I have not installed the dbconsole on R2 so I am not sure if I am able to help you here.
But from the error message it looks like
the dbconsole is not started correctly for some reason (port conflict or unresolvable hostname)
unable to connect to host looks like there is some kind of user-right
issues. Is the laptop in some AD domain, and are you installing as AD
user?. You would be better off installing either as AD domain admin or
local admin, I think.
But, you can verifiy if the dbconsole is really started by executing emctl the following way:
%ORACLE_HOME%\bin\emctl status dbconsole.
Start it if it isn't started.
%ORACLE_HOME%\bin\emctl start dbconsole.
To be sure, you might want to stop dbconsole if started along with the
database. Start it all again in correct sequence by starting the
database first and then the dbconsole.
Some other issues you might look into is that the hostname is
represented in the host file and is resolvable with ping. Also, verify
from %ORACLE_HOME%\install\portlist.ini the you are connecting to the
correct port. You also might wanna check that this actual port is not
busy by another process.
Hopes this gives some help.
c:\>emctl status dbconsole
Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Database Control Release
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