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以前有点疑惑,现在终于明白了,线程安全是没问题的,想想也是,如 ...
jsp自定义标签 线程安全 -
jsp自定义标签 线程安全 -
这篇文章是不是可以浓缩为下面几点:1.在非静态内部类中不可以声 ...
static class -
jsp自定义标签 线程安全 -
1. 创建一个项目,使用grails create-app [你项目的名称]
注意:dbCreate="create-drop" one of create ,create-drop,update
grails create-domain-class [类名]
grails create-controller [Domian类]
class BookController {
def scaffold = Book
注意要移除def index={},这样scaffoldin才会正常工作
Grails generate-all 来创建所有的脚手架
5.最后运行grails run-all
注意:使用别的端口,grails-Dserver.port=9080 run-app
第二章 GORM ,Domain Class
def book = Book.findByTitle("Groovy in Action")book
.addToAuthors(name:"Dierk Koenig")
.addToAuthors(name:"Guillaume LaForge")
2.2Domian Class
2.3关于Nullable 和 transient属性
static transients=[属性]表示这个属性永远不会写书DB,也没有相应的字段在DB中对应
static constraints = {
属性(nullable: true)
String 属性='[。。。]'这样可以设置默认值
static mapping={
table '表的名称'
class Book {
Integer order
第三章 Domain relationShoip
one to one
class Face {
Nose nose
class Nose {
Face face
当Face,saved nose也要save的
class Face {
static belongsTo = Nose Nose nose
删除Face还是不会删除 Nose,Face只是使用Nose,而不是拥有Nose,而且要让他们产生关联必须自己去实现,比如myFace.nose = bigNose,然后bigNose.face = myFace
3.2 1-N & N -1
class Author {
static hasMany = [ books : Book ] String name
或者可以使用Set books=new HashSet()
class Book {
Author author
String title
class Author {
static hasMany = [books:Book, coBooks:Book]
static mappedBy = [books:"mainAuthor", coBooks:"coAuthor"] String name
static belongsTo = [Author,Publisher]
class Book {
static belongsTo = Author Author mainAuthor
Author coAuthor
String title
class Book {
static belongsTo = Author
static hasMany = [authors:Author]
class Author {
static hasMany = [books:Book]
new Author(..)
.addBook(new Book(..))
class Person {
String name
Address homeAddress
Address workAddress
static embedded = ['homeAddress', 'workAddress']
class Address {
String houseNumber
String postCode
Person Table
|| id || name || homeaddresshousenumber
|| homeaddresspostcode
|| workaddresshousenumber
|| workaddresspostcode || | | | | | | | As you can see the Person class is composed to two Address classes at the domain model and database level.
把Hibernate.cfg.xml,Domain class,Hbm mapping放入到
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg.GrailsAnnotationConfiguration
class DevelopmentDataSource {
def configClass = GrailsAnnotationConfiguration.class
… // remaining properties
environments {
development {
dataSource {
configClass = GrailsAnnotationConfiguration.class
dbCreate = "update" // one of 'create', 'create-drop','update'
//url = "jdbc:hsqldb:mem:devDB"
url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost/vprocedure"
} ....
package com.books;
public class Book {
private Long id;
private String title;
private String description;
private Date date; @Id
public Long getId() {
return id;
} public void setId(Long id) {
this.id = id;
} public String getTitle() {
return title;
} public void setTitle(String title) {
this.title = title;
} public String getDescription() {
return description;
} public void setDescription(String description) {
this.description = description;
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration SYSTEM
<mapping package="com.books" />
<mapping class="com.books.Book" />
Note when you generate views or controllers you need to specify the entire package name, i.e. com.books.Book, as there are currently (v 0.3) mistakes in the generated code. Specifically, the static methods need to be fully qualified (add the package name).
Sets, Lists & Maps
Sets of objects
By default when you define a relationship with GORM it is a java.util.Set which is an unordered collection that cannot contain duplicates. In other words when you have:
class Author {
static hasMany = [books:Book]
The {{books}} property that GORM injects is a java.util.Set. The problem with this is there is no ordering when accessing the collection, which may not be what you want. To get custom ordering you can say that the set is a SortedSet:
code: null
class Author {
SortedSet books
static hasMany = books:Book
code: null
In this case a java.util.SortedSet implementation is used which means you have to implement java.lang.Comparable in your Book class:
code: null
class Book implements Comparable {
String title
Date releaseDate = new Date()
int compareTo(obj) {
code: null
The result of the above class is that the Book instances in the {{books}} collections of the Author class will be ordered by their release date.
