Commons IO:
Commons IO 1.1 release notes
Commons IO is a package of Java utility classes for's hierarchy.
Classes in this package are considered to be so standard and of such high
reuse as to justify existence in
Commons IO contains utility classes, stream implementations, file filters,
and endian transformation classes.
Incompatible changes from 1.0
Binary compatible - Yes
Source compatible - Yes
Semantic compatible - Yes, except:
- FileUtils.writeStringToFile()
A null encoding previously used 'ISO-8859-1', now it uses the platform default
Generally this will make no difference
- LockableFileWriter
Improved validation and now create directories if necesssary
plus these bug fixes may affect you semantically:
- FileUtils.touch() (Bug fix 29821)
Now creates the file if it did not previously exist
- FileUtils.toFile(URL) (Bug fix 32575)
Now handles escape syntax such as %20
- FileUtils.sizeOfDirectory() (Bug fix 36801)
May now return a size of 0 if the directory is security restricted
Deprecations from 1.0
- CopyUtils has been deprecated.
Its methods have been moved to IOUtils.
The new IOUtils methods handle nulls better, and have clearer names.
- IOUtils.toByteArray(String) - Use {@link String#getBytes()}
- IOUtils.toString(byte[]) - Use {@link String#String(byte[])}
- IOUtils.toString(byte[],String) - Use {@link String#String(byte[],String)}
Bug fixes from 1.0
- FileUtils - touch() [29821]
Now creates the file if it did not previously exist
- FileUtils - toFile(URL) [32575]
Now handles escape syntax such as %20
- FileFilterUtils - makeCVSAware(IOFileFilter) [33023]
Fixed bug that caused method to be completely broken
- CountingInputStream [33336]
Fixed bug that caused the count to reduce by one at the end of the stream
- CountingInputStream - skip(long) [34311]
Bytes from calls to this method were not previously counted
- NullOutputStream [33481]
Remove unecessary synchronization
- AbstractFileFilter - accept(File, String) [30992]
Fixed broken implementation
- FileUtils [36801]
Previously threw NPE when listing files in a security restricted directory
Now throw IOException with a better message
- FileUtils - writeStringToFile()
Null encoding now correctly uses the platform default
Enhancements from 1.0
- FilenameUtils - new class [33303,29351]
A static utility class for working with filenames
Seeks to ease the pain of developing on Windows and deploying on Unix
- FileSystemUtils - new class [32982,36325]
A static utility class for working with file systems
Provides one method at present, to get the free space on the filing system
- IOUtils - new public constants
Constants for directory and line separators on Windows and Unix
- IOUtils - toByteArray(Reader,encoding)
Handles encodings when reading to a byte array
- IOUtils - toCharArray(InputStream) [28979]
- toCharArray(InputStream,encoding)
- toCharArray(Reader)
Reads a stream/reader into a charatcter array
- IOUtils - readLines(InputStream) [36214]
- readLines(InputStream,encoding)
- readLines(Reader)
Reads a stream/reader line by line into a List of Strings
- IOUtils - toInputStream(String) [32958]
- toInputStream(String,encoding)
Creates an input stream that uses the string as a source of data
- IOUtils - writeLines(Collection,lineEnding,OutputStream) [36214]
- writeLines(Collection,lineEnding,OutputStream,encoding)
- writeLines(Collection,lineEnding,Writer)
Writes a collection to a stream/writer line by line
- IOUtils - write(...)
Write data to a stream/writer (moved from CopyUtils with better null handling)
- IOUtils - copy(...)
Copy data between streams (moved from CopyUtils with better null handling)
- IOUtils - contentEquals(Reader,Reader)
Method to compare the contents of two readers
- FileUtils - toFiles(URL[])
Converts an array of URLs to an array of Files
- FileUtils - copyDirectory() [32944]
New methods to copy a directory
- FileUtils - readFileToByteArray(File)
Reads an entire file into a byte array
- FileUtils - writeByteArrayToFile(File,byte[])
Writes a byte array to a file
- FileUtils - readLines(File,encoding) [36214]
Reads a file line by line into a List of Strings
- FileUtils - writeLines(File,encoding,List)
Writes a collection to a file line by line
Constant for an empty array of File objects
- ConditionalFileFilter - new interface [30705]
Defines the behaviour of list based filters
- AndFileFilter, OrFileFilter [30705]
Now support a list of filters to and/or
- WildcardFilter [31115]
New filter that can match using wildcard file names
- FileFilterUtils - makeSVNAware(IOFileFilter)
New method, like makeCVSAware, that ignores Subversion source control directories
- ClassLoaderObjectInputStream
An ObjectInputStream that supports a ClassLoader
- CountingInputStream,CountingOutputStream - resetCount() [28976]
Adds the ability to reset the count part way through reading/writing the stream
- DeferredFileOutputStream - writeTo(OutputStream) [34173]
New method to allow current contents to be written to a stream
- DeferredFileOutputStream [34142]
Performance optimizations avoiding double buffering
- LockableFileWriter - encoding support [36825]
Add support for character encodings to LockableFileWriter
Improve the validation
Create directories if necesssary
- IOUtils and EndianUtils are no longer final [28978]
Allows developers to have subclasses if desired
best practices
user guide
赠送jar包:commons-io-2.8.0.jar; 赠送原API文档:commons-io-2.8.0-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:commons-io-2.8.0-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息文件:commons-io-2.8.0.pom; 包含翻译后的API文档:commons-io...
