
How to set up develop enviroment

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Develop Enviroment Setup:


1.Install the weblogic instance.


2.Run the BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard
-->create a new WebLogic configuration
-->Basic WebLogic Server Domain
-->Express(or Custom)
-->Fill in the username and password
a.Development Mode
b.BEA Supplied SDKs:Sun SDK 1.4...
-->Fill in the Configuration Name: bestbuy_domain

3.Start the server and jump into the weblogic console: http://localhost:7001/console and use the username and password that you fill in at step 2.


4.Config JDBC
go to bestbuy_domain-->Services-->JDBC
a.Connection Pools
-->Connection Pools
-->click link"Configure a new JDBC Connection Pool... "
-->Database Type:Oracle
   Database Driver:Oracle's Driver(Thin) Versions:9.0.1, 9.2.0,10
-->Fill in the Database Name,Host Name,Port,......
-->Test Driver Configuration: test passed.

-->Data Sources
-->Click link"Configure a new JDBC Data Source"
-->Fill in "Name","JNDI Name":jdbc.workbrain
Note: you could find the jndi name from the "config.xml" at "\bestbuy_domain\config.xml"
-->Select the Pool Name that you just created


5.Modify the config file "startWebLogic.cmd" accroding your enviroment.


go to bestbuy_domain-->Deployments-->Applications
-->Deploy a new Application...
-->Go to the parent directory that contains your application.
-->Select the application that you want to deploy then continue.


7.Access the application: http://localhost:7001, ok!






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