Lists of objects (Since 0.5)
If you simply want to be able to keep objects in the order which they were added and to be able to reference them by index like an array you can define your collection type as a List:
class Author {
List books
static hasMany = [books:Book]
In this case when you add new elements to the {{books}} collection the order is retained in a sequential list indexed from 0 so you can do:
author.books[0] // get the first book
The way this works at the database level is Hibernate creates a books_idx column where it saves the index of the elements in the collection in order to retain this order at the db level.
Note When using a list, elements must be added to the collection before being saved, otherwise Hibernate will throw an exception ({{org.hibernate.HibernateException: null index column for collection}}):
// This won't work!
def book = new Book(title: 'The Shining')
// Do it this way instead.
def book = new Book(title: 'Misery')
Maps of objects (Since 0.5)
If you want a simple map of string/value pairs GORM can map this with the following:
class Author {
Map books // my of ISBN:book names
def a = new Author()
a.books = ["1590597583":"Grails Book"]
In this case the key and value of the map MUST be strings.
If you want a Map of objects then you can do this:
class Book {
Map authors
static hasMany = [authors:Author]
def a = new Author(name:"Stephen King")
def book = new Book()
book.authors = ["stephen":a]
The static hasMany property defines the type of the elements within the Map. The keys for the map MUST be strings.
Mapping Inheritance
By default, GORM uses table-per-hierarchy inheritance, which essentially means the parent and all sub-classes share the same table:
class Content {
String author
class BlogEntry extends Content {
URL url
class Book extends Content {
String ISBN
class PodCast extends Content {
byte[] audioStream
The above then allows you to perform polymorphic queries:
def content = Content.findAll() // find all blog entries, books and pod casts
content = Content.findAllByAuthor('Joe Bloggs') // find all by author
def podCasts = PodCast.findAll() // find only pod casts
Technical note for those interested: Under the covers, only one table is used in the table-per-hierarchy model. A class column specifies the subclass and any fields in the subclasses are included on the same table. Subclass fields cannot be "required" because the underlying columns need to be nullable for the other subclasses. This doesn't however prevent you from using Validation constraints to ensure that subclass fields are "required".
As an alternative, you can tell GORM to use a joined-subclass model to implement inheritance.
class Content {
static mapping = {
tablePerHierarchy false
String author
Technical note for those interested: This will use 4 tables (Content, BlogEntry, Book, and PodCast) with each subclass table containing only those fields unique to it, e.g., Book would contain an ISBN column, but not an audioStream column.
第六章 CRUD
CRUD Operations
Grails domain classes use dynamic persistent methods to facilitate CRUD (Create/Read/Update/Delete) operations on persistent classes:
To create entries in the database, domain class instances support a "save" method which cascades to the instance relationships. In the example below we only call "save" on the author and both the Author and Book instances are persisted:
def a = new Author(name:"Stephen King")
def b = new Book(title:"The Shining",author:a)
// persist
In this case we're having to create both sides of the relationship manually. GORM will manage the persistence of your object model to the database, but won't manage the relationships for you.
However since 0.3 Grails provides more intelligent relationship management that will manage bidrectional relationship state through dynamic methods:
def a = new Author(name:"Stephen King")
.addBook( new Book(title:"The Shining") )
.addBook( new Book(title:"The Stand") )
This will add several books to the Author plus make sure the author property on each Book is set thus managing this burden for you.
