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module sqldb; extern (C): alias double DOUBLE; /***************************************************************************** * DBPROCESS, LOGINREC and DBCURSOR * *****************************************************************************/ alias void DBPROCESS; alias void LOGINREC; alias void DBCURSOR; alias void DBHANDLE; alias void *PDBPROCESS; alias void *PLOGINREC; alias void *PDBCURSOR; alias void *PDBHANDLE; alias int function()LGFARPROC; /***************************************************************************** * Win32 compatibility datatype definitions * * Note: The following datatypes are provided for Win32 compatibility. * * Since some of the datatypes are already defined in unrelated include files * * there may definition duplication. Every attempt has been made to check * * for such problems. * *****************************************************************************/ alias short SHORT; alias int INT; alias uint UINT; alias ushort USHORT; alias uint ULONG; alias char CHAR; alias INT *LPINT; alias char BYTE; alias CHAR *LPSTR; alias BYTE *LPBYTE; alias void *LPVOID; alias CHAR *LPCSTR; alias int BOOL; /***************************************************************************** * DB-Library datatype definitions * *****************************************************************************/ const DBMAXCHAR = 256; alias INT RETCODE; alias INT STATUS; // DB-Library datatypes alias char DBCHAR; alias ubyte DBBINARY; alias ubyte DBTINYINT; alias short DBSMALLINT; alias ushort DBUSMALLINT; alias int DBINT; alias double DBFLT8; alias ubyte DBBIT; alias ubyte DBBOOL; alias float DBFLT4; alias int DBMONEY4; alias DBFLT4 DBREAL; alias UINT DBUBOOL; struct dbdatetime4 { USHORT numdays; USHORT nummins; } alias dbdatetime4 DBDATETIM4; struct dbvarychar { DBSMALLINT len; DBCHAR [256]str; } alias dbvarychar DBVARYCHAR; struct dbvarybin { DBSMALLINT len; BYTE [256]array; } alias dbvarybin DBVARYBIN; struct dbmoney { DBINT mnyhigh; ULONG mnylow; } alias dbmoney DBMONEY; struct dbdatetime { DBINT dtdays; ULONG dttime; } alias dbdatetime DBDATETIME; // DBDATEREC structure used by dbdatecrack struct dbdaterec { int year; // 1753 - 9999 INT quarter; // 1 - 4 INT month; // 1 - 12 INT dayofyear; // 1 - 366 INT day; // 1 - 31 INT week; // 1 - 54 (for leap years) INT weekday; // 1 - 7 (Mon - Sun) INT hour; // 0 - 23 INT minute; // 0 - 59 INT second; // 0 - 59 INT millisecond; // 0 - 999 } alias dbdaterec DBDATEREC; const MAXNUMERICLEN = 16; const MAXNUMERICDIG = 38; const DEFAULTPRECISION = 18; const DEFAULTSCALE = 0; struct dbnumeric { BYTE precision; BYTE scale; BYTE sign; BYTE [16]val; } alias dbnumeric DBNUMERIC; alias DBNUMERIC DBDECIMAL; const MAXCOLNAMELEN = 30; const MAXTABLENAME = 30; struct _N1 { DBINT SizeOfStruct; CHAR [31]Name; CHAR [31]ActualName; CHAR [31]TableName; SHORT Type; DBINT UserType; DBINT MaxLength; BYTE Precision; BYTE Scale; BOOL VarLength; // TRUE, FALSE BYTE Null; // TRUE, FALSE or DBUNKNOWN BYTE CaseSensitive; // TRUE, FALSE or DBUNKNOWN BYTE Updatable; // TRUE, FALSE or DBUNKNOWN BOOL Identity; // TRUE, FALSE } alias _N1 DBCOL; alias _N1 *LPDBCOL; const MAXSERVERNAME = 30; const MAXNETLIBNAME = 255; const MAXNETLIBCONNSTR = 255; struct _N2 { DBINT SizeOfStruct; BYTE ServerType; USHORT ServerMajor; USHORT ServerMinor; USHORT ServerRevision; CHAR [31]ServerName; CHAR [256]NetLibName; CHAR [256]NetLibConnStr; } alias _N2 DBPROCINFO; alias _N2 *LPDBPROCINFO; struct _N3 { DBINT