Changes in 1.6.0_11
The full internal version number for this update release is
1.6.0_11-b03 (where "b" means "build").The external version number is
完整的更新发布内部版本号是 1.6.0_11-b03(b代表build),外部的版本号是 6u11.
OlsonData 2008i
This release contains Olson time zone data version 2008i.For more information, refer to
Timezone Data Versions in the JRE Software.
这个版本包含了Olson 的 2008i 版本的时区数据。
Security Baseline
This update release specifies the following security baselines for use with the original Java Plug-in technology:
JRE Family Version | Security Baseline |
5.0 | 1.5.0_17 |
1.4.2 | 1.4.2_19 |
For more information about the security baseline, see
Deploying Java Applets With Family JRE Versions in Java Plug-in for Internet Explorer.
Updated UTF-8 Charset Implementation
Due to security concerns, the UTF-8 charset implementation in the
JRE has been updated to handle the non-shortest form of UTF-8 byte
sequences, and this introduces an incompatibility from previous
releases. For example, the byte sequence of 0xc0 0xaf for U+002f, which
has the shortest form of 0x2f, is a malformed input to the decoding
operation. More details regarding the Non-shortest form of UTF-8 can be
found at:
处于安全考虑,这个JRE里面的UTF-8字符集的实现被更新成能处理 non-shortest 格式的
UTF-8字节序列,这个将引起与以前版本的不兼容。例如,对于 U+002f 字节序列 0xc0 0xaf ,有一个最短格式 0x2f,
OpenSolaris is Now Supported
支持 OpenSolaris 了
Note that fonts for Asian locales currently are not supported. Refer to
6767175for details.
Windows Runtime Environment Installation (Patch-in-place vs. Static)
As of JDK 6u10, patch-in-place installation is the
default, and the JRE installs itself in a directory called
jre6.Previously, it would have installed itself in a directory called
jre1.6.0_10. That is, by default, the jre6 directory is patched with
the updated version.
在 JDK 6u10 里面,补丁模式安装是默认的。 JRE自己安装到一个 jre6的目录下面,以前它会安装到一个叫 jre1.6.0_10的自己的目录下面。 也就是说,jre6目录在更新里会给目录做补丁(译者注:更新原有目录,而不是重新安装一个新目录)
You can chose to statically install a JRE (for example, either 6u10 or 6u11)by means of the installer interface.
For details, refer to
Java Runtime Environment Windows Installation for JavaSE 6u10
你可以选择静态安装 JRE.
Root Certificates Included
Root Certificates are included in this release.The following root certificates have been added:
- Camerfirma root certificates
- T-systems root CA certificate (Deutsche Telekom Root CA 2)
Bug Fixes
This release contains fixes for one or more security vulnerabilities.For more information, please see Sun Alerts
Other bug fixes are listed in the following tables.
BugId | Category | Subcategory | Description |
6732194 | hotspot | compiler2 | Data corruption dependent on -server/-client/-Xbatch |
4486841 | java | char_encodings | UTF-8 decoder should adhere to corrigendum to Unicode 3.0.1 |
6359722 | java | classes_2d | Uncatchable recursive NullPointerException at |
6757527 | java | classes_2d | D3D: serious rendering issues on Nvidia boards with driver version 178.13 on Vista |
6743433 | java | classes_awt | IM candidate window is not shown until window is deactivated and reactivated again |
6754779 | java | classes_security | Add Camerfirma root certificates to the JDK |
6768559 | java | classes_security | Add t-systems root CA certificate (Deutsche Telekom Root CA 2) to the JRE |
6684401 | java | classes_swing | JTree isExpanded should not call itself recursively |
6684952 | java | classes_swing | Exception occurred on JFileChooser in Applet |
6764308 | java | classes_util_i18n | (tz) Support tzdata2008i |
6487638 | java | classes_util_logging | Calling LogManager.addLogger() and Logger.getLogger() cause deadlock |
6751643 | java | debugger | ThreadReference.ownedMonitors() can return null |
6757796 | java | install | Silent installs of the JRE don't accept license agreement and shouldn't download JavaFX Ext Jars |
6729677 | java_plugin | compatibility | popcap- applet games fail to load |
6738770 | java_plugin | plugin2 | REGRESSION:JSException throws when use LiveConnect javascript facility to navigate HTML elements |
6760921 | java_plugin | plugin2 | Browser hang while reloading LiveConnect conformance tests on Unix platforms |
6761053 | java_plugin | plugin2 | Desktop shortcuts for dragged applets from HTTPS servers do not relaunch and can not be customized |
6768136 | java_plugin | plugin2 | Malformed 404s cause breakage of Java/JavaScript bridge and browser hangs |
Java VisualVM Specific Bug Fixes
Issue Number | Description |
37 | Threads and heap window icons intersects with close button |
53 | No action on Proxy Configuration button |
91 | There is no close button on last threaddump tab |
143 | NPE when opening coredump |
145 | No exception logged in log file when new connection fails |
151 | Validation failed, plugins are not trusted |
164 | Wrong value of "Total loaded classes" |
166 | Impossible to use TrayIcon with VisualVM |
171 | Can't see Profiler tab with OpenJDK |
172 | Add support for HotSpot Express 13.0 and 14.0 |
174 | Path to is incorrect |
175 | Profiler class sharing warning displayed incorrectly |
176 | Application sometimes reported as <Unknown Application> |
177 | Confusing hint in empty JConsole Plugins Wrapper |
178 | Applications tree unusable with GlassFish plugin installed |
183 | Invalid content was found starting with element 'class-path-extension' |
Java SE Development Kit 8u202 是Oracle公司发布的一个重要的Java开发工具包,主要用于Java Standard Edition(Java SE)的应用程序开发和运行。这个版本的JDK是Java 8的一个更新,版本号u202表示它是一个更新版本...
