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Migrations can manage the evolution of a schema used by several physical databases. It‘s a solution to the common problem of adding a field to make a new feature work in your local database, but being unsure of how to push that change to other developers and to the production server. With migrations, you can describe the transformations in self-contained classes that can be checked into version control systems and executed against another database that might be one, two, or five versions behind.
Example of a simple migration:
class AddSsl < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up add_column :accounts, :ssl_enabled, :boolean, :default => 1 end def self.down remove_column :accounts, :ssl_enabled end end
This migration will add a boolean flag to the accounts table and remove it if you‘re backing out of the migration. It shows how all migrations have two class methods up and down that describes the transformations required to implement or remove the migration. These methods can consist of both the migration specific methods like add_column and remove_column, but may also contain regular Ruby code for generating data needed for the transformations.
Example of a more complex migration that also needs to initialize data:
class AddSystemSettings < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table :system_settings do |t| t.string :name t.string :label t.text :value t.string :type t.integer :position end SystemSetting.create :name => "notice", :label => "Use notice?", :value => 1 end def self.down drop_table :system_settings end end
This migration first adds the system_settings table, then creates the very first row in it using the Active Record model that relies on the table. It also uses the more advanced create_table syntax where you can specify a complete table schema in one block call.
Available transformations
- create_table(name, options) Creates a table called name and makes the table object available to a block that can then add columns to it, following the same format as add_column. See example above. The options hash is for fragments like "DEFAULT CHARSET=UTF-8" that are appended to the create table definition.
- drop_table(name) : Drops the table called name .
- rename_table(old_name, new_name) : Renames the table called old_name to new_name .
- add_column(table_name, column_name, type, options) : Adds a new column to the table called table_name named column_name specified to be one of the following types: :string , :text , :integer , :float , :decimal , :datetime , :timestamp , :time , :date , :binary , :boolean . A default value can be specified by passing an options hash like { :default => 11 } . Other options include :limit and :null (e.g. { :limit => 50, :null => false } ) — see ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::TableDefinition#column for details.
- rename_column(table_name, column_name, new_column_name) : Renames a column but keeps the type and content.
- change_column(table_name, column_name, type, options) : Changes the column to a different type using the same parameters as add_column.
- remove_column(table_name, column_name) : Removes the column named column_name from the table called table_name .
- add_index(table_name, column_names, options) : Adds a new index with the name of the column. Other options include :name and :unique (e.g. { :name => "users_name_index", :unique => true } ).
- remove_index(table_name, index_name) : Removes the index specified by index_name .
Irreversible transformations
Some transformations are destructive in a manner that cannot be reversed. Migrations of that kind should raise an ActiveRecord::IrreversibleMigration exception in their down method.
Running migrations from within Rails
The Rails package has several tools to help create and apply migrations.
To generate a new migration, you can use
script/generate migration MyNewMigration
where MyNewMigration is the name of your migration. The generator will create an empty migration file nnn_my_new_migration.rb in the db/migrate/ directory where nnn is the next largest migration number.
You may then edit the self.up and self.down methods of MyNewMigration.
There is a special syntactic shortcut to generate migrations that add fields to a table.
script/generate migration add_fieldname_to_tablename fieldname:string
This will generate the file nnn_add_fieldname_to_tablename , which will look like this:
class AddFieldnameToTablename < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up add_column :tablenames, :fieldname, :string end def self.down remove_column :tablenames, :fieldname end end
To run migrations against the currently configured database, use rake db:migrate . This will update the database by running all of the pending migrations, creating the schema_migrations table (see "About the schema_migrations table" section below) if missing.
To roll the database back to a previous migration version, use rake db:migrate VERSION=X where X is the version to which you wish to downgrade. If any of the migrations throw an ActiveRecord::IrreversibleMigration exception, that step will fail and you‘ll have some manual work to do.
Database support
Migrations are currently supported in MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, SQL Server, Sybase, and Oracle (all supported databases except DB2).