《简单实用程序库:plugins-commons-1.1-103与simple-utils.zip解析》 在Java开发中,高效且便捷的工具类库对于提升开发效率至关重要。本篇文章将详细探讨开源项目"plugins-commons-1.1-103"与""这...
赠送jar包:commons-io-2.11.0.jar; 赠送原API文档:commons-io-2.11.0-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:commons-io-2.11.0-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息文件:commons-io-2.11.0.pom; 包含翻译后的API文档:...
赠送jar包:commons-io-2.7.jar; 赠送原API文档:commons-io-2.7-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:commons-io-2.7-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息文件:commons-io-2.7.pom; 包含翻译后的API文档:commons-io-2.7-...
赠送jar包:commons-io-1.3.2.jar; 赠送原API文档:commons-io-1.3.2-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:commons-io-1.3.2-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息文件:commons-io-1.3.2.pom; 包含翻译后的API文档:commons-io...
Apache Commons IO是一个非常重要的Java库,它提供了大量的实用工具类,用于处理输入/输出操作。在标题中提到的""是Apache Commons IO库的一个二进制发行版,版本号为2.11.0。这个压缩包...
《Apache Commons IO 2.6在Java开发中的应用详解》 Apache Commons IO是Apache软件基金会的一个开源项目,它提供了一系列实用的I/O操作工具,极大地简化了Java开发中与输入/输出相关的任务。其中,`commons-io-2.6....
开发工具 commons-io-1.3.2开发工具 commons-io-1.3.2开发工具 commons-io-1.3.2开发工具 commons-io-1.3.2开发工具 commons-io-1.3.2开发工具 commons-io-1.3.2开发工具 commons-io-1.3.2开发工具 commons-io-1.3.2...
Apache Commons IO 是一个Java库,专门用于处理输入/输出流操作。这个库包含了大量实用类和方法,使得在处理文件、字节流、字符流、过滤器和转换时更加便捷。""是Apache Commons IO库的版本...
Apache Commons IO 是一个Java库,专注于提供各种I/O操作的实用工具类,这些操作包括文件、流、过滤器、读写、转换、检测等。在本案例中,我们讨论的是"commons-io-2.4"版本,这个版本包含了完整的Apache Commons IO...
赠送jar包:commons-io-2.7.jar 赠送原API文档:commons-io-2.7-javadoc.jar 赠送源代码:commons-io-2.7-sources.jar 包含翻译后的API文档:commons-io-2.7-javadoc-API文档-中文(简体)-英语-对照版.zip 对应...
Apache Commons IO 是一个Java库,专门用于处理输入/输出(I/O)操作。这个库提供了大量的实用工具类,简化了常见的文件、流、过滤器、读写操作等任务。"commons-io-2.11.0.rar"是Apache Commons IO库的版本2.11.0的...
赠送jar包:commons-io-2.5.jar; 赠送原API文档:commons-io-2.5-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:commons-io-2.5-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息文件:commons-io-2.5.pom; 包含翻译后的API文档:commons-io-2.5-...
Apache Commons FileUpload与Apache Commons IO是Java开发中两个非常重要的库,它们主要用于处理文件上传和I/O操作。这两个库在Web应用、数据处理以及文件管理等领域广泛应用。 Apache Commons FileUpload库是一个...
Apache Commons IO 是一个Java库,它提供了一系列实用工具类来处理输入/输出操作。这个压缩包包含从0.1版本到2.4版本的所有Apache Commons IO的发布。这些版本跨越了多个年份,反映了该库在发展过程中的功能增强、...
Apache Commons IO 是一个Java库,专门用于处理输入/输出(I/O)操作。这个库提供了大量的实用工具类,使得在处理文件、流、过滤器、读写操作时更加方便。"commons-io-2.5.jar"是Apache Commons IO库的一个版本,...
Commons IO是Java编程语言中的一个开源库,由Apache软件基金会维护。这个库提供了一系列与输入/输出相关的实用工具类,补充了Java标准库中的IO功能。"commons-io-2.8.0.rar"是一个包含 Commons IO 库版本2.8.0的...
赠送jar包:commons-io-2.2.jar; 赠送原API文档:commons-io-2.2-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:commons-io-2.2-sources.jar; 包含翻译后的API文档:commons-io-2.2-javadoc-API文档-中文(简体)版.zip 对应Maven...