SizeOfStruct; ULONG TotCols; ULONG TotRows; ULONG CurRow; ULONG TotRowsFetched; ULONG Type; ULONG Status; } alias _N3 DBCURSORINFO; alias _N3 *LPDBCURSORINFO; /***************************************************************************** * Pointer Datatypes * *****************************************************************************/ alias LPINT LPCINT; alias LPBYTE LPCBYTE; alias USHORT *LPUSHORT; alias LPUSHORT LPCUSHORT; alias DBINT *LPDBINT; alias LPDBINT LPCDBINT; alias DBBINARY *LPDBBINARY; alias LPDBBINARY LPCDBBINARY; alias DBDATEREC *LPDBDATEREC; alias LPDBDATEREC LPCDBDATEREC; alias DBDATETIME *LPDBDATETIME; alias LPDBDATETIME LPCDBDATETIME; /***************************************************************************** * General #defines * *****************************************************************************/ const SERVTYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; const SERVTYPE_MICROSOFT = 1; // Used by dbcolinfo enum CI_TYPES { CI_REGULAR = 1, CI_ALTERNATE, CI_CURSOR, } const DB_IN = 1; const DB_OUT = 2; const BCPMAXERRS = 1; // bcp_control parameter const BCPFIRST = 2; const BCPLAST = 3; const BCPBATCH = 4; const BCPKEEPNULLS = 5; const BCPABORT = 6; const TRUE = 1; const FALSE = 0; const TINYBIND = 1; const SMALLBIND = 2; const INTBIND = 3; const CHARBIND = 4; const BINARYBIND = 5; const BITBIND = 6; const DATETIMEBIND = 7; const MONEYBIND = 8; const FLT8BIND = 9; const STRINGBIND = 10; const NTBSTRINGBIND = 11; const VARYCHARBIND = 12; const VARYBINBIND = 13; const FLT4BIND = 14; const SMALLMONEYBIND = 15; const SMALLDATETIBIND = 16; const DECIMALBIND = 17; const NUMERICBIND = 18; const SRCDECIMALBIND = 19; const SRCNUMERICBIND = 20; alias SRCNUMERICBIND MAXBIND; const DBSAVE = 1; const DBNOSAVE = 0; const DBNOERR = -1; const DBFINDONE = 0x04; const DBMORE = 0x10; const DBMORE_ROWS = 0x20; const MAXNAME = 31; const DBTXTSLEN = 8; const DBTXPLEN = 16; const INT_EXIT = 0; const INT_CONTINUE = 1; const INT_CANCEL = 2; // dboptions const DBBUFFER = 0; const DBOFFSET = 1; const DBROWCOUNT = 2; const DBSTAT = 3; const DBTEXTLIMIT = 4; const DBTEXTSIZE = 5; const DBARITHABORT = 6; const DBARITHIGNORE = 7; const DBNOAUTOFREE = 8; const DBNOCOUNT = 9; const DBNOEXEC = 10; const DBPARSEONLY = 11; const DBSHOWPLAN = 12; const DBSTORPROCID = 13; const DBCLIENTCURSORS = 16; const DBSETTIME = 17; const DBQUOTEDIDENT = 18; // Data Type Tokens const SQLVOID = 0x1f; const SQLTEXT = 0x23; const SQLVARBINARY = 0x25; const SQLINTN = 0x26; const SQLVARCHAR = 0x27; const SQLBINARY = 0x2d; const SQLIMAGE = 0x22; const SQLCHAR = 0x2f; const SQLINT1 = 0x30; const SQLBIT = 0x32; const SQLINT2 = 0x34; const SQLINT4 = 0x38; const SQLMONEY = 0x3c; const SQLDATETIME = 0x3d; const SQLFLT8 = 0x3e; const SQLFLTN = 0x6d; const SQLMONEYN = 0x6e; const SQLDATETIMN = 0x6f; const SQLFLT4 = 0x3b; const SQLMONEY4 = 0x7a; const SQLDATETIM4 = 0x3a; const SQLDECIMAL = 0x6a; const SQLNUMERIC = 0x6c; // Data stream tokens const SQLCOLFMT = 0xa1; const OLD_SQLCOLFMT = 0x2a; const SQLPROCID = 0x7c; const SQLCOLNAME = 0xa0; const SQLTABNAME = 0xa4; const SQLCOLINFO = 0xa5; const SQLALTNAME = 0xa7; const SQLALTFMT = 0xa8; const SQLERROR = 0xaa; const SQLINFO = 0xab; const SQLRETURNVALUE = 0xac; const SQLRETURNSTATUS = 0x79; const SQLRETURN = 0xdb; const SQLCONTROL = 0xae; const SQLALTCONTROL = 0xaf; const SQLROW = 0xd1; const SQLALTROW = 0xd3; const SQLDONE = 0xfd; const SQLDONEPROC = 0xfe; const SQLDONEINPROC = 0xff; const SQLOFFSET = 0x78; const SQLORDER = 