More examples
Not all migrations change the schema. Some just fix the data:
class RemoveEmptyTags < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up Tag.find(:all).each { |tag| tag.destroy if tag.pages.empty? } end def self.down # not much we can do to restore deleted data raise ActiveRecord::IrreversibleMigration, "Can't recover the deleted tags" end end
Others remove columns when they migrate up instead of down:
class RemoveUnnecessaryItemAttributes < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up remove_column :items, :incomplete_items_count remove_column :items, :completed_items_count end def self.down add_column :items, :incomplete_items_count add_column :items, :completed_items_count end end
And sometimes you need to do something in SQL not abstracted directly by migrations:
class MakeJoinUnique < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up execute "ALTER TABLE `pages_linked_pages` ADD UNIQUE `page_id_linked_page_id` (`page_id`,`linked_page_id`)" end def self.down execute "ALTER TABLE `pages_linked_pages` DROP INDEX `page_id_linked_page_id`" end end
Using a model after changing its table
Sometimes you‘ll want to add a column in a migration and populate it immediately after. In that case, you‘ll need to make a call to Base#reset_column_information in order to ensure that the model has the latest column data from after the new column was added. Example:
class AddPeopleSalary < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up add_column :people, :salary, :integer Person.reset_column_information Person.find(:all).each do |p| p.update_attribute :salary, SalaryCalculator.compute(p) end end end
Controlling verbosity
By default, migrations will describe the actions they are taking, writing them to the console as they happen, along with benchmarks describing how long each step took.
You can quiet them down by setting ActiveRecord::Migration.verbose = false.
You can also insert your own messages and benchmarks by using the say_with_time method:
def self.up ... say_with_time "Updating salaries..." do Person.find(:all).each do |p| p.update_attribute :salary, SalaryCalculator.compute(p) end end ... end
The phrase "Updating salaries…" would then be printed, along with the benchmark for the block when the block completes.
About the schema_migrations table
Rails versions 2.0 and prior used to create a table called schema_info when using migrations. This table contained the version of the schema as of the last applied migration.
Starting with Rails 2.1, the schema_info table is (automatically) replaced by the schema_migrations table, which contains the version numbers of all the migrations applied.
As a result, it is now possible to add migration files that are numbered lower than the current schema version: when migrating up, those never-applied "interleaved" migrations will be automatically applied, and when migrating down, never-applied "interleaved" migrations will be skipped.
Timestamped Migrations
By default, Rails generates migrations that look like:
The prefix is a generation timestamp (in UTC).
If you‘d prefer to use numeric prefixes, you can turn timestamped migrations off by setting:
config.active_record.timestamped_migrations = false
In environment.rb.
[ hide source ]
# File vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/migration.rb, line 313 313: def announce (message ) 314: text = "#{@version} #{name}: #{message}" 315: length = [0 , 75 - text .length ].max 316: write "== %s %s" % [text , "=" * length ] 317: end
[ hide source ]
# File vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/migration.rb, line 339 339: def method_missing (method , * arguments , & block ) 340: arg_list = arguments .map (& :inspect ) * ', ' 341: 342: say_with_time "#{method}(#{arg_list})" do 343: unless arguments .empty? || method == :execute 344: arguments [0 ] = Migrator .proper_table_name (arguments .first ) 345: end 346: ActiveRecord :: Base .connection .send (method , * arguments , & block ) 347: end 348: end
Execute this migration in the named direction
[ hide source ]
# File vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/migration.rb, line 271 271: def migrate (direction ) 272: return unless respond_to? (direction ) 273: 274: case direction 275: when :up then announce "migrating" 276: when :down then announce "reverting" 277: end 278: 279: result = nil 280: time = Benchmark .measure { result = send ("#{direction}_without_benchmarks" ) } 281: 282: case direction 283: when :up then announce "migrated (%.4fs)" % time .real ; write 284: when :down then announce "reverted (%.4fs)" % time .real ; write 285: end 286: 287: result 288: end
[ hide source ]
# File vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/migration.rb, line 319 319: def say (message , subitem =false ) 320: write "#{subitem ? " ->" : "--"} #{message}" 321: end
[ hide source ]
# File vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/migration.rb, line 323 323: def say_with_time (message ) 324: say (message ) 325: result = nil 326: time = Benchmark .measure { result = yield } 327: say "%.4fs" % time .real , :subitem 328: say ("#{result} rows" , :subitem ) if result .is_a? (Integer ) 329: result 330: end
[ hide source ]
# File vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/migration.rb, line 332 332: def suppress_messages 333: save , self .verbose = verbose , false 334: yield 335: ensure 336: self .verbose = save 337: end
[ hide source ]
# File vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/migration.rb, line 309 309: def write (text ="" ) 310: puts (text ) if verbose 311: end
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