We have serveral options:
1.Use a stateful session enterprise javabean.
----Your hosting provider should have a full J2EE server with an EJB Container.
2.Use a database
-----Your hosting provider does allow access to MySQL.You could write the client's data to a database.But this is nearly as much of a runtime performance hit as an enterprise bean would be.
3.Use an HttpSession
-----We can use an HttpSession object to hold the conversational state across multiple requests .In other words ,for an entire session with that client.
In the process, you will also learn more about the Wolfram Language and how you can use it to solve a wide variety of problems. The author raises questions from a wide range of topics and answers ...
What About the Exercises and Their Answers? 3 What Do Those Numbers Mean at the Start of the Exercise? 4 What If I’m a Perl Course Instructor? 4 What Does “Perl” Stand For? 4 Why Did Larry Create ...
Nulls in the database cause wrong answers. Why? What you can do about it?How can image relations help you formulate complex SQL queries?SQL supports "quantified comparisons," but they're better ...
My guess is that the answers will be incredibly varied, from solving a particularly difcult interaction design problem, through to some really well constructed CSS. Modern web design is a ...
The answers to these questions can be quite complex and quite involved, but the answers to these questions do not need to be all that complex. The complexity of the answers to these questions should ...
C# Deconstructed answers a seemingly simply question: Just what is going on, exactly, when you run C# code on the .NET Framework? To answer this question we will dig ever deeper into the structure of...
In this chapter, we get right to the practical questions to which everyone wants answers. Why HTML5, and why all the excitement just now? What are the new design principles that make ...
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Turn to The Android Developer’s Cookbook for proven, expert answers–and the code you need to implement them. It’s all you need to jumpstart any Android project, and create high-value, feature-rich ...
It answers critical questions in .NET application development, such as: how do I keep my program responding at all times to keep my users happy? how do I make the most of the available hardware? how ...
Nulls in the database cause wrong answers. Why? What you can do about it? How can image relations help you formulate complex SQL queries? SQL supports "quantified comparisons," but they’re better ...
It’s also a fun, creative activity that provides insight into how we control the devices that influence virtually every aspect of our lives. How to Program teaches you one of the world’s most ...
Python is an excellent programming language ... Adding a few interview of experts on the subject, you will learn how you can distribute your Python application so it can process thousands of requests.
/ How’s the weather today?)。 课前演讲鼓励学生分享自己的想法,教师会邀请学生上台演讲(Who’s going to give us a speech today? Who’d like to tell us a story today?),并允许他们自由选择话题(You ...
"the answers.zip" 是一个压缩文件,通常用于存储多个文件或文件夹以便更方便地传输和存储。在IT行业中,这种格式广泛应用于备份数据、分享文件集或在互联网上下载大文件。zip文件通过压缩技术减小了原始文件的大小...
This book answers these questions and more, helping you find your way through the jungle of classes, tools, and new concepts so that you can get started on the next great Mac OS X application today....