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Upgrading Struts 1.1 to Struts 1.2.x
I guess its obvious to say you need to replace the jars, but the one people might forget is the new commons-validator.jar for version 1.1.3 of validator.
Also if you want to start using the new validwhen validation rule, then you will need to deploy the antlr.jar as well.
NOTE If your existing app uses the Struts SSLExt library, you must upgrade it as well: http://sslext.sourceforge.net/
Remember to deploy the new versions of the tld files for struts tags. If you don't you won't be able to use the new tag attributes added.
NOTE The uri's in the struts tlds have changed from jakarta.apache.org/struts to struts.apache.org - however this shouldn't have any impact (see below)
Tag libraries can be configured in one of two ways:
A. If you have configured the tag libraries using entries in the web.xml (see User Guide) then these should continue to work.
B. If you have used the simplified deployment allowed by Servlet 2.3 onwards (see User Guide) then this should also continue to work as versions of the tld's with the old uri have now been included in the struts.jar (and struts-el.jar). Its recommended that for new development that you use the new uri
Struts 1.1 <%@ taglib uri="http://jakarta.apache.org/struts/tags-html" prefix="html" %>
Struts 1.2.x <%@ taglib uri="http://struts.apache.org/tags-html" prefix="html" %>
Change the dtd declaration at the top to refer to the dtd for validator 1.1.3
<!DOCTYPE form-validation PUBLIC
"-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Commons Validator Rules Configuration 1.1.3//EN" " http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/dtds/validator_1_1_3.dtd">
Upgrade to the new version of validator-rules.xml.
N.B. One of the changes in the new validator-rules.xml is that the Validation methods' signatures changed from using ActionErrors to ActionMessages. If you have any custom validation methods, remember to change their method signatures to now use ActionMessages.
Its not absolutely necessary but you should upgrade to the 1.2 version of the dtd (Note that as well as the version number changing so has the url to struts.apache.org).
<!DOCTYPE struts-config PUBLIC
"-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 1.2//EN" " http://struts.apache.org/dtds/struts-config_1_2.dtd">
If you do upgrade to the 1.2 version dtd then there are a couple of attributes which have been removed and you will need to remove them from your struts-config:
debug has been removed from the "controller" element.
dynamic has been removed from the "form-bean" element
Also the contextRelative attribute in the "forward" element is now considered "deprecated" and a new module attribute added.
ActionError(s) and ActionMessage(s)
There is some confusion over ActionError and ActionErrors and whats deprecated.
A. ActionError IS deprecated and should be replaced by ActionMessage.
B. ActionErrors IS NOT deprecated. The Struts committers would have liked to have deprecated ActionErrors but because too much of core API depend on it (such as the ActionForm's validate method) it hasn't been. However it may be in the future and, where possible, you should now use ActionMessages in place of ActionErrors.
Theres more on this topic on StrutsDeprecatedActionErrors.
Custom Tags and Validation
Many methods in org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils and org.apache.struts.util.ResponseUtils are deprecated. Replace RequestUtils.* and ResponseUtils.* with org.apache.struts.taglib.TagUtils.getInstance().*
Replace org.apache.commons.validator.ValidatorUtil with org.apache.commons.validator.util.ValidatorUtils.
<init-param> web.xml configuration
A number of the of init parameter entries (i.e. <init-param>) in the web.xml were marked as deprecated in the Struts 1.1 release and have been removed in Struts 1.2. A list of the init parameters which have been removed is given below (refer to the User Guide for more information on Struts configuration):
mapping - see note on configFactory below
debug - replaced by Commons Logging
bufferSize - moved to <controller> element in the struts-config.xml
content - renamed to contentType and moved to <controller> element in the struts-config.xml
locale - moved to <controller> element in the struts-config.xml
maxFileSize - moved to <controller> element in the struts-config.xml
nocache - moved to <controller> element in the struts-config.xml
multipartClass - moved to <controller> element in the struts-config.xml
tempDir - moved to <controller> element in the struts-config.xml
application - now parameter in the <message-resources> element in the struts-config.xml
factory - moved to <message-resources> element in the struts-config.xml
null - moved to <message-resources> element in the struts-config.xml
N.B. There is a new configFactory init parameter in Struts 1.2 which can be used to set a custom ModuleConfigFactory class. This could be used to initialize default ModuleConfig settings on a struts-wide basis.
<html:form> Tag Attribute Deprecations
The name, scope and type attributes on the <html:form> tag were deprecated in Struts 1.1 and have now been removed in Struts 1.2.