0xa9; const SQLLOGINACK = 0xad; // Ag op tokens const SQLAOPCNT = 0x4b; const SQLAOPSUM = 0x4d; const SQLAOPAVG = 0x4f; const SQLAOPMIN = 0x51; const SQLAOPMAX = 0x52; const SQLAOPANY = 0x53; const SQLAOPNOOP = 0x56; // Error numbers (dberrs) DB-Library error codes const SQLEMEM = 10000; const SQLENULL = 10001; const SQLENLOG = 10002; const SQLEPWD = 10003; const SQLECONN = 10004; const SQLEDDNE = 10005; const SQLENULLO = 10006; const SQLESMSG = 10007; const SQLEBTOK = 10008; const SQLENSPE = 10009; const SQLEREAD = 10010; const SQLECNOR = 10011; const SQLETSIT = 10012; const SQLEPARM = 10013; const SQLEAUTN = 10014; const SQLECOFL = 10015; const SQLERDCN = 10016; const SQLEICN = 10017; const SQLECLOS = 10018; const SQLENTXT = 10019; const SQLEDNTI = 10020; const SQLETMTD = 10021; const SQLEASEC = 10022; const SQLENTLL = 10023; const SQLETIME = 10024; const SQLEWRIT = 10025; const SQLEMODE = 10026; const SQLEOOB = 10027; const SQLEITIM = 10028; const SQLEDBPS = 10029; const SQLEIOPT = 10030; const SQLEASNL = 10031; const SQLEASUL = 10032; const SQLENPRM = 10033; const SQLEDBOP = 10034; const SQLENSIP = 10035; const SQLECNULL = 10036; const SQLESEOF = 10037; const SQLERPND = 10038; const SQLECSYN = 10039; const SQLENONET = 10040; const SQLEBTYP = 10041; const SQLEABNC = 10042; const SQLEABMT = 10043; const SQLEABNP = 10044; const SQLEBNCR = 10045; const SQLEAAMT = 10046; const SQLENXID = 10047; const SQLEIFNB = 10048; const SQLEKBCO = 10049; const SQLEBBCI = 10050; const SQLEKBCI = 10051; const SQLEBCWE = 10052; const SQLEBCNN = 10053; const SQLEBCOR = 10054; const SQLEBCPI = 10055; const SQLEBCPN = 10056; const SQLEBCPB = 10057; const SQLEVDPT = 10058; const SQLEBIVI = 10059; const SQLEBCBC = 10060; const SQLEBCFO = 10061; const SQLEBCVH = 10062; const SQLEBCUO = 10063; const SQLEBUOE = 10064; const SQLEBWEF = 10065; const SQLEBTMT = 10066; const SQLEBEOF = 10067; const SQLEBCSI = 10068; const SQLEPNUL = 10069; const SQLEBSKERR = 10070; const SQLEBDIO = 10071; const SQLEBCNT = 10072; const SQLEMDBP = 10073; const SQLINIT = 10074; const SQLCRSINV = 10075; const SQLCRSCMD = 10076; const SQLCRSNOIND = 10077; const SQLCRSDIS = 10078; const SQLCRSAGR = 10079; const SQLCRSORD = 10080; const SQLCRSMEM = 10081; const SQLCRSBSKEY = 10082; const SQLCRSNORES = 10083; const SQLCRSVIEW = 10084; const SQLCRSBUFR = 10085; const SQLCRSFROWN = 10086; const SQLCRSBROL = 10087; const SQLCRSFRAND = 10088; const SQLCRSFLAST = 10089; const SQLCRSRO = 10090; const SQLCRSTAB = 10091; const SQLCRSUPDTAB = 10092; const SQLCRSUPDNB = 10093; const SQLCRSVIIND = 10094; const SQLCRSNOUPD = 10095; const SQLCRSOS2 = 10096; const SQLEBCSA = 10097; const SQLEBCRO = 10098; const SQLEBCNE = 10099; const SQLEBCSK = 10100; const SQLEUVBF = 10101; const SQLEBIHC = 10102; const SQLEBWFF = 10103; const SQLNUMVAL = 10104; const SQLEOLDVR = 10105; const SQLEBCPS = 10106; const SQLEDTC = 10107; const SQLENOTIMPL = 10108; const SQLENONFLOAT = 10109; const SQLECONNFB = 10110; // The severity levels are defined here const EXINFO = 1; // Informational, non-error const EXUSER = 2; // User error const EXNONFATAL = 3; // Non-fatal error const EXCONVERSION = 4; // Error in DB-LIBRARY data conversion const EXSERVER = 5; // The Server has returned an error flag const EXTIME = 6; // waiting for a response from the Server - the DBPROCESS is still alive const EXPROGRAM = 7; // Coding error in user program const EXRESOURCE = 8; // Running out of resources - the DBPROCESS may be dead const EXCOMM = 9; // Failure