org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.process(request, response)方法:
接着// Identify the mapping for this request
ActionMapping mapping = processMapping(request, response, path);
protected ActionMapping processMapping(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response, String path)
throws IOException {
// Is there a mapping for this path?
ActionMapping mapping =
(ActionMapping) moduleConfig.findActionConfig(path);
// If a mapping is found, put it in the request and return it
if (mapping != null) {
request.setAttribute(Globals.MAPPING_KEY, mapping);
return (mapping);
// Locate the mapping for unknown paths (if any)
ActionConfig[] configs = moduleConfig.findActionConfigs();
for (int i = 0; i < configs.length; i++) {
if (configs[i].getUnknown()) {
mapping = (ActionMapping) configs[i];
request.setAttribute(Globals.MAPPING_KEY, mapping);
return (mapping);
// No mapping can be found to process this request
String msg = getInternal().getMessage("processInvalid");
log.error(msg + " " + path);
response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, msg);
return null;
ActionForm form = processActionForm(request, response, mapping);
processPopulate(request, response, form, mapping);
form.reset(mapping, request);
进入方法RequestUtils.populate(form, mapping.getPrefix(), mapping.getSuffix(), request);
public static void populate(Object bean, String prefix, String suffix,
HttpServletRequest request)
throws ServletException {
// Build a list of relevant request parameters from this request
HashMap properties = new HashMap();
// Iterator of parameter names
Enumeration names = null;
// Map for multipart parameters
Map multipartParameters = null;
String contentType = request.getContentType();
String method = request.getMethod();
boolean isMultipart = false;
if (bean instanceof ActionForm) {
((ActionForm) bean).setMultipartRequestHandler(null);
MultipartRequestHandler multipartHandler = null;
if ((contentType != null)
&& (contentType.startsWith("multipart/form-data"))
&& (method.equalsIgnoreCase("POST"))) {
if (!isMultipart) {//如果不是上传,得到所有属性名
names = request.getParameterNames();
while (names.hasMoreElements()) {
String name = (String) names.nextElement();
String stripped = name;
Object parameterValue = null;
if (isMultipart) {
parameterValue = multipartParameters.get(name);
} else {
parameterValue = request.getParameterValues(name);
// Populate parameters, except "standard" struts attributes
// such as 'org.apache.struts.action.CANCEL'
if (!(stripped.startsWith("org.apache.struts."))) {
properties.put(stripped, parameterValue);
// Set the corresponding相应的 properties of our bean
try {
BeanUtils.populate(bean, properties);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ServletException("BeanUtils.populate", e);
} finally {
if (multipartHandler != null) {
// Set the multipart request handler for our ActionForm.
// If the bean isn't an ActionForm, an exception would have been
// thrown earlier, so it's safe to assume that our bean is
// in fact an ActionForm.
((ActionForm) bean).setMultipartRequestHandler(multipartHandler);
// Create or acquire the Action instance to process this request
Action action = processActionCreate(request, response, mapping);
// Call the Action instance itself
ActionForward forward = processActionPerform(request, response, action, form, mapping);
protected ActionForward processActionPerform(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response, Action action, ActionForm form,
ActionMapping mapping)
throws IOException, ServletException {
try {
//根据这个字符串ForwardConfig config = (ForwardConfig)forwards.get("success");
return (action.execute(mapping, form, request, response));
} catch (Exception e) {
return (processException(request, response, e, form, mapping));
// 最后处理转向Process the returned ActionForward instance
processForwardConfig(request, response, forward);
protected void processForwardConfig(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response, ForwardConfig forward)
throws IOException, ServletException {
String forwardPath = forward.getPath();//如:/success.jsp
String uri;
// If the forward can be unaliased into an action, then use the path of the action是否转到其他的Action上
String actionIdPath = RequestUtils.actionIdURL(forward, request, servlet);
if (actionIdPath != null) {
forwardPath = actionIdPath;
ForwardConfig actionIdForward = new ForwardConfig(forward);
forward = actionIdForward;
// paths not starting with / should be passed through without any
// processing (ie. they're absolute)
if (forwardPath.startsWith("/")) {
// get module relative uri
uri = RequestUtils.forwardURL(request, forward, null);
} else {
uri = forwardPath;
if (forward.getRedirect()) {
// only prepend context path for relative uri
if (uri.startsWith("/")) {
uri = request.getContextPath() + uri;
} else {
doForward(uri, request, response);
根据给定的文件信息,以下是对Struts2学习笔记中涉及的关键知识点的详细解析: ### Struts2框架概览 #### MVC模式的理解与演进 Struts2是基于MVC(Model-View-Controller)模式设计的一种Java Web开发框架。在MVC...
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### Struts2 学习重点知识点总结 #### 一、Struts2 概念与架构 **1.1 Struts2 简介** - **定义**:Struts2 是 Apache 组织提供的一个基于 MVC 架构模式的开源 Web 应用框架。 - **核心**:Struts2 的核心其实是 ...
Struts2是一个强大的Java web应用程序开发框架,它遵循Model-View-Controller (MVC)设计模式,用于构建可维护性和可扩展性高的企业级应用。本文将深入探讨Struts2的核心概念,包括Action、Result、配置文件、OGNL与...
### Struts2学习笔记知识点概览 #### 一、环境搭建 **1.1 Struts2简介** - **Struts2概述**:Struts2是一个开源的MVC框架,它结合了Struts 1.x、WebWork和其他一些框架的优点。Struts2的主要目标是简化Web应用程序...
张龙圣思园的Struts2学习笔记,无疑为Java开发者提供了一份宝贵的参考资料,它可能涵盖了Struts2的基础概念、核心组件、配置方式以及实战技巧。 首先,让我们深入了解Struts2的核心特性。Struts2是MVC(Model-View-...
### Struts2学习笔记之文件上传与Ajax开发 #### Struts2文件上传 **文件上传简介** 文件上传是Web应用中常见的功能之一,Struts2框架内置了对文件上传的支持,使得开发者能够轻松地实现这一功能。为了确保文件...
struts2.0学习笔记1 自己动手做的还算可以的 ]struts2.0学习笔记1 自己动手做的还算可以的struts2.0学习笔记1 自己动手做的还算可以的struts2.0学习笔记1 自己动手做的还算可以的
13. ** strut2四天笔记**:这份学习笔记可能涵盖了以上所有知识点,包括如何创建Action,配置struts.xml,使用OGNL表达式,处理异常,以及实践中的各种技巧和最佳实践。 在四天的学习过程中,你应该通过实践和理解...
本学习笔记将对Struts1和Struts2进行详细解析。 **Struts1简介** Struts1是早期流行的MVC框架,它的核心是ActionServlet,负责处理HTTP请求,并通过ActionForm对象收集表单数据,然后调用Action类的方法进行业务...
Struts2是一个强大的MVC(Model-View-Controller)框架,它在Java Web开发中扮演着重要的角色。本文将深入探讨Struts2的核心概念,包括Namespace、标签、Action以及它们在实际开发中的应用。 一、Namespace ...
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