/* * Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 Brett Wooldridge * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.zaxxer.hikari; import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry; import com.codahale.metrics.health.HealthCheckRegistry; import com.zaxxer.hikari.metrics.MetricsTrackerFactory; import com.zaxxer.hikari.util.PropertyElf; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.naming.InitialContext; import javax.naming.NamingException; import javax.sql.DataSource; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory; import static com.zaxxer.hikari.util.UtilityElf.getNullIfEmpty; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MINUTES; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS; public class HikariConfig implements HikariConfigMXBean { // logger private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HikariConfig.class); // 连接超时 private static final long CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = SECONDS.toMillis(30); // 验证超时 private static final long VALIDATION_TIMEOUT = SECONDS.toMillis(5); // 闲置超时 private static final long IDLE_TIMEOUT = MINUTES.toMillis(10); // 最大生命周期 private static final long MAX_LIFETIME = MINUTES.toMillis(30); // 默认最大缓冲池的大小 private static final int DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE = 10; // 单元测试 private static boolean unitTest; // Properties changeable at runtime through the MBean // 在运行时通过管理构建可以改变的属性 // 连接超时 private volatile long connectionTimeout; // 生效超时 private volatile long validationTimeout; // 闲置超时 private volatile long idleTimeout; // 内存泄漏侦测入口 private volatile long leakDetectionThreshold; // 最大的生命时间 private volatile long maxLifetime; // 最大的缓冲池大小 private volatile int maxPoolSize; // 最小闲置线程 private volatile int minIdle; // Properties NOT changeable at runtime // 在运行时不能改变的属性 // 目录 private String catalog; // 连接初始化SQL private String connectionInitSql; // 连接测试语句 private String connectionTestQuery; // 数据源类名 private String dataSourceClassName; // 数据源目录接口名 private String dataSourceJndiName; // 驱动类名 private String driverClassName; // jdbc地址 private String jdbcUrl; // 密码 private String password; // 缓冲池名称 private String poolName; // 事务隔离名称 private String transactionIsolationName; // 用户名称 private String username; // 是否自动提交 private boolean isAutoCommit; // 是否只读 private boolean isReadOnly; // 是否快速初始化失败 private boolean isInitializationFailFast; // 是否是隔离内部的语句 private boolean isIsolateInternalQueries; // 是否注册管理构建工具 private boolean isRegisterMbeans; // 是否允许缓冲池暂停 private boolean isAllowPoolSuspension; // 数据源 private DataSource dataSource; // 数据源属性 private Properties dataSourceProperties; // 线程工厂 private ThreadFactory threadFactory; // 计划线程池执行者 private ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor scheduledExecutor; // 指标追踪工厂 private MetricsTrackerFactory metricsTrackerFactory; // 指标注册处 private Object metricRegistry; // 健康监测注册处 private Object healthCheckRegistry; // 健康监测属性 private Properties healthCheckProperties; /** * 默认构造函数 * Default constructor */ public HikariConfig() { dataSourceProperties = new Properties(); healthCheckProperties = new Properties(); minIdle = -1; maxPoolSize = -1; maxLifetime = MAX_LIFETIME; connectionTimeout = CONNECTION_TIMEOUT; validationTimeout = VALIDATION_TIMEOUT; idleTimeout = IDLE_TIMEOUT; isAutoCommit = true; isInitializationFailFast = true; String systemProp = System.getProperty("hikaricp.configurationFile"); if (systemProp != null) { loadProperties(systemProp); } } /** * 使用构造函数创建一个HikariConfig, 传入properties对象 * Construct a HikariConfig from the specified properties object. * * @param properties the name of the property file */ public HikariConfig(Properties properties) { this(); PropertyElf.setTargetFromProperties(this, properties); } /** * 使用构造函数创建一个HikariConfig, 传入properties文件对象名称 * Construct a HikariConfig from the specified property file name. <code>propertyFileName</code> * will first be treated as a path in the file-system, and if that fails the * Class.getResourceAsStream(propertyFileName) will be tried. * * @param propertyFileName the name of the property file */ public HikariConfig(String propertyFileName) { this(); loadProperties(propertyFileName); } /** * 获取设置在连接上的默认目录 * Get the default catalog name to be set on connections. * * @return the default catalog name */ public String getCatalog() { return catalog; } /** * 获取设置在连接上的默认目录 * Set the default catalog name to be set on connections. * * @param catalog the catalog name, or null */ public void setCatalog(String catalog) { this.catalog = catalog; } /** * 获取要被执行的SQL语句用来测试连接的有效性 * Get the SQL query to be executed to test the validity of connections. * * @return the SQL query string, or null */ public String getConnectionTestQuery() { return connectionTestQuery; } /** * 