in communication with Server - the DBPROCESS is dead const EXFATAL = 10; // Fatal error - the DBPROCESS is dead const EXCONSISTENCY = 11; // Internal software error - notify MS Technical Supprt // Offset identifiers const OFF_SELECT = 0x16d; const OFF_FROM = 0x14f; const OFF_ORDER = 0x165; const OFF_COMPUTE = 0x139; const OFF_TABLE = 0x173; const OFF_PROCEDURE = 0x16a; const OFF_STATEMENT = 0x1cb; const OFF_PARAM = 0x1c4; const OFF_EXEC = 0x12c; // Print lengths for certain fixed length data types const PRINT4 = 11; const PRINT2 = 6; const PRINT1 = 3; const PRFLT8 = 20; const PRMONEY = 26; const PRBIT = 3; const PRDATETIME = 27; const SUCCEED = 1; const FAIL = 0; const SUCCEED_ABORT = 2; const DBUNKNOWN = 2; const MORE_ROWS = -1; const NO_MORE_ROWS = -2; alias MORE_ROWS REG_ROW; const BUF_FULL = -3; // Status code for dbresults(). Possible return values are // SUCCEED, FAIL, and NO_MORE_RESULTS. const NO_MORE_RESULTS = 2; const NO_MORE_RPC_RESULTS = 3; const DBSETHOST = 1; const DBSETUSER = 2; const DBSETPWD = 3; const DBSETAPP = 4; const DBSETID = 5; const DBSETLANG = 6; const DBSETSECURE = 7; const DBVER42 = 8; const DBVER60 = 9; const DBSETLOGINTIME = 10; const DBSETFALLBACK = 12; // Standard exit and error values const STDEXIT = 0; const ERREXIT = -1; // dbrpcinit flags const DBRPCRECOMPILE = 0x0001; const DBRPCRESET = 0x0004; const DBRPCCURSOR = 0x0008; // dbrpcparam flags const DBRPCRETURN = 0x1; const DBRPCDEFAULT = 0x2; // Cursor related constants // Following flags are used in the concuropt parameter in the dbcursoropen function const CUR_READONLY = 1; const CUR_LOCKCC = 2; const CUR_OPTCC = 3; const CUR_OPTCCVAL = 4; // Following flags are used in the scrollopt parameter in dbcursoropen const CUR_FORWARD = 0; const CUR_KEYSET = -1; const CUR_DYNAMIC = 1; const CUR_INSENSITIVE = -2; // Following flags define the fetchtype in the dbcursorfetch function const FETCH_FIRST = 1; const FETCH_NEXT = 2; const FETCH_PREV = 3; const FETCH_RANDOM = 4; const FETCH_RELATIVE = 5; const FETCH_LAST = 6; // Following flags define the per row status as filled by dbcursorfetch and/or dbcursorfetchex const FTC_EMPTY = 0x00; const FTC_SUCCEED = 0x01; const FTC_MISSING = 0x02; const FTC_ENDOFKEYSET = 0x04; const FTC_ENDOFRESULTS = 0x08; // Following flags define the operator types for the dbcursor function const CRS_UPDATE = 1; const CRS_DELETE = 2; const CRS_INSERT = 3; const CRS_REFRESH = 4; const CRS_LOCKCC = 5; // Following value can be passed to the dbcursorbind function for NOBIND type const NOBIND = -2; // Following are values used by DBCURSORINFO's Type parameter const CU_CLIENT = 0x00000001; const CU_SERVER = 0x00000002; const CU_KEYSET = 0x00000004; const CU_MIXED = 0x00000008; const CU_DYNAMIC = 0x00000010; const CU_FORWARD = 0x00000020; const CU_INSENSITIVE = 0x00000040; const CU_READONLY = 0x00000080; const CU_LOCKCC = 0x00000100; const CU_OPTCC = 0x00000200; const CU_OPTCCVAL = 0x00000400; // Following are values used by DBCURSORINFO's Status parameter const CU_FILLING = 0x00000001; const CU_FILLED = 0x00000002; // Following are values used by dbupdatetext's type parameter const UT_TEXTPTR = 0x0001; const UT_TEXT = 0x0002; const UT_MORETEXT = 0x0004; const UT_DELETEONLY = 0x0008; const UT_LOG = 0x0010; // The following values are passed to dbserverenum for searching criteria. const NET_SEARCH = 0x0001; const LOC_SEARCH = 0x0002; // These constants are the possible return values from dbserverenum. const ENUM_SUCCESS = 0x0000; const MORE_DATA = 0x0001; const