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The Big Blue (1988)
Directed by: Luc Besson
Cast overview: Rosanna Arquette - Johana Baker
Jean-Marc Barr - Jacques Mayol
Jean Reno - Enzo Molinari
Jacques: I don't understand. Please explain to me.
Enzo: What do you want to know?
Jacques: Everything!
Enzo: About what?
Jacques: About everything!
Enzo: Mama mia.
[After getting 10.000 dollars]
Roberto: Enzo, what are you going to do with the money?
Enzo: Have the car painted.
Roberto: Guiseppe will do that for 25 dollars.
Enzo: Then tell him to wax it too.
Roberto: Enzo, really, whatcha going to do with the money?
Enzo: A rosary for mama, a dress for Angelica and you, get yourself a suit that fits. But most important.
Roberto: Yes
Enzo: Find me the Frenchman. Find me Jacques Mayol.
Enzo: Don't look at Jaques as if he was a human being, he comes from another planet.
Enzo: Ah, I was 17! I was so in love with her, I tried to die for her.
Two years later I can't even remember her name. Time, erases everything.
[Enzo pulls out a cigarette inside of a diving bell]
Noireuter: Smoking is absolutely forbidden.
Enzo: It isn't lit yet.
Noireuter: You shouldn't even carry cigarettes on board.
Enzo: Listen, we're not supposed to piss either, but it doesn't stop you from carrying "it" on board.
[Enzo pulls out a whiskey flask in a diving bell]
Noireuter: Is that alcohol? That's *really* forbidden!
Enzo: Hey, do you have any more complaints? Just make a list and we'll stick it on the porthole, OK?
Enzo: A thousand commanders and we get the Belgian from Alcoholics Anonymous!
Johanna: You really send him under the ice? He isn't a slave or convict or anything, is he?
Dr. Laurence: My dear, science is a cruel mistress.
Johanna: How is he going to breathe?
Dr. Laurence: He isn't.
Jacques: I know you.
Johanna: We just met, a few minutes ago.
Jacques: In the lake.
Johanna: No in the hut.
Jacques: Then it must have been someone who looked like a lot like you.
[Waiting for Enzo]
Roberto: It's not like him to be late. Of course, sometimes he doesn't show up at all.
[After a drunken breath holding contest]
Jacques: Who won?
Johanna: Who won what? The asshole award? Let me tell you, it was a tie!
Enzo: ...So, between Mamma, Roberto and Alfredo, we yell and scream at
each other all day long. Except for Angelica, she just cries. And then
finally, we all end up kissing. Can you explain that to me? Because
*that's* what love is all about. It's a pain in the ass, but it keeps
us together.
Enzo: Don’t think of Jacques as a human being, he's from another world.
Johanna: Oh yeah? And what world are you from Enzo?
Enzo: Italia!
Enzo: You were right.
Jacques: About what?
Enzo: It's much better down there... It's a better place...
Jacques: No...
Enzo: Push me back in the water...
Jacques: No, I couldn't...
Enzo: Jacques... Take me back down... Please...
Jacques: Why are you always talking'? You know- you think that other
people are interested in what you're talking' about? I'M not
interested, and other people aren't either! So just STOP talking,
because other people have other things to say you know! You understand
me? Stop talking! It's bull!
Enzo: She's gone?
Jacques: YES! She's gone!
Noireuter: [High pitched] You have enough air for fifteen minutes.
Enzo: [High pitched] What's with the voice?
Noireuter: [High pitched] It's nothing, maybe the helium is up too high.
Enzo: [High pitched] Does the voice some back?
Noireuter: [High pitched] For others, yes. For you, who knows?
Johanna: Talk to me some more.
Jacques: It's hard, you know. I don't know what else to say. You're so far away.
Johanna: Tell me a story.
Jacques: A story? Do you now how it is- do you know what you're supposed to do, to meet a mermaid?
Johanna: No.
Jacques: You go down to the bottom of the sea, where the water isn't
even blue anymore, where the sky is only a memory, and you float there,
in the silence. And you stay there, and you decide, that you'll die for
them. Only then do they start coming out. They come, and they greet
you, and they judge the love you have for them. If it's sincere, if
it's pure, they'll be with you, and take you away forever.
Johanna: I like that story.
Supervisor: Hey! You gotta get him outta there, fast!
Roberto: Ten thousand!
Supervisor: Lira?
Roberto: Dollar!
Supervisor: Hey, wait a minute! You guys aren't gonna try to hold me up at a time like this?
Enzo: Okay, you tell me. How much would you say a man's life is worth?
In my village we have a saying. [To Roberto] How does it go again?
Roberto: I don't remember.
Supervisor: W-what's that supposed to mean?
Enzo: Forget it.
Uncle Louis: [To Johana] So, where are you from, Henrietta?
Jacques: Johana! New York!
Uncle Louis: New YORK?!? What KIND of a name is that?!?
Johanna: No, I'm *from* New York
Uncle Louis: Oh Yes! The best ladies are from New York!!
[Haggling with a fish vendor]
Uncle Louis: Two DOLLARS? You didn't even need to catch the fish! It died of CANCER!
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