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Web Application API



interface XMLHttpRequest {
           attribute EventListener   onreadystatechange;
  readonly attribute unsigned short  readyState;
  void               open(in DOMString method, in DOMString uri);
  void               open(in DOMString method, in DOMString uri, in boolean async);
  void               open(in DOMString method, in DOMString uri, in boolean async, in DOMString user);
  void               open(in DOMString method, in DOMString uri, in boolean async, in DOMString user, in DOMString password);
  void               setRequestHeader(in DOMString header, in DOMString value) raises(DOMException);
  void               send(in DOMString data) raises(DOMException);
  void               send(in Document data) raises(DOMException);
  void               abort();
  DOMString          getAllResponseHeaders();
  DOMString          getResponseHeader(in DOMString header);
           attribute DOMString       responseText;
           attribute Document        responseXML;
           attribute unsigned short  status;
                                        // raises(DOMException) on retrieval
           attribute DOMString       statusText;
                                        // raises(DOMException) on retrieval

interface Item {
  readonly attribute boolean         exists;
  readonly attribute DOMString       name;

interface IntegerItem : Item {
  readonly attribute long            value;

interface BooleanItem : Item {
           attribute boolean         value;

interface StringItem : Item {
  readonly attribute DOMString       value;

interface ContentItem : Item {
           attribute Node            nodeArg;
           attribute unsigned long   offset;

interface Match {
  // MatchTestGroup
  const unsigned short      IS_EQUAL                       = 0;
  const unsigned short      IS_NOT_EQUAL                   = 1;
  const unsigned short      INT_PRECEDES                   = 2;
  const unsigned short      INT_PRECEDES_OR_EQUALS         = 3;
  const unsigned short      INT_FOLLOWS                    = 4;
  const unsigned short      INT_FOLLOWS_OR_EQUALS          = 5;
  const unsigned short      STR_STARTS_WITH                = 6;
  const unsigned short      STR_ENDS_WITH                  = 7;
  const unsigned short      STR_CONTAINS                   = 8;
  const unsigned short      SET_ANY                        = 9;
  const unsigned short      SET_ALL                        = 10;
  const unsigned short      SET_NOT_ANY                    = 11;
  const unsigned short      SET_NOT_ALL                    = 12;

  readonly attribute unsigned short  test;

interface MatchInteger : Match {
  readonly attribute DOMString       name;
  readonly attribute long            value;

interface MatchBoolean : Match {
  readonly attribute DOMString       name;
  readonly attribute boolean         value;

interface MatchString : Match {
  readonly attribute DOMString       name;
  readonly attribute DOMString       value;

interface MatchContent : Match {
  readonly attribute DOMString       name;
  readonly attribute Node            nodeArg;
  readonly attribute unsigned long   offset;

interface MatchSet : Match {
  readonly attribute Node            nodeArg;
  void               addMatch(in Match add);
  Match              getMatch(in unsigned long index);

interface Segment : Match {
           attribute Match           criteria;
           attribute DOMString       order;
  void               addItem(in Item add);
  MatchString        createMatchString(in unsigned short test, in DOMString name,  in DOMString value);
  MatchInteger       createMatchInteger(in unsigned short test, in DOMString name, in long value);
  MatchBoolean       createMatchBoolean(in unsigned short test, in DOMString name, in boolean value);
  MatchContent       createMatchContent(in unsigned short test, in DOMString name, in unsigned long offset, in Node nodeArg);
  MatchSet           createMatchSet(in unsigned short test);
  StringItem         createStringItem(in DOMString name);
  IntegerItem        createIntegerItem(in DOMString name);
  BooleanItem        createBooleanItem(in DOMString name);
  ContentItem        createContentItem(in DOMString name);
  void               getItem(in unsigned long index);
  boolean            getNext();

interface View {
  void               select(in Node boundary, in unsigned long offset, in boolean extend, in boolean add);
  Segment            createSegment();
  boolean            matchFirstSegment(inout Segment todo) raises(DOMException);
  long               getIntegerProperty(in DOMString name) raises(DOMException);
  DOMString          getStringProperty(in DOMString name) raises(DOMException);
  boolean            getBooleanProperty(in boolean name) raises(DOMException);
  Node               getContentPropertyNode(in DOMString name) raises(DOMException);
  unsigned long      getContentPropertyOffset(in DOMString name) raises(DOMException);

interface VisualView {
  readonly attribute DOMString       fontScheme;
  readonly attribute unsigned long   width;
  readonly attribute unsigned long   height;
  readonly attribute unsigned long   horizontalDPI;
  readonly attribute unsigned long   verticalDPI;
  VisualCharacter    createVisualCharacter();
  VisualCharacterRun createVisualCharacterRun();
  VisualFrame        createVisualFrame();
  VisualImage        createVisualImage();
  VisualFormButton   createVisualFormButton();
  VisualFormField    createVisualFormField();
  void               select(in Node boundary, n unsigned long offset, in boolean extend, in boolean add);
  void               matchSegment(in VisualResource segment);