NET_NOT_AVAIL = 0x0002; const OUT_OF_MEMORY = 0x0004; const NOT_SUPPORTED = 0x0008; const ENUM_INVALID_PARAM = 0x0010; // Netlib Error problem codes. ConnectionError() should return one of // these as the dblib-mapped problem code, so the corresponding string // is sent to the dblib app's error handler as dberrstr. Return NE_E_NOMAP // for a generic DB-Library error string (as in prior versions of dblib). const NE_E_NOMAP = 0; const NE_E_NOMEMORY = 1; const NE_E_NOACCESS = 2; const NE_E_CONNBUSY = 3; const NE_E_CONNBROKEN = 4; const NE_E_TOOMANYCONN = 5; const NE_E_SERVERNOTFOUND = 6; const NE_E_NETNOTSTARTED = 7; const NE_E_NORESOURCE = 8; const NE_E_NETBUSY = 9; const NE_E_NONETACCESS = 10; const NE_E_GENERAL = 11; const NE_E_CONNMODE = 12; const NE_E_NAMENOTFOUND = 13; const NE_E_INVALIDCONN = 14; const NE_E_NETDATAERR = 15; const NE_E_TOOMANYFILES = 16; const NE_E_CANTCONNECT = 17; const NE_MAX_NETERROR = 17; //define a function pointer alias INT DBERRHANDLE_PROC(PDBPROCESS , INT , INT , INT , LPCSTR , LPCSTR ); alias INT DBMSGHANDLE_PROC(PDBPROCESS , DBINT , INT , INT , LPCSTR , LPCSTR , LPCSTR , DBUSMALLINT ); DBERRHANDLE_PROC dberrhandle(DBERRHANDLE_PROC ); DBMSGHANDLE_PROC dbmsghandle(DBMSGHANDLE_PROC ); DBERRHANDLE_PROC dbprocerrhandle(PDBHANDLE , DBERRHANDLE_PROC ); DBMSGHANDLE_PROC dbprocmsghandle(PDBHANDLE , DBMSGHANDLE_PROC ); /***************************************************************************** * Function Prototypes * *****************************************************************************/ // Two-phase commit functions int abort_xact(PDBPROCESS , DBINT ); void build_xact_string(LPCSTR , LPCSTR , DBINT , LPSTR ); void close_commit(PDBPROCESS ); int commit_xact(PDBPROCESS , DBINT ); PDBPROCESS open_commit(PLOGINREC , LPCSTR ); int remove_xact(PDBPROCESS , DBINT , INT ); int scan_xact(PDBPROCESS , DBINT ); DBINT start_xact(PDBPROCESS , LPCSTR , LPCSTR , INT ); int stat_xact(PDBPROCESS , DBINT ); // BCP functions DBINT bcp_batch(PDBPROCESS ); int bcp_bind(PDBPROCESS , LPCBYTE , INT , DBINT , LPCBYTE , INT , INT , INT ); int bcp_colfmt(PDBPROCESS , INT , BYTE , INT , DBINT , LPCBYTE , INT , INT ); int bcp_collen(PDBPROCESS , DBINT , INT ); int bcp_colptr(PDBPROCESS , LPCBYTE , INT ); int bcp_columns(PDBPROCESS , INT ); int bcp_control(PDBPROCESS , INT , DBINT ); DBINT bcp_done(PDBPROCESS ); int bcp_exec(PDBPROCESS , LPDBINT ); int bcp_init(PDBPROCESS , LPCSTR , LPCSTR , LPCSTR , INT ); int bcp_moretext(PDBPROCESS , DBINT , LPCBYTE ); int bcp_readfmt(PDBPROCESS , LPCSTR ); int bcp_sendrow(PDBPROCESS ); int bcp_setl(PLOGINREC , BOOL ); int bcp_writefmt(PDBPROCESS , LPCSTR ); // Standard DB-Library functions LPCBYTE dbadata(PDBPROCESS , INT , INT ); DBINT dbadlen(PDBPROCESS , INT , INT ); int dbaltbind(PDBPROCESS , INT , INT , INT , DBINT , LPCBYTE ); int dbaltcolid(PDBPROCESS , INT , INT ); DBINT dbaltlen(PDBPROCESS , INT , INT ); int dbaltop(PDBPROCESS , INT , INT ); int dbalttype(PDBPROCESS , INT , INT ); DBINT dbaltutype(PDBPROCESS , INT , INT ); int dbanullbind(PDBPROCESS , INT , INT , LPCDBINT ); //int dbbind(PDBPROCESS dbproc, INT , INT , DBINT , LPBYTE ); int dbbind (PDBPROCESS dbproc, int column, int vartype, DBINT varlen, LPBYTE varaddr ); LPCBYTE dbbylist(PDBPROCESS , INT , LPINT ); int dbcancel(PDBPROCESS ); int dbcanquery(PDBPROCESS ); LPCSTR dbchange(PDBPROCESS ); int dbclose(PDBPROCESS ); void dbclrbuf(PDBPROCESS , DBINT ); int dbclropt(PDBPROCESS , INT , LPCSTR ); int dbcmd(PDBPROCESS , LPCSTR ); int