Grails supports a number of ways of retrieving domain class instances, for more detail on querying see the section on Domain Class Querying, however to retrieve an instance if the "id" is known you can use the "get" static method:
Or to find all books the "findAll", "list" or "listOrderByX" static methods can be used:
Book.findAll() // retrieve all
Book.list(max:10) // lists first 10 instances
Book.listOrderByTitle() // lists all the instances ordered by the "title" property
The semantics of updating differ from that of saving a domain class. It is possible to update without explicitly calling "save" with the changes automatically being persisted if no exceptions occur:
def b = Book.get(1)
b.releaseDate = new Date()
This behaviour is not always desired however paricularily when combined with validation constraints (ie you don't want your domain object saved if it is not validated). Therefore if you explicity call "save" and the object is not valid changes will not be persisted:
def b = Book.get(1)
b.title = null // can't have a null title
b.save() // won't save as fails to validate
It is sometimes handy though to make changes to your domain model programmatically if validation fails. In this way the semantics of the "validate" method differ as it won't discard the changes if validation fails:
def b = Book.get(1)
b.publisher = "Print It"
if(!b.validate()) {
b.publisher = Publisher.DEFAULT
In the above case changes will still be persisted even though validation failed during the "validate" method. If you want the "validate" method to not persist changes if it fails to validate you can pass a boolean "true" argument:
Alternatively, if you want to explicitly control if changes are persisted you can use the "discard" method that when called will discard any changes:
def b = Book.get(1)
b.title = "A New Title"
// something happenedd to change your mind
Domain class instances can be removed from the database by using the "delete" instance method:
def b = Book.get(1)
1. 创建一个项目,使用grails create-app [你项目的名称]
注意:dbCreate="create-drop" one of create ,create-drop,update
grails create-domain-class [类名]
grails create-controller [Domian类]
class BookController {
def scaffold = Book
注意要移除def index={},这样scaffoldin才会正常工作
Grails generate-all 来创建所有的脚手架
5.最后运行grails run-all
注意:使用别的端口,grails-Dserver.port=9080 run-app
第二章 GORM ,Domain Class
def book = Book.findByTitle("Groovy in Action")book
.addToAuthors(name:"Dierk Koenig")
.addToAuthors(name:"Guillaume LaForge")
2.2Domian Class
2.3关于Nullable 和 transient属性
static transients=[属性]表示这个属性永远不会写书DB,也没有相应的字段在DB中对应
static constraints = {
属性(nullable: true)
String 属性='[。。。]'这样可以设置默认值
static mapping={
table '表的名称'
class Book {
Integer order
第三章 Domain relationShoip
one to one
class Face {
Nose nose
class Nose {
Face face
当Face,saved nose也要save的
class Face {
static belongsTo = Nose Nose nose
删除Face还是不会删除 Nose,Face只是使用Nose,而不是拥有Nose,而且要让他们产生关联必须自己去实现,比如myFace.nose = bigNose,然后bigNose.face = myFace
3.2 1-N & N -1
class Author {
static hasMany = [ books : Book ] String name
或者可以使用Set books=new HashSet()
class Book {
Author author
String title
class Author {
static hasMany = [books:Book, coBooks:Book]
static mappedBy = [books:"mainAuthor", coBooks:"coAuthor"] String name
static belongsTo = [Author,Publisher]
class Book {
static belongsTo = Author Author mainAuthor
Author coAuthor
String title
class Book {
static belongsTo = Author
static hasMany = [authors:Author]
class Author {
static hasMany = [books:Book]
new Author(..)
.addBook(new Book(..))
class Person {
String name
Address homeAddress
Address workAddress
static embedded = ['homeAddress', 'workAddress']
class Address {
String houseNumber
String postCode
Person Table
|| id || name || homeaddresshousenumber
|| homeaddresspostcode
|| workaddresshousenumber
|| workaddresspostcode || | | | | | | | As you can see the Person class is composed to two Address classes at the domain model and database level.
把Hibernate.cfg.xml,Domain class,Hbm mapping放入到
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg.GrailsAnnotationConfiguration
class DevelopmentDataSource {
def configClass = GrailsAnnotationConfiguration.class
… // remaining properties
environments {
development {
dataSource {
configClass = GrailsAnnotationConfiguration.class
dbCreate = "update" // one of 'create', 'create-drop','update'
//url = "jdbc:hsqldb:mem:devDB"
url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost/vprocedure"
} ....
package com.books;
public class Book {
private Long id;
private String title;
private String description;
private Date date; @Id
public Long getId() {
return id;
} public void setId(Long id) {
this.id = id;
} public String getTitle() {
return title;
} public void setTitle(String title) {
this.title = title;
} public String getDescription() {
return description;
} public void setDescription(String description) {
this.description = description;
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration SYSTEM
<mapping package="com.books" />
<mapping class="com.books.Book" />
Note when you generate views or controllers you need to specify the entire package name, i.e. com.books.Book, as there are currently (v 0.3) mistakes in the generated code. Specifically, the static methods need to be fully qualified (add the package name).
Sets, Lists & Maps
Sets of objects
By default when you define a relationship with GORM it is a java.util.Set which is an unordered collection that cannot contain duplicates. In other words when you have:
class Author {
static hasMany = [books:Book]
The {{books}} property that GORM injects is a java.util.Set. The problem with this is there is no ordering when accessing the collection, which may not be what you want. To get custom ordering you can say that the set is a SortedSet:
code: null
class Author {
SortedSet books
static hasMany = books:Book
code: null
In this case a java.util.SortedSet implementation is used which means you have to implement java.lang.Comparable in your Book class:
code: null
class Book implements Comparable {
String title
Date releaseDate = new Date()
int compareTo(obj) {
code: null
The result of the above class is that the Book instances in the {{books}} collections of the Author class will be ordered by their release date.
