
js条件编译字符@cc_on,@if,@elif ,@else ,@end


Conditional Compilation of JScript/ JavaScript in IE

In IE, there is a little known feature called conditional compilation. Supported since IE4, this feature starting getting some attention when it began showing up in some Ajax related JavaScripts. An absolute form of object detection, conditional compilation lets you dictate to IE whether to compile certain parts of your JScript or JavaScript code depending on predefined and user defined conditions. Think of it as conditional comments for your script that can also be molded to work gracefully with non IE browsers as well.

Syntax Overview

Conditional compilation is activated by using the @cc_on statement inside your script, or by directly using an @if or @set statement that are part of the logic of CC. Here's an illustrative example:

<script type="text/javascript">

document.write("JScript version: " + @_jscript_version + ".<br>");
   /*@if (@_jscript_version >= 5)
      document.write("JScript Version 5.0 or better.<br \/>");
      document.write("This text is only seen by browsers that support JScript 5+<br>");
   @else @*/
      document.write("This text is seen by all other browsers (ie: Firefox, IE 4.x etc)<br>");



<!----> <script type="text/javascript"></script> JScript version: 5.6.
JScript Version 5.0 or better.
This text is only seen by browsers that support JScript 5+

If you're using IE (of any version), you should see the first document.write() rendered, and for IE5+, the following two document.write() as well (since JScript 5 is supported by IE5+). The last document.write() method is served only to non IE5+ browsers, whether it's Firefox, Opera, IE4, you name it. Conditional compilation relies on tag teaming with the comment tag, similar to in Conditional Comments, to ensure it works harmoniously in all browsers.

When working with Conditional Compilation, it's best to first activate it via the @cc_on statement, as only then can you also include comment tags in your script in a way that ensures browser compatibility, as shown in the example above.

@if, @elif, @else, and @end statements

So with the formalities out of the way, here are the conditional statements at your disposal for conditional compilation:

  •  @if
  • @elif
  • @else
  • @end

Lets see some "eccentric" examples now.

if else logic (IE exclusive)

   @if (@_win32)
      document.write("OS is 32-bit. Browser is IE.");
      document.write("OS is NOT 32-bit. Browser is IE.");

Here the entire script is only rendered by IE browsers and ignored by all else, and depending on the bit of your OS, a different message is shown. Contrast that with the next example...

if else logic II (other browsers inclusive)

   /*@if (@_win32)
      document.write("OS is 32-bit, browser is IE.");
   @else @*/
      document.write("Browser is not IE (ie: is Firefox) or Browser is not 32 bit IE.");

By manipulating the comment tag,  the "else" part in this example will get picked up by all non IE browsers such as Firefox, plus non 32 bit IE as well. Study the comments until your head spins, and you'll see the logic. :)

if, elseif, else logic (IE exclusive)

Moving on, time for the full Monty:

   @if (@_jscript_version >= 5)
      document.write("IE Browser that supports JScript 5+");
   @elif (@_jscript_version >= 4)
      document.write("IE Browser that supports JScript 4+");
      document.write("Very old IE Browser");

if, elseif, else logic II (other browsers inclusive)

   /*@if (@_jscript_version >= 5)
      document.write("IE Browser that supports JScript 5+");
   @elif (@_jscript_version >= 4)
      document.write("IE Browser that supports JScript 4+");
   @else @*/
      document.write("Non IE Browser (one that doesn't support JScript)");

Sane deal here. In this 2nd example of the 2nd set, the final "else" statement gets picked up by non IE browsers.






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    - `elif` 和 `else` 子句可以添加到 `if` 语句中,以便处理更多的条件分支。 **循环语句**: - `for` 循环用于遍历序列(如列表、元组、字典、字符串等)中的元素。 - `while` 循环用于重复执行一段代码,直到给定...


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    常用的条件编译指令包括 `#ifdef`, `#ifndef`, `#if`, `#elif`, `#else` 和 `#endif`。通过条件编译,可以在不同的编译环境下编译不同的代码,从而达到代码复用的目的。 - **示例代码**: ```c #ifdef DEBUG ...


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    1. **条件语句**:包括`if`、`elif`、`else`。 2. **循环语句**:包括`for`循环和`while`循环。 3. **循环中的`else`语句**:在循环正常结束时执行。 4. **`pass`语句**:空操作,起到占位的作用。 #### 十四、...


    - `if`, `elif`, `else`: 条件分支。 - `import`, `from`: 导入模块。 - `try`, `except`, `finally`: 异常处理。 - `with`, `as`: 上下文管理器。 - `global`, `nonlocal`: 定义变量的作用域。 #### 四、Python中...


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