dbcmdrow(PDBPROCESS ); bool dbcolbrowse(PDBPROCESS , INT ); int dbcolinfo(PDBHANDLE , INT , INT , INT , LPDBCOL ); DBINT dbcollen(PDBPROCESS , INT ); LPCSTR dbcolname(PDBPROCESS , INT ); LPCSTR dbcolsource(PDBPROCESS , INT ); int dbcoltype(PDBPROCESS , INT ); DBINT dbcolutype(PDBPROCESS , INT ); int dbconvert(PDBPROCESS , INT , LPCBYTE , DBINT , INT , LPBYTE , DBINT ); DBINT dbcount(PDBPROCESS ); int dbcurcmd(PDBPROCESS ); DBINT dbcurrow(PDBPROCESS ); int dbcursor(PDBCURSOR , INT , INT , LPCSTR , LPCSTR ); int dbcursorbind(PDBCURSOR , INT , INT , DBINT , LPDBINT , LPBYTE ); int dbcursorclose(PDBHANDLE ); int dbcursorcolinfo(PDBCURSOR , INT , LPSTR , LPINT , LPDBINT , LPINT ); int dbcursorfetch(PDBCURSOR , INT , INT ); int dbcursorfetchex(PDBCURSOR , INT , DBINT , DBINT , DBINT ); int dbcursorinfo(PDBCURSOR , LPINT , LPDBINT ); int dbcursorinfoex(PDBCURSOR , LPDBCURSORINFO ); PDBCURSOR dbcursoropen(PDBPROCESS , LPCSTR , INT , INT , UINT , LPDBINT ); LPCBYTE dbdata(PDBPROCESS , INT ); bool dbdataready(PDBPROCESS ); int dbdatecrack(PDBPROCESS , LPDBDATEREC , LPCDBDATETIME ); DBINT dbdatlen(PDBPROCESS , INT ); bool dbdead(PDBPROCESS ); void dbexit(); int dbenlisttrans(PDBPROCESS , LPVOID ); int dbenlistxatrans(PDBPROCESS , BOOL ); //C extern RETCODE dbfcmd (PDBPROCESS, LPCSTR, ...); INT dbfcmd(PDBPROCESS , LPCSTR ,...); DBINT dbfirstrow(PDBPROCESS ); void dbfreebuf(PDBPROCESS ); void dbfreelogin(PLOGINREC ); void dbfreequal(LPCSTR ); LPSTR dbgetchar(PDBPROCESS , INT ); short dbgetmaxprocs(); int dbgetoff(PDBPROCESS , DBUSMALLINT , INT ); uint dbgetpacket(PDBPROCESS ); int dbgetrow(PDBPROCESS , DBINT ); int dbgettime(); LPVOID dbgetuserdata(PDBPROCESS ); bool dbhasretstat(PDBPROCESS ); LPCSTR dbinit(); bool dbisavail(PDBPROCESS ); bool dbiscount(PDBPROCESS ); bool dbisopt(PDBPROCESS , INT , LPCSTR ); DBINT dblastrow(PDBPROCESS ); PLOGINREC dblogin(); int dbmorecmds(PDBPROCESS ); int dbmoretext(PDBPROCESS , DBINT , LPCBYTE ); LPCSTR dbname(PDBPROCESS ); int dbnextrow(PDBPROCESS ); int dbnullbind(PDBPROCESS , INT , LPCDBINT ); int dbnumalts(PDBPROCESS , INT ); int dbnumcols(PDBPROCESS ); int dbnumcompute(PDBPROCESS ); int dbnumorders(PDBPROCESS ); int dbnumrets(PDBPROCESS ); PDBPROCESS dbopen(PLOGINREC , LPCSTR ); int dbordercol(PDBPROCESS , INT ); int dbprocinfo(PDBPROCESS , LPDBPROCINFO ); void dbprhead(PDBPROCESS ); int dbprrow(PDBPROCESS ); LPCSTR dbprtype(INT ); LPCSTR dbqual(PDBPROCESS , INT , LPCSTR ); DBINT dbreadpage(PDBPROCESS , LPCSTR , DBINT , LPBYTE ); DBINT dbreadtext(PDBPROCESS , LPVOID , DBINT ); int dbresults(PDBPROCESS ); LPCBYTE dbretdata(PDBPROCESS , INT ); DBINT dbretlen(PDBPROCESS , INT ); LPCSTR dbretname(PDBPROCESS , INT ); DBINT dbretstatus(PDBPROCESS ); int dbrettype(PDBPROCESS , INT ); int dbrows(PDBPROCESS ); int dbrowtype(PDBPROCESS ); int dbrpcinit(PDBPROCESS , LPCSTR , DBSMALLINT ); int dbrpcparam(PDBPROCESS , LPCSTR , BYTE , INT , DBINT , DBINT , LPCBYTE ); int dbrpcsend(PDBPROCESS ); int dbrpcexec(PDBPROCESS ); void dbrpwclr(PLOGINREC ); int dbrpwset(PLOGINREC , LPCSTR , LPCSTR , INT ); int dbserverenum(USHORT , LPSTR , USHORT , LPUSHORT ); void dbsetavail(PDBPROCESS ); int dbsetmaxprocs(SHORT ); int dbsetlname(PLOGINREC , LPCSTR , INT ); int dbsetlogintime(INT ); int dbsetlpacket(PLOGINREC , USHORT ); int dbsetnull(PDBPROCESS , INT , INT , LPCBYTE ); int dbsetopt(PDBPROCESS , INT , LPCSTR ); int dbsettime(INT ); void dbsetuserdata(PDBPROCESS , LPVOID ); int dbsqlexec(PDBPROCESS ); int dbsqlok(PDBPROCESS ); int dbsqlsend(PDBPROCESS ); int dbstrcpy(PDBPROCESS , INT , INT , LPSTR ); int dbstrlen(PDBPROCESS ); bool dbtabbrowse(PDBPROCESS , INT ); int dbtabcount(PDBPROCESS ); LPCSTR dbtabname(PDBPROCESS , INT ); LPCSTR dbtabsource(PDBPROCESS , INT , LPINT ); int dbtsnewlen(PDBPROCESS ); LPCDBBINARY dbtsnewval(PDBPROCESS ); int dbtsput(PDBPROCESS , LPCDBBINARY , INT , INT , LPCSTR ); LPCDBBINARY dbtxptr(PDBPROCESS , INT ); LPCDBBINARY dbtxtimestamp(PDBPROCESS , INT ); LPCDBBINARY dbtxtsnewval(PDBPROCESS ); int dbtxtsput(PDBPROCESS , LPCDBBINARY , INT ); int dbuse(PDBPROCESS , LPCSTR ); bool dbvarylen(PDBPROCESS , INT ); bool dbwillconvert(INT , INT ); int dbwritepage(PDBPROCESS , LPCSTR , DBINT , DBINT , LPBYTE ); int dbwritetext(PDBPROCESS , LPCSTR , LPCDBBINARY , DBTINYINT , LPCDBBINARY , BOOL , DBINT , LPCBYTE ); int dbupdatetext(PDBPROCESS , LPCSTR , LPCDBBINARY , LPCDBBINARY , INT , DBINT , DBINT , LPCSTR , DBINT , LPCDBBINARY );
module test; import sqldb; import std.c.stdio; import std.string; int main(){ PDBPROCESS dbproc; // The connection with SQL Server. PLOGINREC login; // The login information. DBCHAR name[100]; DBCHAR city[100]; // Initialize DB-Library. dbinit(); // Get a LOGINREC. login = dblogin (); dbsetlname (login, "sa",DBSETUSER); dbsetlname (login, "",DBSETPWD); dbsetlname (login, "example",DBSETAPP); // Get a DBPROCESS structure for communication with SQL Server. dbproc = dbopen (login, "BM"); // Retrieve some columns from the authors table in the pubs database. // First, put the command into the command buffer. dbcmd (dbproc, "SELECT cpm,ccd FROM pt..tzl_sp"); dbcmd (dbproc, " WHERE CID < 130 "); // Send the command to SQL Server and start execution. dbsqlexec (dbproc); // Process the results. if (dbresults (dbproc) == SUCCEED) { // Bind column to program variables. dbbind (dbproc, 1, NTBSTRINGBIND, 0, name); dbbind (dbproc, 2, NTBSTRINGBIND, 0, city); // Retrieve and print the result rows. while (dbnextrow(dbproc) != NO_MORE_ROWS) { printf ("%s from %s\n", toStringz(name), toStringz(city)); } } // Close the connection to SQL Server. dbexit (); return 0; }
2 楼
to qiezi 不好意思,我是看你搬了家,才来的!

1 楼
不过怎么在http://www.iteye.com/user/36102可以看到这篇文章,左边显示的是ideage,但点进来用户名显示的却是 czhcc,论坛的BUG?
不过怎么在http://www.iteye.com/user/36102可以看到这篇文章,左边显示的是ideage,但点进来用户名显示的却是 czhcc,论坛的BUG?
2018-04-20 10:42 921最近抽空翻译了D语言实用入门教程 地址在Github,供初 ... -
2011-09-27 18:09 1742wx我在Python环境下用了 ... -
2011-09-26 10:39 2310很久没有写代码了。。。。 怀念往日不如今天行动。生疏了 ... -
2010-08-16 22:40 1052harmonia界面很方便,发现不能录入中文.Patch一下. ... -
2009-09-18 22:37 1286看到坛子有人问“在D或C下如何实现输入单个字符不回显?可能的应 ... -
2009-08-09 01:36 1082终于成功了。 资源文件太可爱,竟然可以如此。按名称进行 ... -
The Case for D中英文版PDF下载
2009-06-19 10:27 1426The Case for D 在网站上浏览不方便的,有了PD ... -
D语言真相 The Case for D(1-5)
2009-06-17 09:52 4943D语言真相 Andrei Alexandre ... -
The Case for D
2009-06-16 22:50 2328The Case for D Andrei Alexan ... -
2009-06-12 11:37 2011所有的嵌入都研究了一个遍。发现嵌入Python挺好,试试。 ... -
2009-05-27 09:09 1046应用中要用到注册表.DFL里面有. 参照了文档,写了一 ... -
DFL 2.027,1.041,2,3编译
2009-04-07 17:59 1618注:DFL已经更新,http://www.dprogrammi ... -
2009-04-07 08:28 1396D2.0的字符串增加了常量,不变量和变量.在很大程度上增加了语 ... -
2009-03-05 19:56 3529自从1999年12月,Walter设计开发D语言以来,D语 ... -
2009-03-02 15:32 1082I'm sure this was brought up in ... -
2009-02-20 15:25 3293通过对一些D语言可以使用的GUI进行比较,对初学者有个借 ... -
2009-02-19 14:38 1847经过长期的测试,使用,扩展代码编写,比较了D中可以使用的几种脚 ... -
D语言编译器开始支持Mac OSX
2009-02-15 18:25 1188D语言编译器开始支持Mac OSX。 D语言历经10年的发 ... -
2009-02-06 12:04 1216class ComboxKeyDownFilter:IMess ... -
2008-12-25 00:08 1436每个程序都有很多的代码编织而成.为了获得最大的兼容性,你要从容 ...