The <html:form> tag was enhanced in Struts 1.1 to automatically create a new ActionForm instance based on the action mapping from the struts-config.xml. However the behaviour associated with the name, scope and type attributes still functioned.
In struts 1.2 you need to remove these attributes from the <html:form> tag in your jsp. If the values for these attributes match what you have in the struts-config.xml for the mapping then just removing them should be the the only action you need to take.
If they are not the same then problems will almost certainly occur when you upgrade to Struts 1.2 and remove the attributes. If, for example, you have pre-filled a form and stored it in a different scope these will no longer be displayed and the form values appear to have been lost. This can be resolved either by changing the scope on the mapping or by storing the form in the correct scope.
MessageResource Bundle Requirement
When the TagUtils class was introduced, it inadvertently added a new minimum requirement for taglib-only uses of Struts (those not using the ActionServlet + struts-config.xml, but only the tag libraries). In several of the Struts tags, the method TagUtils.retrieveMessageResources() is called, which looks for the MessageResource bundle typically configured by the ActionServlet (and placed in application scope). In the case that it cannot be found in any scope, the method attempts to access the moduleConfig object, which for taglib-only users, is null. This leads to a NullPointerException.
To reconcile this issue, it is necessary to create a bundle and put it into one of the scoped variables. This can be done in a custom servlet or in a top level JSP page.
MessageResources bundle = MessageResources.getMessageResources("ApplicationMessages");
pageContext.setAttribute(Globals.MESSAGES_KEY, bundle, PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE);If done in a custom servlet (and hence application scope) an empty ModuleConfig object must also be created and stuffed in the application scope.
ModuleConfig moduleConfig = new ModuleConfigImpl("");
getServletContext().setAttribute(Globals.MODULE_KEY, moduleConfig);Change Action.perform(...) to Action.execute(...)
In Struts 1.1 the execute(...) method was introduced and perform(...) method deprecated in Action. In Struts 1.1 the deprecated perform(...) method continues to work.
In Struts 1.2.x the deprecated perform(...) method was removed from Action and therefore any Action's which still implement perform(...) rather than execute(...) no longer function and should be changed to implement execute(...).
I guess its obvious to say you need to replace the jars, but the one people might forget is the new commons-validator.jar for version 1.1.3 of validator.
Also if you want to start using the new validwhen validation rule, then you will need to deploy the antlr.jar as well.
NOTE If your existing app uses the Struts SSLExt library, you must upgrade it as well: http://sslext.sourceforge.net/
Remember to deploy the new versions of the tld files for struts tags. If you don't you won't be able to use the new tag attributes added.
NOTE The uri's in the struts tlds have changed from jakarta.apache.org/struts to struts.apache.org - however this shouldn't have any impact (see below)
Tag libraries can be configured in one of two ways:
A. If you have configured the tag libraries using entries in the web.xml (see User Guide) then these should continue to work.
B. If you have used the simplified deployment allowed by Servlet 2.3 onwards (see User Guide) then this should also continue to work as versions of the tld's with the old uri have now been included in the struts.jar (and struts-el.jar). Its recommended that for new development that you use the new uri
Struts 1.1 <%@ taglib uri="http://jakarta.apache.org/struts/tags-html" prefix="html" %>
Struts 1.2.x <%@ taglib uri="http://struts.apache.org/tags-html" prefix="html" %>
Change the dtd declaration at the top to refer to the dtd for validator 1.1.3
<!DOCTYPE form-validation PUBLIC
"-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Commons Validator Rules Configuration 1.1.3//EN" " http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/dtds/validator_1_1_3.dtd">
Upgrade to the new version of validator-rules.xml.
N.B. One of the changes in the new validator-rules.xml is that the Validation methods' signatures changed from using ActionErrors to ActionMessages. If you have any custom validation methods, remember to change their method signatures to now use ActionMessages.
Its not absolutely necessary but you should upgrade to the 1.2 version of the dtd (Note that as well as the version number changing so has the url to struts.apache.org).
<!DOCTYPE struts-config PUBLIC
"-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 1.2//EN" " http://struts.apache.org/dtds/struts-config_1_2.dtd">
If you do upgrade to the 1.2 version dtd then there are a couple of attributes which have been removed and you will need to remove them from your struts-config:
debug has been removed from the "controller" element.
dynamic has been removed from the "form-bean" element
Also the contextRelative attribute in the "forward" element is now considered "deprecated" and a new module attribute added.
