDefinititonByName to get a reference,
* and then objectToInstance would be called on those properties to complete
* the recursive algorithm.
* @param object The plain object that should be converted
* @param clazz The type to convert the object to
public static function objectToInstance( object:Object, clazz:Class ):*
var bytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
bytes.objectEncoding = ObjectEncoding.AMF0;
// Find the objects and byetArray.writeObject them, adding in the
// class configuration variable name -- essentially, we're constructing
// and AMF packet here that contains the class information so that
// we can simplly byteArray.readObject the sucker for the translation
// Write out the bytes of the original object
var objBytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
objBytes.objectEncoding = ObjectEncoding.AMF0;
objBytes.writeObject( object );
// Register all of the classes so they can be decoded via AMF
var typeInfo:XML = describeType( clazz );
var fullyQualifiedName:String = typeInfo.@name.toString().replace( /::/, "." );
registerClassAlias( fullyQualifiedName, clazz );
// Write the new object information starting with the class information
var len:int = fullyQualifiedName.length;
bytes.writeByte( 0x10 ); // 0x10 is AMF0 for "typed object (class instance)"
bytes.writeUTF( fullyQualifiedName );
// After the class name is set up, write the rest of the object
bytes.writeBytes( objBytes, 1 );
// Read in the object with the class property added and return that
bytes.position = 0;
// This generates some ReferenceErrors of the object being passed in
// has properties that aren't in the class instance, and generates TypeErrors
// when property values cannot be converted to correct values (such as false
// being the value, when it needs to be a Date instead). However, these
// errors are not thrown at runtime (and only appear in trace ouput when
// debugging), so a try/catch block isn't necessary. I'm not sure if this
// classifies as a bug or not... but I wanted to explain why if you debug
// you might seem some TypeError or ReferenceError items appear.
var result:* = bytes.readObject();
return result;
} // end class
} // end package
通过使用泛型,可以创建参数化的类型,这意味着在类、接口或方法中可以使用类型参数来指定具体的类型。这有助于避免重复代码,并提供了更好的性能。 在给定的代码片段中,主要展示了如何定义一个泛型类以及如何在类...
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