Lists of objects (Since 0.5)
If you simply want to be able to keep objects in the order which they were added and to be able to reference them by index like an array you can define your collection type as a List:
class Author {
List books
static hasMany = [books:Book]
In this case when you add new elements to the {{books}} collection the order is retained in a sequential list indexed from 0 so you can do:
author.books[0] // get the first book
The way this works at the database level is Hibernate creates a books_idx column where it saves the index of the elements in the collection in order to retain this order at the db level.
Note When using a list, elements must be added to the collection before being saved, otherwise Hibernate will throw an exception ({{org.hibernate.HibernateException: null index column for collection}}):
// This won't work!
def book = new Book(title: 'The Shining')
// Do it this way instead.
def book = new Book(title: 'Misery')
Maps of objects (Since 0.5)
If you want a simple map of string/value pairs GORM can map this with the following:
class Author {
Map books // my of ISBN:book names
def a = new Author()
a.books = ["1590597583":"Grails Book"]
In this case the key and value of the map MUST be strings.
If you want a Map of objects then you can do this:
class Book {
Map authors
static hasMany = [authors:Author]
def a = new Author(name:"Stephen King")
def book = new Book()
book.authors = ["stephen":a]
The static hasMany property defines the type of the elements within the Map. The keys for the map MUST be strings.
Mapping Inheritance
By default, GORM uses table-per-hierarchy inheritance, which essentially means the parent and all sub-classes share the same table:
class Content {
String author
class BlogEntry extends Content {
URL url
class Book extends Content {
String ISBN
class PodCast extends Content {
byte[] audioStream
The above then allows you to perform polymorphic queries:
def content = Content.findAll() // find all blog entries, books and pod casts
content = Content.findAllByAuthor('Joe Bloggs') // find all by author
def podCasts = PodCast.findAll() // find only pod casts
Technical note for those interested: Under the covers, only one table is used in the table-per-hierarchy model. A class column specifies the subclass and any fields in the subclasses are included on the same table. Subclass fields cannot be "required" because the underlying columns need to be nullable for the other subclasses. This doesn't however prevent you from using Validation constraints to ensure that subclass fields are "required".
As an alternative, you can tell GORM to use a joined-subclass model to implement inheritance.
class Content {
static mapping = {
tablePerHierarchy false
String author
Technical note for those interested: This will use 4 tables (Content, BlogEntry, Book, and PodCast) with each subclass table containing only those fields unique to it, e.g., Book would contain an ISBN column, but not an audioStream column.
第六章 CRUD
CRUD Operations
Grails domain classes use dynamic persistent methods to facilitate CRUD (Create/Read/Update/Delete) operations on persistent classes:
To create entries in the database, domain class instances support a "save" method which cascades to the instance relationships. In the example below we only call "save" on the author and both the Author and Book instances are persisted:
def a = new Author(name:"Stephen King")
def b = new Book(title:"The Shining",author:a)
// persist
In this case we're having to create both sides of the relationship manually. GORM will manage the persistence of your object model to the database, but won't manage the relationships for you.
However since 0.3 Grails provides more intelligent relationship management that will manage bidrectional relationship state through dynamic methods:
def a = new Author(name:"Stephen King")
.addBook( new Book(title:"The Shining") )
.addBook( new Book(title:"The Stand") )
This will add several books to the Author plus make sure the author property on each Book is set thus managing this burden for you.