ActionError(s) and ActionMessage(s)
There is some confusion over ActionError and ActionErrors and whats deprecated.
A. ActionError IS deprecated and should be replaced by ActionMessage.
B. ActionErrors IS NOT deprecated. The Struts committers would have liked to have deprecated ActionErrors but because too much of core API depend on it (such as the ActionForm's validate method) it hasn't been. However it may be in the future and, where possible, you should now use ActionMessages in place of ActionErrors.
Theres more on this topic on StrutsDeprecatedActionErrors.
Custom Tags and Validation
Many methods in org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils and org.apache.struts.util.ResponseUtils are deprecated. Replace RequestUtils.* and ResponseUtils.* with org.apache.struts.taglib.TagUtils.getInstance().*
Replace org.apache.commons.validator.ValidatorUtil with org.apache.commons.validator.util.ValidatorUtils.
<init-param> web.xml configuration
A number of the of init parameter entries (i.e. <init-param>) in the web.xml were marked as deprecated in the Struts 1.1 release and have been removed in Struts 1.2. A list of the init parameters which have been removed is given below (refer to the User Guide for more information on Struts configuration):
mapping - see note on configFactory below
debug - replaced by Commons Logging
bufferSize - moved to <controller> element in the struts-config.xml
content - renamed to contentType and moved to <controller> element in the struts-config.xml
locale - moved to <controller> element in the struts-config.xml
maxFileSize - moved to <controller> element in the struts-config.xml
nocache - moved to <controller> element in the struts-config.xml
multipartClass - moved to <controller> element in the struts-config.xml
tempDir - moved to <controller> element in the struts-config.xml
application - now parameter in the <message-resources> element in the struts-config.xml
factory - moved to <message-resources> element in the struts-config.xml
null - moved to <message-resources> element in the struts-config.xml
N.B. There is a new configFactory init parameter in Struts 1.2 which can be used to set a custom ModuleConfigFactory class. This could be used to initialize default ModuleConfig settings on a struts-wide basis.
<html:form> Tag Attribute Deprecations
The name, scope and type attributes on the <html:form> tag were deprecated in Struts 1.1 and have now been removed in Struts 1.2.
The <html:form> tag was enhanced in Struts 1.1 to automatically create a new ActionForm instance based on the action mapping from the struts-config.xml. However the behaviour associated with the name, scope and type attributes still functioned.
In struts 1.2 you need to remove these attributes from the <html:form> tag in your jsp. If the values for these attributes match what you have in the struts-config.xml for the mapping then just removing them should be the the only action you need to take.
If they are not the same then problems will almost certainly occur when you upgrade to Struts 1.2 and remove the attributes. If, for example, you have pre-filled a form and stored it in a different scope these will no longer be displayed and the form values appear to have been lost. This can be resolved either by changing the scope on the mapping or by storing the form in the correct scope.
MessageResource Bundle Requirement
When the TagUtils class was introduced, it inadvertently added a new minimum requirement for taglib-only uses of Struts (those not using the ActionServlet + struts-config.xml, but only the tag libraries). In several of the Struts tags, the method TagUtils.retrieveMessageResources() is called, which looks for the MessageResource bundle typically configured by the ActionServlet (and placed in application scope). In the case that it cannot be found in any scope, the method attempts to access the moduleConfig object, which for taglib-only users, is null. This leads to a NullPointerException.
To reconcile this issue, it is necessary to create a bundle and put it into one of the scoped variables. This can be done in a custom servlet or in a top level JSP page.
MessageResources bundle = MessageResources.getMessageResources("ApplicationMessages");
pageContext.setAttribute(Globals.MESSAGES_KEY, bundle, PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE);If done in a custom servlet (and hence application scope) an empty ModuleConfig object must also be created and stuffed in the application scope.
ModuleConfig moduleConfig = new ModuleConfigImpl("");
getServletContext().setAttribute(Globals.MODULE_KEY, moduleConfig);Change Action.perform(...) to Action.execute(...)
In Struts 1.1 the execute(...) method was introduced and perform(...) method deprecated in Action. In Struts 1.1 the deprecated perform(...) method continues to work.
In Struts 1.2.x the deprecated perform(...) method was removed from Action and therefore any Action's which still implement perform(...) rather than execute(...) no longer function and should be changed to implement execute(...).