设置要被执行的SQL语句用来测试连接的有效性 * Set the SQL query to be executed to test the validity of connections. Using * the JDBC4 <code>Connection.isValid()</code> method to test connection validity can * be more efficient on some databases and is recommended. See * {@link HikariConfig#setJdbc4ConnectionTest(boolean)}. * * @param connectionTestQuery a SQL query string */ public void setConnectionTestQuery(String connectionTestQuery) { this.connectionTestQuery = connectionTestQuery; } /** * 在连接被创建的时候并且在连接加入到缓冲池之前,获取即将要被执行的SQL字符串 * Get the SQL string that will be executed on all new connections when they are * created, before they are added to the pool. * * @return the SQL to execute on new connections, or null */ public String getConnectionInitSql() { return connectionInitSql; } /** * 在连接被创建的时候并且在连接加入到缓冲池之前,设置将要被执行的SQL字符串 * Set the SQL string that will be executed on all new connections when they are * created, before they are added to the pool. If this query fails, it will be * treated as a failed connection attempt. * * @param connectionInitSql the SQL to execute on new connections */ public void setConnectionInitSql(String connectionInitSql) { this.connectionInitSql = connectionInitSql; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public long getConnectionTimeout() { return connectionTimeout; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void setConnectionTimeout(long connectionTimeoutMs) { if (connectionTimeoutMs == 0) { this.connectionTimeout = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } else if (connectionTimeoutMs < 250) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("connectionTimeout cannot be less than 250ms"); } else { this.connectionTimeout = connectionTimeoutMs; } } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public long getValidationTimeout() { return validationTimeout; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void setValidationTimeout(long validationTimeoutMs) { if (validationTimeoutMs < 250) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("validationTimeout cannot be less than 250ms"); } this.validationTimeout = validationTimeoutMs; } /** * 获取被明确指定被缓冲池包裹的数据源 * Get the {@link DataSource} that has been explicitly specified to be wrapped by the * pool. * * @return the {@link DataSource} instance, or null */ public DataSource getDataSource() { return dataSource; } /** * 明确指定用缓冲池包裹数据源,已经通过属性文件初始化后,此setter方法不可以使用的 * Set a {@link DataSource} for the pool to explicitly wrap. This setter is not * available through property file based initialization. * * @param dataSource a specific {@link DataSource} to be wrapped by the pool */ public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) { this.dataSource = dataSource; } public String getDataSourceClassName() { return dataSourceClassName; } public void setDataSourceClassName(String className) { this.dataSourceClassName = className; } public void addDataSourceProperty(String propertyName, Object value) { dataSourceProperties.put(propertyName, value); } public String getDataSourceJNDI() { return this.dataSourceJndiName; } public void setDataSourceJNDI(String jndiDataSource) { this.dataSourceJndiName = jndiDataSource; } public Properties getDataSourceProperties() { return dataSourceProperties; } public void setDataSourceProperties(Properties dsProperties) { dataSourceProperties.putAll(dsProperties); } public String getDriverClassName() { return driverClassName; } public void setDriverClassName(String driverClassName) { try { Class<?> driverClass = this.getClass().getClassLoader().loadClass(driverClassName); driverClass.newInstance(); this.driverClassName = driverClassName; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to load class of driverClassName " + driverClassName, e); } } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public long getIdleTimeout() { return idleTimeout; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void setIdleTimeout(long idleTimeoutMs) { if (idleTimeoutMs < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("idleTimeout cannot be negative"); } this.idleTimeout = idleTimeoutMs; } public String getJdbcUrl() { return jdbcUrl; } public void setJdbcUrl(String jdbcUrl) { this.jdbcUrl = jdbcUrl; } /** * 获取缓冲池中连接默认自动提交行为的是否开启 * Get the default auto-commit behavior of connections in the pool. * * @return the default auto-commit behavior of connections */ public boolean isAutoCommit() { return isAutoCommit; } /** * 设置缓冲池中连接默认自动提交行为是否启用 * Set the default auto-commit behavior of connections in the pool. * * @param isAutoCommit the desired auto-commit default for connections */ public void setAutoCommit(boolean isAutoCommit) { this.isAutoCommit = isAutoCommit; } /** * 获取缓冲池允许暂停功能是否启用 * Get the pool suspension behavior (allowed or disallowed). * * @return the pool suspension