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武汉大学开源技术俱乐部 技术交流 第1期 -
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States and Capitals
I. The Task
A teacher wants you to create an application that will help his students learn the capitals of some of the US states. He has created a limited prototype that does part of what he wants the application to do: When a user selects a state, the prototype displays the corresponding state capital.
In addition to the functionality demonstrated by his prototype, the teacher wants the application to provide a second mode, one in which when his students select a capital, the application displays the corresponding state. Moreover, the teacher wants the application to be as usable as possible. He therefore asks you to conduct a heuristic evaluation of his prototype and, not wanting the application to confuse his students, specifically requests that it only allow them to work in one mode at a time.
What you need to do:
- Conduct a heuristic evaluation of his prototype and write two complete UARs on problems identified by that evaluation.
- In a separate document, list two
additional features, characteristics,
or changes the final application should include that are not mentioned in
the recommendations of your two UARs—and list by name the heuristic or
heuristics that justifies these features, characteristics, or changes and
explain what problem aspects these enhancements will address.
Note : The two additional features as well as the recommendations of your UARs must focus on matters of usability, not on adding functionality to the application. That is, they should focus on making the finished application more usable, not on adding functions or content to the application. - Create a prototype of the requested application that offers the two modes: one in which, like the teacher’s prototype, when a user chooses a state, the application displays the corresponding capital; and a second in which when a user chooses a capital, and the application displays the corresponding state. Note that each mode should start with appropriate default settings.
II. What You Need to Turn In
- Two complete UARs
- A separate document listing two additional recommended features, characteristics, or changes—and the heuristic or heuristics that justify them.
- A project archive, named Exam2_VB.zip that offers both modes, but allows users to work in only one mode at a time .
II. Resources
Use the resources below to in creating your application: the teacher's prototype and a table of five states and their capitals.
Warning: Use only the states and capitals provided below; using other states or capitals from other sources may result in a substantial loss of points.
The teacher's prototype
U.S. states and capitals:
State |
Capital |
Choose a state | Choose a capital |
Alaska | Juneau |
Arkansas | Little Rock |
New Hampshire | Concord |
West Virginia | Charleston |
Wisconsin | Madison |
- StatesAndCapitalsTheTeachersPrototype_v1.0.exe.zip (3.4 KB)
- 描述: 题目中给的样例程序
- 下载次数: 10
- Exam2.zip (92.3 KB)
- 描述: 我的解答
- 下载次数: 23
Total Score: 91/100
* TheUARsAndRecommendationsDocument
Score: 41/50
o UAR1
Score: 15/20
+ UAR1 Validity
Score: 20/20
+ UAR1_Matters_Of_Form
Score: 4/4
+ UAR1MattersOfSubstance
Score: 11/16
# UAR1 Evidence Slot
Score: 2/4
The UAR1 Evidence slot does not contain any or enough evidence (a screen image, for example) to justify the aspect as worthy of report. -2
# UAR1 Explanation Slot
Score: 6/8
The UAR1 explanation does not address the problem identified in the UAR's Name slot. -2
# UAR1 Severity Slot
Score: 2/2
# UAR1 Solution/Trade-Offs Slot
Score: 1/2
The UAR1 proposed solution does not address the problem identified in the UAR's Name slot and explained in the Explanation slot. -1
o UAR2
Score: 16/20
+ UAR2 Validity
Score: 20/20
+ UAR2_Matters_Of_Form
Score: 4/4
+ UAR2MattersOfSubstance
Score: 12/16
# UAR2 Evidence Slot
Score: 2/4
The heuristic named in the UAR2 Evidence slot does not identify the problem with the aspect, as shown in the evidence from the interface presented. -2
# UAR2 Explanation Slot
Score: 6/8
The UAR2 Explanation slot does not provide any or enough context for a reader to understand the problem. -2
# UAR2 Severity Slot
Score: 2/2
# UAR2 Solution/Trade-Offs Slot
Score: 2/2
o Recommendations_Document
Score: 10/10
* The_Intermediate_Prototype
Score: 50/50
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总结而言,这个“SSD7 exam1 Multichoice and practical”资源是SSD7课程学习者的重要参考资料,它提供了全面的练习和解答,有助于提高理论理解和实践操作技能,为成功应对考试做好充分准备。无论是自我学习还是课堂...
【标题】"exam3-practical.zip_ssd2 exam3_ssd2 exam3 practical" 暗示这是一个关于SSD2(可能是一个课程或考试代号)的实践考试或项目,包含多个主题,如数据备份、高级加密、域名、调制解调器以及网络电缆。...
SSD2 Exam 1 Practical 是一个针对存储系统和数据管理的实践考核,旨在检验考生对固态硬盘(SSD)技术、存储系统架构以及相关管理技能的理解与应用能力。这个考试共分为六个部分,每部分可能涵盖不同的主题,旨在...
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在IT领域,尤其是计算机科学与数据存储相关的课程中,"SSD7 Exam2 Practical + Choice"很可能是一个关于固态存储技术(Solid State Drives, SSDs)的考试,包含了实践操作部分和多项选择题。这份资源可能对备考者来...
icarnegie ssd7 exam2 practical + choice有题目答案和Multiple-Choice 绝对值!
### ssd5 Exam 1 Practical知识点解析 #### 考试背景与要求 根据题目的描述,本考试为“ssd5 Exam 1 Practical”,主要针对的是编程实践能力的考核。考试时间限定为180分钟,需要在规定时间内完成所有题目。考生需...
这个“SSD1 exam1 practical”指的是该课程中的第一次实践考试或者练习,它包含了两个部分,旨在帮助学生掌握SSD(固态硬盘)的基本原理、操作和相关知识。这个压缩包文件可能是为了帮助学生准备SSD1的考试,提供了...
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标题中的"SSD2_Exam_2_Practical.rar"表明这是一个关于SSD2(可能是一个课程或证书的缩写)的第二场实践考试的压缩文件,包含答案。描述中的"SSD2 Exam 2 Practical 100 . all answers"确认了这是一份包含了100个...
根据提供的信息,我们可以总结出以下知识点: ### 1. SQL 查询语句 #### 1.1 基本查询 - **单表查询**: `SELECT A FROM R;` 此查询用于从表`R`中选择列`A`的所有值。 - **条件查询**: `SELECT * FROM R WHERE B =...
SSD7 Exam1是针对某个课程或认证考试的练习或测试,主要涵盖了多个选择题(Multiple Choice)。在准备这样的考试时,理解并掌握SSD7的相关知识点至关重要。下面将详细阐述可能涉及的SSD7考试内容,特别是选择题部分...
标题中的“SSD2_Exam_1_Practical.rar”表明这是一个关于SSD2(可能是一个课程代码或某个认证考试的缩写)第一部分实践考试的压缩文件,包含了答案。描述中提到“SSD2 Exam 1 Practical all answers. 100%”,这暗示...