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在日常的工作和学习中,你是否常常为处理复杂的数据、生成高质量的文本或者进行精准的图像识别而烦恼?DeepSeek 或许就是你一直在寻找的解决方案!它以其高效、智能的特点,在各个行业都展现出了巨大的应用价值。然而,想要充分发挥 DeepSeek 的优势,掌握从入门到精通的知识和技能至关重要。本文将从实际应用的角度出发,为你详细介绍 DeepSeek 的基本原理、操作方法以及高级技巧。通过系统的学习,你将能够轻松地运用 DeepSeek 解决实际问题,提升工作效率和质量,让自己在职场和学术领域脱颖而出。现在,就让我们一起开启这场实用又高效的学习之旅吧!
# 踏入C语言的奇妙编程世界 在编程的广阔宇宙中,C语言宛如一颗璀璨恒星,以其独特魅力与强大功能,始终占据着不可替代的地位。无论你是编程小白,还是有一定基础想进一步提升的开发者,C语言都值得深入探索。 C语言的高效性与可移植性令人瞩目。它能直接操控硬件,执行速度快,是系统软件、嵌入式开发的首选。同时,代码可在不同操作系统和硬件平台间轻松移植,极大节省开发成本。 学习C语言,能让你深入理解计算机底层原理,培养逻辑思维和问题解决能力。掌握C语言后,再学习其他编程语言也会事半功倍。 现在,让我们一起开启C语言学习之旅。这里有丰富教程、实用案例、详细代码解析,助你逐步掌握C语言核心知识和编程技巧。别再犹豫,加入我们,在C语言的海洋中尽情遨游,挖掘无限可能,为未来的编程之路打下坚实基础!
在日常的工作和学习中,你是否常常为处理复杂的数据、生成高质量的文本或者进行精准的图像识别而烦恼?DeepSeek 或许就是你一直在寻找的解决方案!它以其高效、智能的特点,在各个行业都展现出了巨大的应用价值。然而,想要充分发挥 DeepSeek 的优势,掌握从入门到精通的知识和技能至关重要。本文将从实际应用的角度出发,为你详细介绍 DeepSeek 的基本原理、操作方法以及高级技巧。通过系统的学习,你将能够轻松地运用 DeepSeek 解决实际问题,提升工作效率和质量,让自己在职场和学术领域脱颖而出。现在,就让我们一起开启这场实用又高效的学习之旅吧!
在日常的工作和学习中,你是否常常为处理复杂的数据、生成高质量的文本或者进行精准的图像识别而烦恼?DeepSeek 或许就是你一直在寻找的解决方案!它以其高效、智能的特点,在各个行业都展现出了巨大的应用价值。然而,想要充分发挥 DeepSeek 的优势,掌握从入门到精通的知识和技能至关重要。本文将从实际应用的角度出发,为你详细介绍 DeepSeek 的基本原理、操作方法以及高级技巧。通过系统的学习,你将能够轻松地运用 DeepSeek 解决实际问题,提升工作效率和质量,让自己在职场和学术领域脱颖而出。现在,就让我们一起开启这场实用又高效的学习之旅吧!
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Simulink永磁风机飞轮储能系统二次调频技术研究:频率特性分析与参数优化,Simulink永磁风机飞轮储能二次调频技术:系统频率特性详解及参数优化研究参考详实文献及两区域系统应用,simulink永磁风机飞轮储能二次调频,系统频率特性如下,可改变调频参数改善频率。 参考文献详细,两区域系统二次调频。 ,核心关键词: 1. Simulink 2. 永磁风机 3. 飞轮储能 4. 二次调频 5. 系统频率特性 6. 调频参数 7. 改善频率 8. 参考文献 9. 两区域系统 以上关键词用分号(;)分隔,结果为:Simulink;永磁风机;飞轮储能;二次调频;系统频率特性;调频参数;改善频率;参考文献;两区域系统。,基于Simulink的永磁风机与飞轮储能系统二次调频研究:频率特性及调频参数优化