在 WinCC 中,我们可以使用按钮来打开文件夹、应用程序等,以便更方便地访问和操作这些资源。下面我们将详细介绍如何在 WinCC 中使用按钮打开文件夹及其他应用程序。 按钮的定义和命名 首先,在图形编辑器中定义一...
### Asp.net应用程序使用UNC路径访问网络文件夹 #### 背景介绍 在开发Asp.net应用程序的过程中,经常会遇到需要访问网络文件夹的情况。在本地开发环境下使用Visual Studio 2010(以下简称Vs2010)进行测试时,能够...
第1章 初识Web应用程序 第2章 数据库应用基础 ...第4章 用户登录模块设计 第5章 网站访问计数器设计 第6章 图书信息查询模块设计 第7章 图书信息浏览模块设计 ...附录D Web应用程序设计综合实训
在Android中,用户可以通过`Settings`应用访问"管理应用程序"。相关设置的标题和描述可能包含以下字符串资源: - `manageapplications_settings_title`:这可能是管理应用程序设置的标题,比如"应用管理"。 - `...
4. **设置服务权限**:如果应用程序需要特定的权限,比如访问网络或者特定的系统资源,你可能需要调整服务账户的权限。默认情况下,服务通常以Local System账户运行,但也可以更改为其他账户。 5. **启动和管理服务...
ASP.NET 2.0 中 WEB 应用程序的部署是指在我们建立完一个 WEB 应用程序后,将其部署到生产环境中,使其可以被用户访问的过程。部署 WEB 应用程序是非常重要的步骤,因为它直接影响着用户体验和应用程序的可靠性。 ...
- 介绍如何使用应用程序设计器来实现与其他系统的集成,比如ERP或CRM系统。 - **主题2:高级用户界面定制** - 探讨如何利用CSS、JavaScript等前端技术进一步定制Maximo的用户界面,以提供更加友好的用户体验。 - *...
在使用Visual C++ (VC++) 开发Windows应用程序时,有时我们可能需要对程序的磁盘访问权限进行控制,比如禁止程序访问特定的磁盘驱动器,例如D盘。这种需求通常出于安全考虑,防止程序误操作或者恶意行为,或者是为了...
在“C语言基础 简单C语言应用程序”这个主题中,我们将深入探讨C语言的基础知识,了解如何编写简单的C语言应用程序。 首先,C语言的基础包括数据类型。C语言支持基本的数据类型如整型(int)、浮点型(float、...
在第3章中,我们将讨论一个M F C应用程序是怎样通过消息与外界及应用程序进行通信的。 还将讨论四种消息类型,并跟踪一个消息通过接收消息的类。最后将探讨该路径上的重定向 消息。 绘图 在第4章中,我们将讨论在...
单片机原理与应用是电子工程领域中一个重要的学习板块,C51程序设计则是针对8051系列单片机进行编程的一种语言。在这个专题中,我们将深入探讨这两个核心概念,以及如何通过课后习题来提升理解和实践能力。 首先,...
6. **实际应用案例**:教案可能包含一些实际项目案例,如温控系统、防盗报警器、智能家居等,让学生了解单片机在现实生活中的广泛应用。 7. **优秀毕业设计与论文**:标签中的“优秀毕业设计”和“优秀毕业论文”...
### 单片机高级语言C51应用程序设计 #### 一、引言 随着电子技术的发展,单片机因其体积小、成本低、可靠性高、易于控制等优势,在工业自动化、家用电器、智能仪器仪表等领域得到了广泛应用。在单片机编程领域,...
西门子Sinumerik 802S/C/D PLC子程序库是专为这款系列的数控系统设计的应用工具,用于实现复杂控制逻辑和自动化任务。这个应用指南详细介绍了如何有效地利用PLC子程序来提高系统的功能性和效率。下面将深入探讨相关...
本文将详细介绍如何进行Android应用程序开发环境的搭建,主要包括JDK、SDK和Eclipse的下载与安装,以及相关环境变量的配置。 首先,我们需要下载JDK(Java Development Kit),它是开发Java应用程序的基础。在...