这个版本在2012年发布,主要是为了解决Java 6中的安全问题和其他性能改进。JRE是运行Java应用程序所必需的组件,它包含了Java虚拟机(JVM)、类库以及Java应用程序运行所需的各种工具和服务。 标题"Java 6 update45...
运行JAVA程序不可缺少的环境。一旦拥有Java软件,您即会进入一个全新的互动世界。 Java语言是稳居网络应用程序语言的首选之一。这都要归功于它高度的安全性以及跨平台的特性,几乎在目前所有的电脑平台上您都可以...
Java SE 6(也被称为Java 6)在2006年发布,带来了许多增强和新特性,这些对开发者和用户都至关重要。以下是一些关键知识点: 1. **改进的性能**:Java SE 6通过优化垃圾回收机制、JIT编译器和内存管理提高了整体...
jre6 java 6update15
Java SE 6u45(Java Standard Edition 6 Update 45)是Java SE 6的一个更新版本,它基于JDK 1.6.0_45构建。该版本是在Java SE 6生命周期中的一个后期更新,主要包含了性能改进、安全增强以及对一些已知问题的修复。...
Java SE 11是其中的一个重要版本,它包含了Java运行时环境(JRE)和Java开发工具集(JDK)。本安装包是Oracle公司为Linux操作系统提供的Java SE 11版本,确保了开发者在Linux环境下能够进行Java程序的开发和运行。 ...
Java(TM) 6 Update 21 是Oracle公司发布的一个针对Java开发环境的重要更新,它主要针对Java SE(标准版)6进行了一系列的性能优化、安全修复以及稳定性改进。这个更新对于初学者和开发者来说,是学习和使用Java编程...
Java SE Development Kit 8u181,简称为JDK 8u181,是Oracle公司发布的Java开发工具包的一个重要版本,主要用于Java平台,标准版(JavaSE)的开发和部署工作。这个版本针对64位Windows操作系统设计,通过文件"jdk-8u...
Java 2平台标准版(J2SE)软件是当今开发和发布急需的企业级应用的首选方案。1.4版在Java的跨平台性和高安全性的基础上,增加了很多新的特性和功能,提供了更高的性能、可规划性、稳定性和服务能力。Version 1.4 发展...
**Java SE Development Kit 8u144 (JDK 1.8.0_144)** **一、Java JDK概述** Java Standard Edition (SE) Development Kit 是Oracle公司提供的用于开发和部署Java应用程序的基础工具集。JDK是Java开发环境的核心...
Java SE 8 Update 112(JDK 8u112)最新版官方下载 Java SE Development Kit 8 Downloads Thank you for downloading this release of the Java™ Platform, Standard Edition Development Kit (JDK™). The JDK is...
Java8(JRE) Update是一款网络应用程序语言,是运行java程序不可缺少的环境,也是款革命性开发平台,很多通过java编写的软件都需要依赖jre才能正常运行。Java8平台集合生产力、易用性、多语种编程、更高安全性和稳定...
Java(TM) Platform SE Binary 7.70U I586是Oracle公司(原SUN公司)发布的Java标准版(Java Standard Edition)的特定版本,主要用于个人计算机系统。这个版本的Java平台集成了JRE(Java Runtime Environment)和...
Java SE 6 Update 21 修正了一些bug ◆Java SE 6u21的更新在先前的版本中有的20个安全漏洞修补程序。 Java SE 6u21本次更新增加了对系统配置的支持: ◆Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.5 ◆Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.4 ...
Java 安装和自动更新过程中发送 telemetry 的目的是发现任何发生的技术问题或异常,从而使我们可以了解和纠正它们。这与汽车修理师深入发动机诊断端口来识别性能问题(而非识别汽车的所有者!)的做法相似。我们识别...
在Java 8 Update 151及更高版本中,Oracle已经将Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy文件默认包含在Java Development Kit (JDK) 中。这意味着开发者不再需要手动下载并替换这些政策文件来启用不受限的加密强度。...
Eagerly anticipated by millions of programmers, Java SE 8 is the most important Java update in many years. Now, internationally renowned Java expert Cay S. Horstmann ('Core Java') concisely introduces...
2023年01月17日 Java SE Development Kit 8, Update 361 (JDK 8u361) Java 8 是广泛使用的稳定版,JDK8将在2030年12月前提供支持! JAVA环境变量配置:(祥见资源说明) 此电脑->右键->属性->高级系统设置->环境变量...
Java 7 Update 15.pkgJava 7 Update 15.pkgJava 7 Update 15.pkg