MATLAB驱动的ASR防滑转模型:PID与对照控制算法对比,冰雪路面条件下滑移率与车速轮速对照展示,MATLAB驱动的ASR防滑转模型:PID与对照控制算法对比,冰雪路面条件下滑移率与车速轮速对照图展示,MATLAB驱动防滑转模型ASR模型 ASR模型驱动防滑转模型 ?牵引力控制系统模型 选择PID控制算法以及对照控制算法,共两种控制算法,可进行选择。 选择冰路面以及雪路面,共两种路面条件,可进行选择。 控制目标为滑移率0.2,出图显示车速以及轮速对照,出图显示车辆轮胎滑移率。 模型简单,仅供参考。 ,MATLAB; ASR模型; 防滑转模型; 牵引力控制系统模型; PID控制算法; 对照控制算法; 冰路面; 雪路面; 控制目标; 滑移率; 车速; 轮速。,MATLAB驱动的ASR模型:PID与对照算法在冰雪路面的滑移率控制研究
芯片失效分析方法介绍 -深入解析芯片故障原因及预防措施.pptx
内容概要:本文提供了一个全面的PostgreSQL自动化部署解决方案,涵盖智能环境适应、多平台支持、内存与性能优化以及安全性加强等重要方面。首先介绍了脚本的功能及其调用方法,随后详细阐述了操作系统和依赖软件包的准备过程、配置项的自动生成机制,还包括对实例的安全性和监控功能的强化措施。部署指南给出了具体的命令操作指导,便于新手理解和执行。最后强调了该工具对于不同硬件条件和服务需求的有效应对能力,特别是针对云计算环境下应用的支持特点。 适合人群:对PostgreSQL集群运维有一定基础并渴望提高效率和安全性的数据库管理员及工程师。 使用场景及目标:本脚本能够帮助企业在大规模部署时减少人工介入时间,确保系统的稳定性与高性能,适用于各类需要稳定可靠的数据库解决方案的企业或机构,特别是在大数据量和高并发事务处理场合。 其他说明:文中还提及了一些高级功能如自动备份、流复制等设置步骤,使得该方案不仅可以快速上线而且能满足后续维护和发展阶段的要求。同时提到的技术性能数据也为用户评估其能否满足业务需求提供了直观参考。
在日常的工作和学习中,你是否常常为处理复杂的数据、生成高质量的文本或者进行精准的图像识别而烦恼?DeepSeek 或许就是你一直在寻找的解决方案!它以其高效、智能的特点,在各个行业都展现出了巨大的应用价值。然而,想要充分发挥 DeepSeek 的优势,掌握从入门到精通的知识和技能至关重要。本文将从实际应用的角度出发,为你详细介绍 DeepSeek 的基本原理、操作方法以及高级技巧。通过系统的学习,你将能够轻松地运用 DeepSeek 解决实际问题,提升工作效率和质量,让自己在职场和学术领域脱颖而出。现在,就让我们一起开启这场实用又高效的学习之旅吧!
在日常的工作和学习中,你是否常常为处理复杂的数据、生成高质量的文本或者进行精准的图像识别而烦恼?DeepSeek 或许就是你一直在寻找的解决方案!它以其高效、智能的特点,在各个行业都展现出了巨大的应用价值。然而,想要充分发挥 DeepSeek 的优势,掌握从入门到精通的知识和技能至关重要。本文将从实际应用的角度出发,为你详细介绍 DeepSeek 的基本原理、操作方法以及高级技巧。通过系统的学习,你将能够轻松地运用 DeepSeek 解决实际问题,提升工作效率和质量,让自己在职场和学术领域脱颖而出。现在,就让我们一起开启这场实用又高效的学习之旅吧!
在日常的工作和学习中,你是否常常为处理复杂的数据、生成高质量的文本或者进行精准的图像识别而烦恼?DeepSeek 或许就是你一直在寻找的解决方案!它以其高效、智能的特点,在各个行业都展现出了巨大的应用价值。然而,想要充分发挥 DeepSeek 的优势,掌握从入门到精通的知识和技能至关重要。本文将从实际应用的角度出发,为你详细介绍 DeepSeek 的基本原理、操作方法以及高级技巧。通过系统的学习,你将能够轻松地运用 DeepSeek 解决实际问题,提升工作效率和质量,让自己在职场和学术领域脱颖而出。现在,就让我们一起开启这场实用又高效的学习之旅吧!
CVPR2023复现技术:多数据集验证下的YOLOX、YOLOv5及YOLOV7检测涨点助力器,CVPR2023复现实验助力检测涨点,验证了YOLOX、YOLOv5及YOLOV7在多个数据集上的有效性,cvpr2023复现,助力检测涨点,YOLOX YOLOv5 YOLOV7均有效,再多个数据集验证有效 ,cvpr2023复现; 助力检测涨点; YOLOX有效; YOLOv5有效; YOLOV7有效; 多数据集验证有效,CVPR2023复现成功:多模型检测涨点验证有效