The code sample below describes how to play two sounds at the same
time. This feature is supported by the Sony Ericsson JP-5 platform and
Only one wav file can be played simultaniously but several midi files
might be played at the same time. The number of existing players is
only limited by available memory, and you have the possibility to play
more than one player at the same time. The example below shows how to
do this using one midi file and one wav file.
The code is straight-forward - just load the resource, create the player and start playing the file.
Here's the sample:
<!---->InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream(file);
InputStream is1 = getClass().getResourceAsStream(file1);
player = Manager.createPlayer(is, " audio/midi");
player1 = Manager.createPlayer(is1, "audio/x-wav");
example code
Program that solves n simultaneous Equations Using the Gaussian Elimination Algorithm.Just Input Augmented Matrix and the solution is Displayed.
In previous work, we presented GMTI detection and geo-location results from the AFRL Gotcha challenge ... The GMTI detections are then overlaid on the SAR image to produce a simultaneous SAR/GMTI map.
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping for Mobile Robots: Introduction and Methods Simultaneous Localization and Mapping for Mobile Robots: Introduction and Methods
It is based on the simultaneous interaction of two two-level atoms with a single-mode cavity with a filed of n photons. In the proposed scheme, two pairs of EPR state are used as quantum channel to ...
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In this context, Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) is a very well-suited solution. SLAM is used for many applications including mobile robotics, self-driving cars, unmanned aerial vehicles...
13. Simultaneous Reduction and Vec Stacking 14. Vector and Matrix Differentiation 15. Matrix Results for Statistics 16. Generalized Inverse and Patterned Matrices 17. Numerical Accuracy and QR ...
You’ll learn why Asyncio offers a safer alternative to preemptive multitasking (threading) and how this API provides a simple way to support thousands of simultaneous socket connections. Get a ...
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本研究提出了一种新颖的方法,即利用建筑物内部电力网络产生的电磁场(EMF)进行同步定位与建图(Simultaneous Localization and Mapping, SLAM)。此技术通过分析电磁场的空间分布特征来实现室内环境下的定位与地图...
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An approach to the simultaneous measurement of refractive-index (RI) and temperature changes using optical ring resonators is proposed and theoretically demonstrated. With a liquid-core silica ring ...
SMIX is a freeware programming library that will play up to 8 simultaneous sounds. The sounds are mixed in real time and played on any Sound Blaster compatible sound card. It provides transparent ...