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Lucene 集群

Lucene in a cluster
Lucene is a highly optimized inverted index search engine. It stored a number of inverted indexes in a custom file format that is highly optimized to ensure that the indexes can be loaded by searchers quickly and searched efficiently. These structures are create so that they are almost completely pre-computed.


To store the index, Lucene uses an implementation of a 'Directory' interface, not to be confused with anything in java.io. . The standard implementation if FSDirectory that stored the search index on a file system. There a number of other implementations that can bused including ones to split the index on the filesystem into smaller chunks, and ones to distribute the index throughout a cluster using Map Reduce (see google). There is additionally a database implementation that stored the index as blocks in a database.

Lucene 通过使用Directory接口的实现来存储索引,注意不要将Directory与java.io混淆了.FSDirectory 是Directory接口的一个标准的实现,它将索引保存在文件系统中.还有一些其他的实现,比如有的实现将索引切分小的数据块保存在文件系统中,有的通过使用Map Reduce(见google)的集群来分布索引.还有一种数据库的实现,它将索引作为数据块保存在数据库中

Lucene derives its speed from this index structure, and to work really well it needs to be able to seek efficiently into the blocks of the segments that make up the index. This is trivial where the underlying storage mechanism supports seek, but less trivial if the storage mechanism does not. The FSDirectory is based on files, and is efficient in this area. If the files are on a local file system, pure seeks can be used. If the index is on a shared file system , there will always be some latency and potentially increased IO traffic. The Database implementation is highly dependent on the the blob implementation in the target database and will nearly always be slower than the FSDirectory. Some databases support seekable blobs (Oracle), some emulate this behavior (MySQL with emulateLocators=true), others just don't support it and so are really slow. (and I mean really slow)

(Lucene 的快速是因为它的索引结构,为了能出色的搜索,Lucene需要能有效的寻址扇区块,正是这些扇区块组成了索引.如果底层的存储机制支持这种寻址,那么就没什么好说的,如果不支持那么这就是问题了.在这个问题上,基于文件的FSDirectory 是有效的.如果索引文件保存在本地的文件系统中,那么这种访问效果还不错.如果被放在共享的文件系统中,那么总是会存在一些延迟和潜在的IO阻塞. 上面说的那种数据库的实现方式高度依赖于目标数据库blob实现,而且几乎总是比FSDirectory慢).一些数据库支持可寻址的blob,比如说oracle.mysql也模拟了这种行为(当你将MySQL的参数 emulateLocators设置为true)其他的数据库就是不支持,所以真的是慢(我的意思是指实际上就是很慢)

All of this impacts how Lucene works in a cluster. Each node performing the search needs access to the index. To make search work in a clustered environment we must provide this. There are 3 ways of doing this.

Use a shared file system between all nodes, and use FSDirectory.
Use indexes on the nodes local file system and a synchronization strategy.
Use a database using JDBCDirectory
Use a distributed file system (eg Google File System, Nutch Distributed File System)
Use a local cache with backup in the Database

所有的这些将影响到集群环境中的lucene. 每个进行搜索的节点需要访问索引。所以为了能使实现集群环境中的搜索,我们必须提供共享的索引文件。有3(译注:应该是5 )种方式提供参考。
3)使用JDBCDirectory操作数据库 (译注:将索引文件保存在数据库中实现节点间的共享)
4)使用分布式的文件系统(例如google文件系统和Nutch 分布式文件系统)
Shared filesystem
There are a number of issues with a shared file system. Performance is lower than a local file system (obviously), unless a SAN is used, but a SAN shared file system must be a true SAN file system (eg Redhat Global File System, Apple XSan) as modifications to the file system blocks must be mirrored instantly in the block cache of all connected nodes, otherwise they will see a corrupted file system. Remember a SAN is just a networked block device, that without additional help cannot be shared by multiple compute nodes at the same time. Provided the performance of the shared file system is sufficient, Lucene works well like this with no modifications using the FSDirectory implementation. The implementation of the lock managed in the Sakai Search component eliminates problems with locks reported by the Lucene community.

This mechanism is available now in Sakai Search.

使用共享文件系统存在一些问题.性能会明显低于使用本地文件系统. 如果SAN不能使用,那么一个SAN共享文件系统必须是个真正的SAN file system比如Redhat Global File System和Apple XSan.对于文件系统块的修改必须能立即镜像到所有连接节点的块缓存中,否则文件系统会崩溃.记住SAN是个网络化的块设备,没有额外的帮助,不可能同时被多个计算节点共享.如果共享文件系统的性能可以保证的话,Lucene使用FSDirectory的实现会一如既往地表现出色.由Sakai Search组件管理的锁实现解决了Lucene社区提交的锁问题.

以上所说的机制现在在 Sakai Search是可用的

Synchronized Local indexes.
Where the architecture of the cluster is a shared nothing architecture, the Lucene indexes can be written to local disk and synchronized at the end of each index cycle. This is an optimal deployment of Lucene in a cluster as it ensures that all the IO is from the local disk and is hence fast. To ensure that there is always a back up copy of the index, the synchronization would also target a backup location.

The difficulty with this approach is that without support in the implementation of the search engine, it requires some deployment support. This may involve include making hard link mirrors to speed up the synchronization process. Lucene indexes are suitable for synchronizing with rsync which is a block based synchronization mechanism.

