The Churn Project: Writing Scripts without Fuss
** 运行结果 **
>ruby churn.v7copy.rb
Changes since 2005-08-05:
audit * (5)
fulfillment (2)
persistence * (3)
ui ** (8)
util * (4)
inventory (2)
>Exit code: 0
** **
① Time对象的strftime用于格式化时间..
irb(main):005:0> Time.now.strftime('%m-%d %Y')
=> "10-28 2008"
② rjust用于实现右对齐..
irb(main):007:0> 'right'.rjust(2)
=> "right"
irb(main):008:0> 'right'.rjust(8)
=> " right"
③ find_all: 获取代码块返回为真的所有元素, 然后放入一个新的数组作为返回值..
irb(main):009:0> ['abxc', 'xx', 'b', 'ycx'].find_all do | ele |
irb(main):010:1* ele.include?('x')
irb(main):011:1> end
=> ["abxc", "xx", "ycx"]
** 运行结果 **
>ruby churn-mytest-v7copy.rb
Loaded suite churn-mytest-v7copy
Finished in 0.0 seconds.
5 tests, 5 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors
>Exit code: 0
** **
** 运行结果 **
>ruby churn.v7copy.rb
Changes between 2005-08-05 and 2008-10-28:
audit (5 changes) *
fulfillment (2 changes) *
persistence (3 changes) *
ui (8 changes) **
util (4 changes) *
inventory (2 changes) *
>Exit code: 0
** **
The Churn Project: Writing Scripts without Fuss
#--- # Excerpted from "Everyday Scripting in Ruby" # We make no guarantees that this code is fit for any purpose. # Visit http://www.pragmaticprogrammer.com/titles/bmsft for more book information. #--- # This is the same as churn.v7.rb. It's a different file because # of the mechanics of book production. # 处理时间(过去一个月) def month_before(a_time) a_time - 28 * 24 * 60 * 60 end # 处理打印标题信息 def header(an_svn_date) "Changes since #{an_svn_date}:" end # 组成打印主体信息(参数:子项目,修改次数) def subsystem_line(subsystem_name, change_count) asterisks = asterisks_for(change_count) # 注释② "#{subsystem_name.rjust(14)} #{asterisks} (#{change_count})" end # 计算星号 def asterisks_for(an_integer) '*' * (an_integer / 5.0).round end # 计算修改次数 def change_count_for(name, start_date) extract_change_count_from(svn_log(name, start_date)) end # 根据文本信息(解析字符串) def extract_change_count_from(log_text) lines = log_text.split("\n") dashed_lines = lines.find_all do | line | # 注释③ line.include?('--------') end dashed_lines.length - 1 end # 使用外部程序获取文本信息 def svn_log(subsystem, start_date) timespan = "--revision HEAD:{#{start_date}}" root = "svn://rubyforge.org//var/svn/churn-demo" `svn log #{timespan} #{root}/#{subsystem}` end # 格式化时间 def svn_date(a_time) a_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") # 注释① end if $0 == __FILE__ subsystem_names = ['audit', 'fulfillment', 'persistence', 'ui', 'util', 'inventory'] start_date = svn_date(month_before(Time.mktime(2005,9,2,0,0,0,0))) puts header(start_date) subsystem_names.each do | name | puts subsystem_line(name, change_count_for(name, start_date)) end end
** 运行结果 **
>ruby churn.v7copy.rb
Changes since 2005-08-05:
audit * (5)
fulfillment (2)
persistence * (3)
ui ** (8)
util * (4)
inventory (2)
>Exit code: 0
** **
① Time对象的strftime用于格式化时间..
irb(main):005:0> Time.now.strftime('%m-%d %Y')
=> "10-28 2008"
② rjust用于实现右对齐..
irb(main):007:0> 'right'.rjust(2)
=> "right"
irb(main):008:0> 'right'.rjust(8)
=> " right"
③ find_all: 获取代码块返回为真的所有元素, 然后放入一个新的数组作为返回值..
irb(main):009:0> ['abxc', 'xx', 'b', 'ycx'].find_all do | ele |
irb(main):010:1* ele.include?('x')
irb(main):011:1> end
=> ["abxc", "xx", "ycx"]
require 'test/unit' require 'churn.v7copy' class ChurnMyTests < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_month_before assert_equal(Time.local(2008,9,30), month_before(Time.local(2008,10,28))) end def test_svn_date assert_equal("2008-10-28",svn_date(Time.now)) end def test_header assert_equal("Changes since 2008-10-28:", header(svn_date(Time.mktime(2008,10,28,0,0,0,0)))) end def test_extract_change_count_from assert_equal(2,extract_change_count_from("------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2 | marick | 2005-08-07 14:26:21 -0500 (Mon, 07 Aug 2005) | 1 line added code to handle merger ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r1 | marick | 2005-08-07 14:21:47 -0500 (Mon, 07 Aug 2005) | 1 line first touches No commit for revision 0. ------------------------------------------------------------------------")) end def test_asterisks_for assert_equal("*********", asterisks_for(46)) end end
** 运行结果 **
>ruby churn-mytest-v7copy.rb
Loaded suite churn-mytest-v7copy
Finished in 0.0 seconds.
5 tests, 5 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors
>Exit code: 0
** **
# Exercises # 处理时间(过去一个月) def month_before(a_time) a_time - 28 * 24 * 60 * 60 end # 处理打印标题信息 def header(an_svn_start_date, an_svn_today_date) "Changes between #{an_svn_start_date} and #{an_svn_today_date}:" end # 组成打印主体信息(参数:子项目,修改次数) def subsystem_line(subsystem_name, change_count) asterisks = asterisks_for(change_count) change_text = change_text_from(change_count) unless change_count == 0 return "#{subsystem_name.ljust(14)} #{change_text.ljust(14)} #{asterisks}" end return "#{subsystem_name.ljust(14)} #{'-'.ljust(14)} -" end # 计算星号 def asterisks_for(an_integer) if(an_integer < 3) '*' else '*' * (an_integer / 5.0).round end end # 处理修改次数信息 def change_text_from(an_integer) return "(#{an_integer} changes)" end # 计算修改次数 def change_count_for(name, start_date) extract_change_count_from(svn_log(name, start_date)) end # 根据文本信息(解析字符串) def extract_change_count_from(log_text) lines = log_text.split("\n") dashed_lines = lines.find_all do | line | line.include?('--------') end dashed_lines.length - 1 end # 使用外部程序获取文本信息 def svn_log(subsystem, start_date) timespan = "--revision HEAD:{#{start_date}}" root = "svn://rubyforge.org//var/svn/churn-demo" `svn log #{timespan} #{root}/#{subsystem}` end # 格式化时间 def svn_date(a_time) a_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") end if $0 == __FILE__ subsystem_names = ['audit', 'fulfillment', 'persistence', 'ui', 'util', 'inventory'] start_date = svn_date(month_before(Time.mktime(2005,9,2,0,0,0,0))) today_date = svn_date(Time.now) puts header(start_date, today_date) subsystem_names.each do | name | puts subsystem_line(name, change_count_for(name, start_date)) end end
** 运行结果 **
>ruby churn.v7copy.rb
Changes between 2005-08-05 and 2008-10-28:
audit (5 changes) *
fulfillment (2 changes) *
persistence (3 changes) *
ui (8 changes) **
util (4 changes) *
inventory (2 changes) *
>Exit code: 0
** **
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