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The first use of the term in public was by Jesse James Garrett in February 2005[1]. Garrett thought of the term while in the shower[2], when he realized the need for a shorthand term to represent the suite of technologies he was proposing to a client[3].

Although the term "Ajax" was coined in 2005, most histories of the technologies that enable Ajax start a decade earlier with Microsoft's initiatives in developing Remote Scripting. Techniques for the asynchronous loading of content on an existing Web page without requiring a full reload date back as far as the IFRAME element type (introduced in Internet Explorer 3 in 1996) and the LAYER element type (introduced in Netscape 4 in 1997, abandoned during early development of Mozilla). Both element types had a src attribute that could take any external URL, and by loading a page containing JavaScript that manipulated the parent page, Ajax-like effects could be attained. This set of client-side technologies was usually grouped together under the generic term of DHTML. Macromedia's Flash could also, from version 4, load XML and CSV files from a remote server without requiring a browser refresh.

Microsoft's Remote Scripting (or MSRS, introduced in 1998) acted as a more elegant replacement for these techniques, with data being pulled in by a Java applet with which the client side could communicate using JavaScript. This technique worked on both Internet Explorer version 4 and Netscape Navigator version 4 onwards. Microsoft then created the XMLHttpRequest object in Internet Explorer version 5 and first took advantage of these techniques using XMLHttpRequest in Outlook Web Access supplied with the Microsoft Exchange Server 2000 release.

The Web development community, first collaborating via the microsoft.public.scripting.remote newsgroup and later through blog aggregation, subsequently developed a range of techniques for remote scripting in order to enable consistent results across different browsers. In 2002, a user-community modification[4] to Microsoft Remote Scripting was made to replace the Java applet with XMLHttpRequest.

Remote Scripting Frameworks such as ARSCIF[5] su***ced in 2003 not long before Microsoft introduced Callbacks in ASP.NET[6].

Since XMLHttpRequest is now implemented across the majority of browsers in use, alternative techniques are used infrequently. However, they are still used where compatibility with older Web sites or legacy applications is required.

In addition, the World Wide Web Consortium has several Recommendations that also allow for dynamic communication between a server and user agent, though few of them are well supported. These would include:

The object element defined in HTML 4 for embedding arbitrary content types into documents, (replaces inline frames under XHTML 1.1) 
The Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Load and Save Specification



    Ajax 简介和 Ajax API Ajax 简介 Ajax 是“Asynchronous JavaScript and XML”(异步 JavaScript 和 XML)的缩写词,但事实上,Ajax 并非缩写词,而是由 Jesse James Gaiett 创造的名词。Ajax 是一种创建交互式...


    **Ajax 简介** Ajax,全称为"Asynchronous JavaScript and XML",是一种在无需刷新整个网页的情况下,能够更新部分网页内容的技术。它并不是一项全新的技术,而是由一系列成熟的技术组合而成,包括JavaScript、DOM...


    Ajax简介与基本使用 Ajax简介 Ajax即“Asynchronous Javascript And XML”(异步 JavaScript 和 XML),是指一种创建交互式网页应用的网页开发技术。Ajax 是一种用于创建快速动态网页的技术。Ajax 是一种在无需...


    主要内容有: Ajax简介以及工作原理, .net实现Ajax技术 Microsoft Ajax使用简介

    AJAX简介 异步 JavaScript 及 XML(Asynchronous JavaScript And XML)

    **AJAX 简介** AJAX,全称为异步 JavaScript 和 XML,是2005年由Google引领的一种Web开发技术。它并不是一种全新的编程语言,而是利用现有的Web标准来构建更高效、更具交互性的网页应用。通过AJAX,开发者能够在...


    在视频课程“Ajax与Atlas开发系列课程(1):AJAX简介与web2.0”中,苏鹏老师将深入浅出地讲解AJAX的基本概念、工作原理以及如何使用Atlas框架进行开发,帮助学员掌握AJAX技术在Web 2.0应用中的实践方法。通过观看该...




    ajax简介,简单介绍1、什么是AJAX 2、AJAX的优势与不足 3、AJAX的关键技术



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    **WEB开发之AJAX简介** AJAX,全称为Asynchronous JavaScript and XML,即异步JavaScript和XML。这种技术允许Web开发者在不刷新整个页面的情况下,只更新网页的特定部分,从而提高了用户体验,使得网页交互更加流畅...


    **Ajax 简介** Ajax(Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)是一种在无需重新加载整个网页的情况下,能够更新部分网页的技术。这种技术并非JavaScript的一种标准,而是由开发者创造的一个术语,用于描述一种利用...


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    **AJAX(Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)** 是一种在无需刷新整个网页的情况下,能够更新部分网页的技术。这一技术的核心在于JavaScript、XML以及浏览器提供的 XMLHttpRequest 对象。AJAX 的出现极大地提升了网页...



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