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亲,其实你这里介绍的方法有一个最大的问题:如果放入队列之后,但 ...
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不错 很好用~3Q
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当然可以了,tomcat中源码你可以看看,只要“欺骗”过去to ...
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问一下,可以在 tomcat 建立tcp 长连接吗?
package Power.Thread.jincan2; import java.applet.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.*; /** * A simple graphical applet to demonstrate a multi-thread solution * to the N dining philosophers problem. */ public class DiningApplet extends Applet implements Observer, ActionListener, ItemListener { // GUI member variables DiningCanvas picture; TextArea logarea; Label legend; Label caption; Label status; Checkbox fastBox; TextField counterField; Button startButton; Polygon chopstickPics[]; Point philPics[]; double rad, philrad, stickrad; int runningthreads; boolean eatfast; // Constants - change these to adjust the simulation public static final int BASIC_DELAY = 2000; public static final int BASIC_APPETITE = 4; public static final int DEFAULT_PHILOSOPHERS = 5; // functional members, don't mess with these int count; Philosopher diners[]; Utensil chopsticks[]; public void init() { count = DEFAULT_PHILOSOPHERS; diners = null; chopsticks = null; // GUI stuff setLayout(new GridLayout(2,1)); picture = new DiningCanvas(); add(picture); Panel bottompanel = new Panel(); bottompanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); logarea = new TextArea(); bottompanel.add("Center", logarea); Panel controlpanel = new Panel(); legend = new Label("Legend: Blue=thinking, Yellow=hungry, Green=eating, Gray=done", Label.CENTER); legend.setBackground(Color.pink); caption = new Label("Philosophers:", Label.RIGHT); counterField = new TextField("" + count, 3); startButton = new Button("START"); fastBox = new Checkbox("Slow ", false); status = new Label(" Initializing", Label.RIGHT); startButton.addActionListener(this); fastBox.addItemListener(this); controlpanel.add(caption); controlpanel.add(counterField); controlpanel.add(startButton); controlpanel.add(fastBox); controlpanel.add(status); bottompanel.add("North",legend); bottompanel.add("South", controlpanel); add(bottompanel); runningthreads = 0; } public void start() { status.setText("Click on START to start"); } public void beginSimulation() { int i; if (runningthreads > 0) { logarea.append("Aborting simulation before completion.\n"); for(i = 0; i < diners.length; i++) { diners[i].stop(); } runningthreads = 0; } picture.clear(); String cntString = counterField.getText(); try { count = Integer.parseInt(cntString); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { count = DEFAULT_PHILOSOPHERS; counterField.setText("" + count); } logarea.append("\nBeginning simulation with " + count + " philosophers\n"); synchronized (picture) { diners = new Philosopher[count]; chopsticks = new Utensil[count]; } Dimension psize = picture.getSize(); Point center = new Point(psize.width / 2, psize.height / 2); rad = ((psize.width < psize.height)? ((psize.width * 4)/5):((psize.height * 4) / 5)) / 2.0; philrad = (rad/count) * 2.1; stickrad = rad - philrad; philPics = new Point[count]; int csx[] = new int[4]; int csy[] = new int[4]; chopstickPics = new Polygon[count]; double phi; double div = (2 * Math.PI)/(count * 2); double swdiv = Math.PI / 90; int c; for(c = 0, phi = 0.0; c < count; c++, phi += div) { philPics[c] = new Point((int)(rad * Math.sin(phi)) + center.x, (int)(rad * Math.cos(phi)) + center.y); phi += div; csx[0] = (int)(rad * Math.sin(phi)) + center.x; csy[0] = (int)(rad * Math.cos(phi)) + center.y; csx[1] = (int)(stickrad * Math.sin(phi)) + center.x; csy[1] = (int)(stickrad * Math.cos(phi)) + center.y; csx[2] = (int)(stickrad * Math.sin(phi + swdiv)) + center.x; csy[2] = (int)(stickrad * Math.cos(phi + swdiv)) + center.y; csx[3] = (int)(rad * Math.sin(phi + swdiv)) + center.x; csy[3] = (int)(rad * Math.cos(phi + swdiv)) + center.y; chopstickPics[(c + 1) % count] = new Polygon(csx,csy,4); } for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { chopsticks[i] = new Utensil("Chopstick " + i, chopstickPics[i]); chopsticks[i].addObserver(picture); } for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { diners[i] = new Philosopher("Diner " + i, chopsticks[i], chopsticks[(i + 1) % count], philPics[i]); diners[i].setEatFast(eatfast); diners[i].addObserver(this); diners[i].addObserver(picture); } for(runningthreads = 0; runningthreads < count; runningthreads++) { diners[runningthreads].start(); } picture.repaint(); status.setText("Simulated philosophers: " + count); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { beginSimulation(); } public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent evt) { eatfast = (!