interface VisualResource {

interface VisualFont : VisualResource {
           attribute DOMString       matchFontName;
  readonly attribute boolean         exists;
  readonly attribute DOMString       fontName;
  boolean            getNext();

interface VisualSegment : VisualResource {
           attribute boolean         matchPosition;
           attribute boolean         matchInside;
           attribute boolean         matchContaining;
           attribute long            matchX;
           attribute long            matchY;
           attribute long            matchXR;
           attribute long            matchYR;
           attribute boolean         matchContent;
           attribute boolean         matchRange;
           attribute Node            matchNode;
           attribute unsigned long   matchOffset;
           attribute Node            matchNodeR;
           attribute unsigned long   matchOffsetR;
           attribute boolean         matchContainsSelected;
           attribute boolean         matchContainsVisible;
  readonly attribute boolean         exists;
  readonly attribute Node            startNode;
  readonly attribute unsigned long   startOffset;
  readonly attribute Node            endNode;
  readonly attribute unsigned long   endOffset;
  readonly attribute long            topOffset;
  readonly attribute long            bottomOffset;
  readonly attribute long            leftOffset;
  readonly attribute long            rightOffset;
  readonly attribute unsigned long   width;
  readonly attribute unsigned long   height;
  readonly attribute boolean         selected;
  readonly attribute boolean         visible;
  readonly attribute unsigned long   foregroundColor;
  readonly attribute unsigned long   backgroundColor;
  readonly attribute DOMString       fontName;
  readonly attribute DOMString       fontHeight;
  boolean            getNext();

interface VisualCharacter : VisualSegment {

interface VisualCharacterRun : VisualSegment {

interface VisualFrame : VisualSegment {
  readonly attribute VisualSegment   embedded;

interface VisualImage : VisualSegment {
  readonly attribute DOMString       imageURL;
  readonly attribute boolean         isLoaded;

interface VisualFormButton : VisualSegment {
  readonly attribute boolean         isPressed;

interface VisualFormField : VisualSegment {
  readonly attribute DOMString       formValue;

interface EmbeddingElement {
    readonly attribute dom::Document contentDocument;
    readonly attribute Window contentWindow;

// behavior is always special in ECMAScript, this is defined only for the benefit
// of other languages
interface TimerListener {
    // what to put here?

interface AbstractView {
  readonly attribute DocumentView     document;

interface DocumentView {
  readonly attribute AbstractView     defaultView;

interface Window : views::AbstractView {
    // self-references
    readonly attribute Window window;
    readonly attribute Window self;

    // assigning this has special behavior in ECMAScript, but it is otherwise
    // read only. specifically, in ES a string URI can be assigned to location,
    // having the same effect as location.assign(URI)
    readonly attribute Location location;

    // name attribute of referencing frame/iframe/object, or name passed to
    // window.open
    attribute dom::DOMString name;

    // global object of containing document
    readonly attribute Window parent;

    // global object of outermost containing document
    readonly attribute Window top;

    // referencing <html:frame>, <html:iframe>, <html:object>, <svg:foreignObject>,
    // <svg:animation> or other embedding point, or null if none
    readonly attribute dom::Element frameElement;

    // one-shot timer
    long setTimeout(in TimerListener listener, in long milliseconds);
    void clearTimeout(in long timerID);

    // repeating timer
    long setInterval(in TimerListener listener, in long milliseconds);
    void clearInterval(in long timerID);

interface DocumentWindow : views::DocumentView {
    readonly attribute Location location;

interface Location {
    attribute dom::DOMString href;

    // pieces of the URI, per the generic URI syntax
    attribute dom::DOMString hash;
    attribute dom::DOMString host;
    attribute dom::DOMString hostname;
    attribute dom::DOMString pathname;
    attribute dom::DOMString port;
    attribute dom::DOMString protocol;
    attribute dom::DOMString search;

    void assign(in dom::DOMString url);
    void replace(in dom::DOMString url);
    void reload();

    dom::DOMString toString();



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    9. **WebApplication4.csproj.user**: 这是一个用户特定的项目设置文件,包含了开发者个人的IDE设置,如最近打开的文件列表,不包含在版本控制中。 通过分析这些文件,我们可以学习如何设置和运行一个基本的Web API...


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    1. 创建项目:使用Visual Studio或其他开发工具,选择ASP.NET Web Application模板,并选择WebAPI作为项目类型。 2. 定义控制器:创建控制器类,继承自ApiController基类,然后添加处理HTTP请求的方法。 3. 实现操作...

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