behavior */ public boolean isAllowPoolSuspension() { return isAllowPoolSuspension; } /** * 设置缓冲池允许暂停功能是否启用 * Set whether or not pool suspension is allowed. There is a performance * impact when pool suspension is enabled. Unless you need it (for a * redundancy system for example) do not enable it. * * @param isAllowPoolSuspension the desired pool suspension allowance */ public void setAllowPoolSuspension(boolean isAllowPoolSuspension) { this.isAllowPoolSuspension = isAllowPoolSuspension; } /** * 获取缓冲池创建的时候如果最小的连接数不能被创建,是否会扔出异常 * Get whether or not the construction of the pool should throw an exception * if the minimum number of connections cannot be created. * * @return whether or not initialization should fail on error immediately */ public boolean isInitializationFailFast() { return isInitializationFailFast; } /** * 设置缓冲池创建的时候如果最小的连接数不能被创建,是否会扔出异常 * Set whether or not the construction of the pool should throw an exception * if the minimum number of connections cannot be created. * * @param failFast true if the pool should fail if the minimum connections cannot be created */ public void setInitializationFailFast(boolean failFast) { isInitializationFailFast = failFast; } public boolean isIsolateInternalQueries() { return isIsolateInternalQueries; } public void setIsolateInternalQueries(boolean isolate) { this.isIsolateInternalQueries = isolate; } @Deprecated public boolean isJdbc4ConnectionTest() { return false; } @Deprecated public void setJdbc4ConnectionTest(boolean useIsValid) { LOGGER.warn("The jdbcConnectionTest property is now deprecated, see the documentation for connectionTestQuery"); } public MetricsTrackerFactory getMetricsTrackerFactory() { return metricsTrackerFactory; } public void setMetricsTrackerFactory(MetricsTrackerFactory metricsTrackerFactory) { if (metricRegistry != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("cannot use setMetricsTrackerFactory() and setMetricRegistry() together"); } this.metricsTrackerFactory = metricsTrackerFactory; } /** * 获取指标注册器,可以为空 * Get the Codahale MetricRegistry, could be null. * * @return the codahale MetricRegistry instance */ public Object getMetricRegistry() { return metricRegistry; } /** * 设置用于HikariCP的指标注册器 * Set a Codahale MetricRegistry to use for HikariCP. * * @param metricRegistry the Codahale MetricRegistry to set */ public void setMetricRegistry(Object metricRegistry) { if (metricsTrackerFactory != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("cannot use setMetricRegistry() and setMetricsTrackerFactory() together"); } if (metricRegistry != null) { if (metricRegistry instanceof String) { try { InitialContext initCtx = new InitialContext(); metricRegistry = initCtx.lookup((String) metricRegistry); } catch (NamingException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } } if (!(metricRegistry instanceof MetricRegistry)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Class must be an instance of com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry"); } } this.metricRegistry = metricRegistry; } /** * 获取健康检车指标注册器,可以为空 * Get the Codahale HealthCheckRegistry, could be null. * * @return the Codahale HealthCheckRegistry instance */ public Object getHealthCheckRegistry() { return healthCheckRegistry; } /** * 设置健康检车指标注册器,可以为空 * Set a Codahale HealthCheckRegistry to use for HikariCP. * * @param healthCheckRegistry the Codahale HealthCheckRegistry to set */ public void setHealthCheckRegistry(Object healthCheckRegistry) { if (healthCheckRegistry != null) { if (healthCheckRegistry instanceof String) { try { InitialContext initCtx = new InitialContext(); healthCheckRegistry = initCtx.lookup((String) healthCheckRegistry); } catch (NamingException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } } if (!(healthCheckRegistry instanceof HealthCheckRegistry)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Class must be an instance of com.codahale.metrics.health.HealthCheckRegistry"); } } this.healthCheckRegistry = healthCheckRegistry; } public Properties getHealthCheckProperties() { return healthCheckProperties; } public void setHealthCheckProperties(Properties healthCheckProperties) { this.healthCheckProperties.putAll(healthCheckProperties); } public void addHealthCheckProperty(String key, String value) { healthCheckProperties.setProperty(key, value); } public boolean isReadOnly() { return isReadOnly; } public void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly) { this.isReadOnly = readOnly; } public boolean isRegisterMbeans() { return isRegisterMbeans; } public void setRegisterMbeans(boolean register) { this.isRegisterMbeans = register; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public long getLeakDetectionThreshold() { return leakDetectionThreshold; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void