(fastBox.getState())); if (diners != null) synchronized (this) { for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) { diners[i].setEatFast(eatfast); } } return; } public void stop() { if (runningthreads > 0) { for(int i = 0; i < diners.length; i++) { diners[i].stop(); } runningthreads = 0; } return; } public void update(Observable obj, Object r) { if (r instanceof String) synchronized(this) { logarea.append("\n"); logarea.append(r.toString()); if (obj instanceof Philosopher) { Philosopher p = (Philosopher)obj; if (p.status == Philosopher.STATUS_DONE) { runningthreads--; } if (runningthreads <= 0) { status.setText("Simulation done."); } } } return; } class DiningCanvas extends Canvas implements Observer { Color bg; Color statColors[]; Color stickColor; Color textColor; public DiningCanvas() { bg = Color.pink; setBackground(bg); stickColor = new Color(0x33, 0x66, 0x33); textColor = Color.black; statColors = new Color[8]; statColors[Philosopher.STATUS_DONE] = Color.darkGray; statColors[Philosopher.STATUS_THINKING] = Color.blue; statColors[Philosopher.STATUS_GRABBING] = Color.yellow; statColors[Philosopher.STATUS_EATING] = Color.green; } public void clear() { Graphics g = getGraphics(); g.setColor(bg); Dimension d = getSize(); g.fillRect(0, 0, d.width, d.height); } public void paintItem(Object o, Graphics g) { if (o instanceof Utensil) { Utensil u = (Utensil)o; g.setColor((u.isAvailable())?(stickColor):(bg)); g.fillPolygon((Polygon)(u.observerRef)); } else if (o instanceof Philosopher) { Philosopher p = (Philosopher)o; g.setColor(statColors[p.status]); Point pp = (Point)(p.observerRef); int pr = (int)philrad; g.fillOval(pp.x - ((int)(pr/2)), pp.y - ((int)(pr/2)), pr, pr); g.setColor(textColor); g.drawOval(pp.x - ((int)(pr/2)), pp.y - ((int)(pr/2)), pr, pr); // paintItem(p.sticks[0], g); // paintItem(p.sticks[1], g); } return; } public void paint(Graphics g) { int i; Utensil u; Philosopher p; if (diners != null && diners.length > 1) synchronized (this) { for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { u = chopsticks[i]; paintItem(u,g); } for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { p = diners[i]; paintItem(p,g); } } return; } public void update(Observable obj, Object r) { if (!(r instanceof String)) paintItem(obj, getGraphics()); } } }
package Power.Thread.jincan2; import java.util.*; public class Utensil extends Observable { String name; private boolean inuse; public Object observerRef; public Utensil(String n, Object r) { name = n; inuse = false; observerRef = r; } public synchronized boolean isAvailable() { return !inuse; } public synchronized void pick_up() { System.out.println("qu na@@@@@@@"+Thread.currentThread()); inuse = true; setChanged(); notifyObservers(observerRef); } public synchronized void put_down() { inuse = false; // when chopstick is dropped, do a notify System.out.println("qu fang#####"+Thread.currentThread()); notify(); setChanged(); notifyObservers(observerRef); } }
package Power.Thread.jincan2; import java.util.*; public class Philosopher extends Observable implements Runnable { public static final int STATUS_DONE = 0; public static final int STATUS_THINKING = 1; public static final int STATUS_GRABBING = 2; public static final int STATUS_EATING = 3; String name; int status; Utensil sticks[]; Object observerRef; int appetite; int eaten; Thread myThread; boolean abort = false; boolean eatfast = false; public Philosopher(String n, Utensil r, Utensil l, Object ref) { name = n; sticks = new Utensil[2]; sticks[0] = l; sticks[1] = r; eaten = 0; appetite = rand(DiningApplet.BASIC_APPETITE - 2, DiningApplet.BASIC_APPETITE + 2); observerRef = ref; myThread = new Thread(this, n); status = STATUS_THINKING; } int rand(int min, int max) { return (min + (int)(Math.random() * (max - min))); } void sleepFor(int ms) { try { Thread.sleep(ms * (eatfast?1:6)); } catch (InterruptedException e) { abort = true; } } public void setEatFast(boolean e) { eatfast = e; } public synchronized void start() { myThread.start(); } public synchronized void stop() { abort = true; myThread.interrupt(); } public void run() { message("arrived at table with appetite of " + appetite+ " "+Thread.currentThread()); int s1, s2; while(eaten < appetite && !abort) { // think for a while.. status = STATUS_THINKING; setChanged(); notifyObservers(observerRef); message("thinking..."); // sleepFor(rand(0,4) * DiningApplet.BASIC_DELAY); message("trying to eat..."); // okay, philosopher has decided to have a bite status = STATUS_GRABBING; boolean gotboth = false; setChanged(); notifyObservers(observerRef); while(!gotboth && !abort) { // decide on a stick to acquire first, at random s1 = rand(0,2); s2 = ((s1 == 0)?(1):(0)); // Attempt to acquire first stick. synchronized (sticks[s1]) { while(!(sticks[s1].isAvailable())) { try { sticks[s1].wait(); } catch (Exception e) { if (abort) return; } // okay, if we get here then we own // stick 1 } // okay, first stick acquired sticks[s1].pick_up(); } // Attempt to acquire second stick, but give up // immediately if we can't get it. synchronized (sticks[s2]) { if (sticks[s2].isAvailable()) { sticks[s2].pick_up(); gotboth = true; } } // If we didn't manage to get second stick, // then put first one down. if (!gotboth) { sticks[s1].put_down(); } } if (abort) return; // If we get here, we've got both sticks, so we // can eat for a while. status = STATUS_EATING; message("Got both chopsticks, EATING!"); setChanged(); notifyObservers(observerRef); // sleepFor(rand(2,5) * DiningApplet.BASIC_DELAY); // eaten += 1; if (abort) return; // Okay, we're done eating for now, put both // sticks down. message("done eating for the moment..."); sticks[0].put_down(); sticks[1].put_down(); if (abort) return; } status = STATUS_DONE; setChanged(); notifyObservers(observerRef); message("all full, leaving the table."); } public void message(String s) { setChanged(); notifyObservers(myThread.getName() + ": " + s); } }
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### Java多线程学习资料知识点解析 #### 一、引言 Java作为一种广泛使用的编程语言,在并发编程领域具有独特的优势。多线程是Java中实现并发处理的核心技术之一,能够显著提升程序的性能和响应性。本文将深入探讨...
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