This episode will show you how to make a model which isn't based on Active Record. You may want to do this if a resource isn't backed by the database.
# models/letter.rb
class Letter
attr_reader :char
def self.all
('A'..'Z').map { |c| new(c) }
def self.find(param)
all.detect { |l| l.to_param == param } || raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound)
def initialize(char)
@char = char
def to_param
def products
Product.find(:all, :conditions => ["name LIKE ?", @char + '%'], :order => "name")
# letters_controller.rb
def index
@letters = Letter.all
def show
@letter = Letter.find(params[:id])
<!-- letters/index.html.erb -->
<% title "Select a Letter" %>
<% for letter in @letters %>
<%= link_to letter.char, letter %>
<% end %>
<!-- letters/show.html.erb -->
<% title "Products for Letter #{@letter.char}" %>
<p><%= link_to "Select a Letter", letters_path %></p>
<%= render :partial => @letter.products %>
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These properties make them particularly suitable for modeling financial data, which often exhibit extreme values and non-normal distributions. By incorporating α-stable innovations into the GARCH ...
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来自开发者:“Active Ports 是一个在Windows NT/2000/XP 下易于操作的工具,它能够让你监控本机上所有打开的TCP/IP以及UDP端口,Active Ports 可以让你了解哪个程序在哪个端口应用。”
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Active@ Partition Recovery for Windows - will help you if non-system partition is lost, i.e. you can boot Windows, install and run the software from under Windows to recover deleted or damaged ...
# Needed only on Android 9 (P) and 10 (Q) on non-Pixel phones. adb shell setprop persist.traced.enable 1 On Linux and Mac: curl -O ...
# Train non-contextualized model python bin/ --output_path models/bert-non-contextualized-hate-speech-es/ --epochs 10 python bin/ --output_path ...
"Non-Foster Reactance Matching"是一种特殊的阻抗匹配技术,旨在解决传统Foster网络无法应对的高速、宽频或负阻抗情况。本主题主要围绕这一先进匹配技术展开,结合学位论文的研究深度,我们将深入探讨Non-Foster...
the image, an improved active contour model based on level set method is proposed. Defining a novel SPF function with a nonnegative kernel function and local intensity clustering property
ActiveRecordFlorder Trello的订购算法极大地启发了富客户端应用程序的浮点ActiveRecord...gem 'active_record_florder' , '~> 0.1.0' 或只是通过Ruby Gems安装 gem install active_record_florder 阿皮 这个gem为Act