The main drawback of this approach is that the full index is present on the local machine. In large search environments, this duplication will be wastefully, however in search engine terms, a single deployment of Sakai will probably never get into the large space ( large > 100M documents, 2TB index)

This mechanism is available, but requires local configuration


这种方案的困难在于缺乏搜索引擎实现的支持,它需要部署支持.这可能会采用连接镜像来加速同步过程.Lucene索引 非常适合采用rsync同步.rsync是一个基于块的同步机制.

这种方案的主要缺陷是本地保存了所有的索引文件.在一个大型的搜索环境中,这种复制是很浪费空间的.然而从搜索引擎的条件看, Sakai的单个部署决不可能占用很大空间(100多兆的documents的索引占用了2TB空间)



Database hosted search index.
Where a simple cluster setup is required, a database hosted search index is straightforward option. There are however significant drawbacks with this approach, most notable being the drop in performance. The index is stored as blocks in blobs inside the database. These blobs are stored in a block structure to eliminate most of the unnecessary loading however each blob bypasses any local disk block cache on the local machine and has to be streamed over the network. If the database supports seekable blobs, within the database itself, it is possible to minimize unnecessary network traffic. Oracle has this support. However where the database only emulated this behavior (MySQL) the performance is poor as the complete blob needs to be streamed over the network. In addition to this the speed of access is slower since a SQL statement has to be executed for each data access.

The net result is slower performance.

This mechanims is available, but performance is probably unacceptable

但需要实现简单的集群的时候,使用基于数据库的索引是个直接的选择.然而这种方法有明显的缺陷.最值得注意的是性能下降.索引作为块以blob的形式保存在数据库中.这些blob以块结构保存用以消除一些不必要的加载.然而每个快会绕开任何本地磁盘块缓存,而且必须通过网络传递数据流.如果数据库支持可寻址的块,对数据库本身而言,最小化不必要的网络阻塞时可能的.Oracle提供了这种支持, 然而当数据库仅仅是模拟这种行为(比如mysql)的话,当整个blob需要通过流化再在网络上传递的时候,性能是很差的.而且,访问的速度比较慢,因为 访问数据时得执行sql statement



Distributed File System
Real Search Engines use a distributed file system that provides a self healing file system where the data itself is distributed across multiple nodes in such a way that the file system can recover from the loss of one or more nodes. The original file system of this form is the Google File System and the Nutch Distributed File System is modeled on Google File System. Both implementations use a gather scatter algorithm detailed by Google in Map-Reduce (see Google labs).

This approach results in every node containing a part of the file system. Where the index size has grown to such an extent to make the storage of the complete index on every node in the cluster, this approach becomes more attractive.

At the moment there are no plans to provide an implementation of a distributed file system within Sakai.

一些真实的搜索引擎使用分布式的文件系统.这种分布式系统提供了一个自治的系统,数据通过多节点分布,这样的系统能从一个或多个节点的损坏中恢复.Google 文件系统和 Nutch分布式文件系统(建模在.Google 文件系统之上)就是这样一个例子.两种实现采用了一种聚合扫描算法,Google在Map-Reduce详述了这种算法(见Google labs)




Database Clustered Local Search
In this approach, indexes are used from local disk, but backed up to the database as Lucene Segments. A cluster app node is installed, it synconizes the local copy of the search index with the database. When new content is added by one of the cluster app nodes, it updates the backup copy in the database. On reciept of the index reload events, all cluster app nodes resyncronize the with the database downloading changed and new search segments.

This mechanism in in the process of being tested, I exhibits the same performance as a local basaed search for a 200MB index with 80,000 documents.

Once this mechanism is completely tested it will become the default OOTB mechanism, as it works where there is a single cluster node or more than one cluster node. The added advantage of this mechanism is that the index is stored in the database.

It will also be possible to implement this mechanism with a shared filestore acting as the backup location.







    lucene 入门资料包

    6. **分布式搜索**: 通过Solr或Elasticsearch,可以搭建分布式Lucene集群,处理大量数据和高并发请求。 ### 五、学习资源 - 官方文档:Apache Lucene官方站点提供了详细的API文档和教程。 - 示例代码:通过阅读和...


    3. 分布式搜索:当数据量巨大时,可以采用分布式Lucene集群,提高搜索性能。 4. 查询优化:使用短语匹配、模糊匹配、同义词扩展等技术提高查询精度。 5. 缓存机制:对热门查询结果进行缓存,减少不必要的索引操作。 ...

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    此外,社区还提供了许多扩展库,如Solr和Elasticsearch,它们基于Lucene,增加了分布式搜索、集群管理和更高级的功能。 9. **API使用** Lucene提供了丰富的Java API,开发人员可以通过简单的代码调用来实现索引...

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    4. 扩展性:Lucene支持分布式搜索,通过Solr或Elasticsearch等工具,可以构建大规模的搜索引擎集群。 总的来说,“lucene3.6.jar”与IkAnalyzer的结合,为开发者提供了一套强大的中文全文检索解决方案,既兼顾了...

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    7. **多线程和分布式搜索**:对于大型数据集,Lucene支持多线程索引和分布式搜索,通过Solr或Elasticsearch等工具可以实现更复杂的集群部署。 8. **高级特性**:书中还涵盖了高级话题,如近实时搜索、复杂查询构造...

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