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Unable to ecaluate expression: function calls not allowed without using call


golang在vscode中调试运行表达式错误:Unable to ecaluate expression: function calls not allowed without using call

//golang fiber路由配置函数
	userRouter.Get("/currentUser", func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
		userId := c.Locals("userId")
		var loginParam *LoginParam = &LoginParam{}
		person := new(Person)
		person.ID = userId.(uint)
		db.First(person, "person_name = ? and person_status= '1'", loginParam.PersonName)
		loginResult := new(LoginResult)
		if person.PersonName == *loginParam.PersonName {
			loginResult.Status = "ok"
			loginResult.Type = *loginParam.LoginType
			loginResult.CurrentAuthority = person.PersonName
		} else {
			loginResult.Status = "not_found"
		return c.JSON(loginResult)
call c.Locals("userId", nil)




go version go1.18.2 windows/amd64




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