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Hide your resource

如何隐藏你的资源不让人知道他的位置,同时阻止一般菜鸟的下载,可以通过脚本输出指定 mime type 的流文件到浏览器上.
例如, 创建image.php, 操作已经存在的GIF图像
header('Content-type: image/gif'); // specified mime type
readfile($image_url); // output to the browser, either provide the resource url or relative path
Content-type可以是任意资源,也包括js, css等
<img src="image.php">


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    + Fixed: Scrollbars not hide in Memo, ListView, TreeView, ScrollBox # Technical Support # Technical support for KSDev software is provided through email and newsgroups on our news server. For ...


    + Fixed: Scrollbars not hide in Memo, ListView, TreeView, ScrollBox # Technical Support # Technical support for KSDev software is provided through email and newsgroups on our news server. For ...

    Stackoverflow喜欢「Stackoverflow Likes」-crx插件

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    set the controls width, disable image uploading and deleting, restrict access to the source/preview tabs, hide buttons and lists that you don't want your clients to see or access. 支持...

    Visual C++ 编程资源大全(英文源码 其它)

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    videoView.setVideoURI(Uri.parse("android.resource://" + getPackageName() + "/" + R.raw.video)); videoView.start(); ``` 接下来,处理屏幕旋转。Android系统默认会在屏幕旋转时重新创建活动(Activity),...


    &lt;rich:panelBarItem label="Write your own custom rich components with built-in AJAX support"&gt; Component Development Kit (CDK) is a design-time extension for Ajax4jsf. The CDK includes... In ...


    Resource framework can generate images on-the-fly so that it becomes possible to create images using the familiar approach of the Java graphic2D library. ``` #### 六、`rich:panelMenu` 标签 `...

    Visual C++ 编程资源大全(英文源码 表单)

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    url: "/api/your-resource/" + resourceId, success: function() { // 删除成功后的操作 }, error: function() { // 处理错误情况 } }); ``` 以上就是使用jQuery实现删除确认提示信息框的基本步骤和涉及的...

    java pdf 查看器

    * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ...

    EhLib 9.1.024

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    24)..Added: EResLeaks improvements (new funcs: ResourceAdd, ResourceDelete, ResourceName; support for realloc-like functions) 25)..Fixed: Added workaround for bug in JIRA 5.x 26)..Fixed: Rare ...

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