setLeakDetectionThreshold(long leakDetectionThresholdMs) { this.leakDetectionThreshold = leakDetectionThresholdMs; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public long getMaxLifetime() { return maxLifetime; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void setMaxLifetime(long maxLifetimeMs) { this.maxLifetime = maxLifetimeMs; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public int getMaximumPoolSize() { return maxPoolSize; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void setMaximumPoolSize(int maxPoolSize) { if (maxPoolSize < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxPoolSize cannot be less than 1"); } this.maxPoolSize = maxPoolSize; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public int getMinimumIdle() { return minIdle; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void setMinimumIdle(int minIdle) { if (minIdle < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("minimumIdle cannot be negative"); } this.minIdle = minIdle; } /** * 获取默认密码用于DataSource.getConnection(username, password)调用 * Get the default password to use for DataSource.getConnection(username, password) calls. * @return the password */ public String getPassword() { return password; } /** * 设置默认密码用于DataSource.getConnection(username, password)调用 * Set the default password to use for DataSource.getConnection(username, password) calls. * @param password the password */ @Override public void setPassword(String password) { this.password = password; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String getPoolName() { return poolName; } /** * 设置缓冲池的名称。主要用于管理构建区分缓冲池的配置 * Set the name of the connection pool. This is primarily used for the MBean * to uniquely identify the pool configuration. * * @param poolName the name of the connection pool to use */ public void setPoolName(String poolName) { this.poolName = poolName; } /** * 获取为了方便管理计划执行者服务 * Get the ScheduledExecutorService used for housekeeping. * * @return the executor */ public ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor getScheduledExecutorService() { return scheduledExecutor; } /** * 设置为了方便管理计划执行者服务 * Set the ScheduledExecutorService used for housekeeping. * * @param executor the ScheduledExecutorService */ public void setScheduledExecutorService(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor executor) { this.scheduledExecutor = executor; } public String getTransactionIsolation() { return transactionIsolationName; } /** * 设置默认的事务隔离等级。指定的值是常量名称在<code>Connection</code>类中,例如<code>TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ</code> * Set the default transaction isolation level. The specified value is the * constant name from the <code>Connection</code> class, eg. * <code>TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ</code>. * * @param isolationLevel the name of the isolation level */ public void setTransactionIsolation(String isolationLevel) { this.transactionIsolationName = isolationLevel; } /** * 获取默认用户名称用于DataSource.getConnection(username, password)调用 * Get the default username used for DataSource.getConnection(username, password) calls. * * @return the username */ public String getUsername() { return username; } /** * 设置默认用户名称用于DataSource.getConnection(username, password)调用 * Set the default username used for DataSource.getConnection(username, password) calls. * * @param username the username */ @Override public void setUsername(String username) { this.username = username; } /** * 获取线程工程用来创建线程 * Get the thread factory used to create threads. * * @return the thread factory (may be null, in which case the default thread factory is used) */ public ThreadFactory getThreadFactory() { return threadFactory; } /** * 设置线程工程用来创建线程 * Set the thread factory to be used to create threads. * * @param threadFactory the thread factory (setting to null causes the default thread factory to be used) */ public void setThreadFactory(ThreadFactory threadFactory) { this.threadFactory = threadFactory; } public void validate() { if (poolName == null) { poolName = "HikariPool-" + generatePoolNumber(); } else if (isRegisterMbeans && poolName.contains(":")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("poolName cannot contain ':' when used with JMX"); } // treat empty property as null // 针对空属性作为空 catalog = getNullIfEmpty(catalog); connectionInitSql = getNullIfEmpty(connectionInitSql); connectionTestQuery = getNullIfEmpty(connectionTestQuery); transactionIsolationName = getNullIfEmpty(transactionIsolationName); dataSourceClassName = getNullIfEmpty(dataSourceClassName); dataSourceJndiName = getNullIfEmpty(dataSourceJndiName); driverClassName = getNullIfEmpty(driverClassName); jdbcUrl = getNullIfEmpty(jdbcUrl); // Check Data Source Options // 监测数据源选项 if (dataSource != null) { if (dataSourceClassName != null) { LOGGER.warn("{} - using dataSource and ignoring dataSourceClassName.", poolName); } } else if (dataSourceClassName != null) { if (driverClassName != null) { LOGGER.error("{} - cannot use driverClassName and dataSourceClassName together.", poolName); throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot use driverClassName and dataSourceClassName together."); } else if (jdbcUrl != null) { LOGGER.warn("{} - using dataSourceClassName and ignoring jdbcUrl.", poolName); } } else if (jdbcUrl != null) { } else if (driverClassName != null) { LOGGER.error("{} - jdbcUrl is required with driverClassName.", poolName); throw new IllegalArgumentException("jdbcUrl is required with driverClassName."); } else { LOGGER.error("{} - dataSource or dataSourceClassName or jdbcUrl is required.", poolName); throw new IllegalArgumentException("dataSource or dataSourceClassName or jdbcUrl is required."); } validateNumerics(); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled() || unitTest) { logConfiguration(); } } private void validateNumerics() { if (maxLifetime != 0 && maxLifetime < SECONDS.toMillis(30)) { LOGGER.warn("{} - maxLifetime is less than 30000ms, setting to default {}ms.", poolName, MAX_LIFETIME); maxLifetime = MAX_LIFETIME; } if (idleTimeout + SECONDS.toMillis(1) > maxLifetime && maxLifetime > 0) { LOGGER.warn("{} - idleTimeout is close to or more than maxLifetime, disabling it.", poolName); idleTimeout = 0; } if (idleTimeout != 0 && idleTimeout < SECONDS.toMillis(10)) { LOGGER.warn("{} - idleTimeout is less than 10000ms, setting to default {}ms.", poolName, IDLE_TIMEOUT); idleTimeout = IDLE_TIMEOUT; } if (leakDetectionThreshold > 0 && !unitTest) { if (leakDetectionThreshold < SECONDS.toMillis(2) || (leakDetectionThreshold > maxLifetime && maxLifetime > 0)) { LOGGER.warn("{} - leakDetectionThreshold is less than 2000ms or more than maxLifetime, disabling it.", poolName); leakDetectionThreshold = 0; } } if (connectionTimeout < 250) { LOGGER.warn("{} - connectionTimeout is less than 250ms, setting to {}ms.", poolName, CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); connectionTimeout = CONNECTION_TIMEOUT; } if (validationTimeout < 250) { LOGGER.warn("{} - validationTimeout is less than 250ms, setting to {}ms.", poolName, VALIDATION_TIMEOUT); validationTimeout = VALIDATION_TIMEOUT; } if (maxPoolSize < 1) { maxPoolSize = (minIdle <= 0) ? DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE : minIdle; } if (minIdle < 0 || minIdle > maxPoolSize) { minIdle = maxPoolSize; } } private void logConfiguration() { LOGGER.debug("{} - configuration:", poolName); final Set<String> propertyNames = new TreeSet<>(PropertyElf.getPropertyNames(HikariConfig.class)); for (String prop : propertyNames) { try { Object value = PropertyElf.getProperty(prop, this); if ("dataSourceProperties".equals(prop)) { Properties dsProps = PropertyElf.copyProperties(dataSourceProperties); dsProps.setProperty("password", "<masked>"); value = dsProps; } if (prop.contains("password")) { value = "<masked>"; } else if (value instanceof String) { value = "\"" + value + "\""; // quote to see lead/trailing spaces is any } LOGGER.debug((prop + "................................................").substring(0, 32) + value); } catch (Exception e) { continue; } } } protected void loadProperties(String propertyFileName) { final File propFile = new File(propertyFileName); try (final InputStream is = propFile.isFile() ? new FileInputStream(propFile) : this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(propertyFileName)) { if (is != null) { Properties props = new Properties(); props.load(is); PropertyElf.setTargetFromProperties(this, props); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find property file: " + propertyFileName); } } catch (IOException io) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to read property file", io); } } private int generatePoolNumber() { // Pool number is global to the VM to avoid overlapping pool numbers in classloader scoped environments synchronized (System.getProperties()) { final int next = Integer.getInteger("com.zaxxer.hikari.pool_number", 0) + 1; System.setProperty("com.zaxxer.hikari.pool_number", String.valueOf(next)); return next; } } public void copyState(HikariConfig other) { for (Field field : HikariConfig.class.getDeclaredFields()) { if (!Modifier.isFinal(field.getModifiers())) { field.setAccessible(true); try { field.set(other, field.get(this)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to copy HikariConfig state: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } } } }
如果你使用的是Maven,可以在pom.xml文件中添加如下依赖: ```xml <groupId>com.zaxxer</groupId> <artifactId>HikariCP 版本号 ``` 接下来,配置HikariCP。通常,我们会创建一个配置类,例如`HikariConfig`...