Grails supports a number of ways of retrieving domain class instances, for more detail on querying see the section on Domain Class Querying, however to retrieve an instance if the "id" is known you can use the "get" static method:
Or to find all books the "findAll", "list" or "listOrderByX" static methods can be used:
Book.findAll() // retrieve all
Book.list(max:10) // lists first 10 instances
Book.listOrderByTitle() // lists all the instances ordered by the "title" property
The semantics of updating differ from that of saving a domain class. It is possible to update without explicitly calling "save" with the changes automatically being persisted if no exceptions occur:
def b = Book.get(1)
b.releaseDate = new Date()
This behaviour is not always desired however paricularily when combined with validation constraints (ie you don't want your domain object saved if it is not validated). Therefore if you explicity call "save" and the object is not valid changes will not be persisted:
def b = Book.get(1)
b.title = null // can't have a null title
b.save() // won't save as fails to validate
It is sometimes handy though to make changes to your domain model programmatically if validation fails. In this way the semantics of the "validate" method differ as it won't discard the changes if validation fails:
def b = Book.get(1)
b.publisher = "Print It"
if(!b.validate()) {
b.publisher = Publisher.DEFAULT
In the above case changes will still be persisted even though validation failed during the "validate" method. If you want the "validate" method to not persist changes if it fails to validate you can pass a boolean "true" argument:
Alternatively, if you want to explicitly control if changes are persisted you can use the "discard" method that when called will discard any changes:
def b = Book.get(1)
b.title = "A New Title"
// something happenedd to change your mind
Domain class instances can be removed from the database by using the "delete" instance method:
def b = Book.get(1)
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2008-11-21 19:03 789http://grails.org/doc/1.0.x/ -
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2008-11-21 17:28 11961. 如果对传统的数据库 ... -
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2008-11-21 13:45 1876Grooy是什么? 运行在jvm ...
### Grails入门指南-中文版 #### 一、引言 Grails是一个高效的Web开发框架,它基于Groovy编程语言并构建在Spring、Hibernate和其他Java框架之上。这使得Grails成为一个一站式的解决方案,极大地提高了开发者的生产...
Grails入门指南书籍和源码----下载不扣分,回帖加1分,欢迎下载,童叟无欺 getting started with grails chinese Grails入门指南书籍和源码----下载不扣分,回帖加1分,欢迎下载,童叟无欺 getting started with ...
《Grails 入门指南》是一本专门为初学者设计的教程,旨在帮助新手快速掌握Grails框架的基础知识和实际应用。Grails是一个基于Groovy语言的全栈式、开源的Web应用框架,它以简化开发流程和提高生产力为目标,特别适合...
### Grails入门指南知识点 #### 一、Grails框架简介 - **背景**: Grails是一个基于Groovy语言的开源Web应用框架,适用于Java平台。它旨在简化开发过程,提高开发效率,尤其受到那些希望保留Java环境同时寻求更高效...
Grails 入门教程(二) 一、建立域关系 在 Grails 框架中,建立域关系是指定义对象之间的关系。一个域对象可以拥有多个其他域对象的引用,这些引用可以是“一对一”、“一对多”或“多对多”的关系。例如,在实例...
**Grails入门指南第二版**是一本由infoQ出版的免费电子书,旨在为初学者提供全面而深入的Grails框架学习资源。该书在第一版的基础上进行了更新,以适应Grails框架的最新发展,使其成为学习Grails的理想起点。 **...
**Grails入门指南** Grails,作为一款强大的Web应用程序开发框架,因其高效、灵活和便捷的特点,深受开发者喜爱。它采用Groovy动态编程语言作为主要的编写工具,为开发人员提供了一个快速构建复杂Web应用程序的平台...
**Grails 入门指南第二版中的赛马项目详解** Grails 是一个基于Groovy语言的开源Web应用框架,它采用MVC(Model-View-Controller)架构模式,旨在简化开发流程并提高开发效率。本项目是《Grails 入门指南第二版》中...
从给定的文件信息来看,虽然标题和描述都是关于“Grails入门口袋书”,但提供的部分内容却与Grails或Groovy无关,而是详细介绍了如何使用VMware Fusion在基于Intel的Mac上运行虚拟机,包括Windows和其他x86操作系统...
### Grails 入门经典知识点解析 #### 一、Grails 概述 Grails 是一个基于 Groovy 的开源框架,用于快速开发高性能 Web 应用程序。它结合了 Java 平台的强大功能与 Groovy 的灵活性,为开发者提供了一个高度生产力...
**Grails 入门大全** Grails 是一个基于 Groovy 语言的开源Web应用框架,它结合了敏捷开发方法和企业级应用需求,提供了一种高效、简洁的开发方式。Grails 的设计目标是简化开发流程,提高开发效率,使得开发者能够...
**Grails 入门大全** Grails 是一个基于 Groovy 语言的开源 Web 应用框架,它构建在 Spring Boot 之上,旨在提高开发效率,提供简洁、灵活的语法,以及丰富的插件生态系统。本资料将带你深入了解 Grails 的基础知识...
Grails入门指南_源代码_part2 http://download.csdn.net/source/309290
Grails入门指南_源代码_part1 http://download.csdn.net/source/309290