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my first blog on Cognization internal blog system

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I write my first blog on Cognization internal blog system, I also copy it here.


Hey, everybody, I am very glad to post my first blog right here. this is my first blog in the cognizant. Nice to work with you all guys, I am Alan who worked in the china of Cognization. Actually I am a fresh man to Cognization. so say hello to everybody ,let you guys know me at first .

I am habit in write blog everyday, if you guys want to see my exteral blog ,you can visit nicedayyep.iteye.com, I ofen write blog there…If you take a look ,then you might have known that I am a java engineer.. yes , I am.. but this website introduce lot of great article which concern with j2ee technology ,but it is a chinese site…everybody speak chinese,,so my indian colleague might not interesting in it..chinese guy might knew this site earily than me..so if there is ,let me know ,say hello to me on comment..hehe

 hey..I am facing some trouble about indian english… even though I had worked about nearily 2 years in the a indian/chinese/american/ company.. WebEx, is there some guy who ever worked in that company?? so we can be colleague again..Smile. but WebEx work model was too different with Cognizant … WebEx allows employee can communicate with external colleague who live in america or indian by any instant message tools like yahoo, msn, you know, but it seems we can not do same way again. Cognization do lot of limitation on it .like we can not access mailbox,websites,laptop..and so on. even we can not download some open source software..that's not too serious…don't you think so ??

  hey , I lost my topic almost. we just want  to talk about indian english suffer.. I am not habit in listen indian english. so I just want to get some help or suggestions right here ,How could I make it under my control..this is my second week working in china of Cognization. I just got my id last week.191219 is my id .anyone can provide me good suggestion or helps ,I will really appricate!!

 Thanks  a lot ,man , thank you for taking your time to read my first blog in Cognization. I will write more in the future to make lot of Cognization friend..

BTW: I like basketball, anyone has same hobby like mine , give me comment below, I will contact with you..Cool



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