这个JAR包是使用HikariCP的核心依赖,将其添加到项目类路径中,就可以启用HikariCP作为你的数据库连接池。 在HikariCP中,主要关注以下几个核心概念: 1. **连接池**:HikariCP维护了一个数据库连接的池,而不是...
HikariConfig hikariConfig = new HikariConfig(); hikariConfig.setDriverClassName("com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver"); hikariConfig.setJdbcUrl("jdbc:mysql://"); hikariConfig....
在IT行业中,Spring框架是Java开发中的核心工具之一,它提供了丰富的功能,包括依赖注入、面向切面编程(AOP)以及数据访问等。在这个场景中,我们将关注Spring的两个重要概念:多数据源和AOP,以及如何利用Spring ...
解决方法是确保在项目的类路径(classpath)中包含了`mssql-jdbc`驱动,通常可以通过Maven或Gradle等构建工具添加依赖。 2. **驱动版本不匹配**:使用的JDBC驱动版本可能与SQL Server实例不兼容。检查并确保驱动...
1. 添加依赖:在JAVA项目中,我们需要将ojdbc.jar添加到项目的类路径中。在Eclipse或MyEclipse等集成开发环境中,这可以通过配置`.classpath`文件来实现,将ojdbc.jar作为外部JAR添加到构建路径中。如果使用Maven或...
此外,对于需要启用SSL连接的场景,可以使用addDataSourceProperty方法添加ssl="true"配置。 对于Oracle数据库等其他数据库,HikariCP还支持特定的配置参数,如***.CONNECT_TIMEOUT,可用来设置连接超时时间。 ...
下图是性能的比较测试结果:使用方法:HikariConfig config = new HikariConfig(); config.setMaximumPoolSize(100); config.setDataSourceClassName("com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlDataSource"); ...
2. 在IDE(如Eclipse、IntelliJ IDEA)中,将`jconn3.jar`添加到项目的构建路径。 3. 如果是在命令行环境下,使用`java -cp`或`javac -cp`命令指定`jconn3.jar`的位置。 连接到Sybase数据库的Java代码示例如下: `...
HikariConfig config = new HikariConfig(); config.setJdbcUrl(url); config.setUsername(username); config.setPassword(password); return config; } @Bean public HikariDataSource dataSource() { ...
HikariConfig config = new HikariConfig(); config.setJdbcUrl("jdbc:oracle:thin:@SFMWLHRTRLFQJQA:1521:orclsid"); config.setUsername("username"); config.setPassword("password"); // 初始化数据源 ...
【MySQL与Oracle数据库生成文档源码详解】 在数据库管理和开发过程中,记录和维护数据库结构的文档至关重要,这有助于团队协作,提升代码可读性,并在系统升级或迁移时提供参考。本文将详细介绍如何使用提供的...
3. 初始化HikariCP:使用`HikariConfig`配置对象和`HikariDataSource`创建数据源。 4. 获取和关闭连接:同Druid和C3P0,从数据源获取和释放连接。 在"poolTest"项目中,可能包含了这三个连接池的使用示例,演示了...
要通过注解配置连接池,我们需要在配置类上添加`@Configuration`注解,然后创建一个`DataSource`的bean。例如,使用HikariCP: ```java import com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariConfig; import ...
HikariConfig config = new HikariConfig(); config.setJdbcUrl("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydb"); config.setUsername("username"); config.setPassword("password"); config.setMaximumPoolSize(10); ``...
HikariConfig config = new HikariConfig(); config.setJdbcUrl("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/your_database"); config.setUsername("your_username"); config.setPassword("your_password"); config....
这些参数通常映射到 `com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariConfig` 类中的字段,该类包含了所有可以调整的连接池属性。 2. **切换为 Druid 连接池** 如果你想使用 Druid 数据库连接池,首先你需要在项目的 `pom.xml` 文件中...
HikariConfig config = new HikariConfig(); config.setJdbcUrl("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydatabase"); config.setUsername("username"); config.setPassword("password"); // 创建DataSource DataSource ...
HikariConfig config = new HikariConfig(); config.setJdbcUrl("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test"); config.setUsername("root"); config.setPassword("password"); config.setMaximumPoolSize(10); config....
HikariConfig config = new HikariConfig(); config.setJdbcUrl("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydb"); config.setUsername("username"); config.setPassword("password"); config.setMaximumPoolSize(10); config....