An ECG monitor is a medical instrument used to ekg monitor and measure physiological parameters such as ECG, respiration, blood pressure, body temperature, and pulse of patients. It has functions such as information collection, storage, and intelligent analysis. Operation of the monitor.
1. Prepare supplies, push the monitor to the patient's bed, check the wristband, bed number, name, hospital number.
2. Plug in the power supply, indicator light, and turn on the monitor.
3. Position the patient according to the situation, expose the chest, position the patient correctly, clean the patient's skin (prevent the electrode pads from cleaning with 5% alcohol if necessary), and paste the electrode pads.
4. Connecting the ECG lines: left upper (LA) first intercostal line at the left sternum border; right lower (RL) right anterior midline xiphoid process level; left lower (LL) left axillary anterior xiphoid process level;
5. Non-invasive blood pressure monitoring: select an appropriate site and fasten the sphygmomanometer cuff; the marked arrow points to the brachial artery.
6. Through the modules of various monitors, ECG, NBP, and various monitoring technical parameters can be set: press a button to rotate at the bottom right, when the left and right start to rotate, it is the selection key, and press the confirmation key. ECG-select lead, amplitude and heart rate Upper and lower alarm limits; NBP-select to control the working interval of blood pressure data monitoring and the upper and lower alarm limits.
7. After measuring the blood pressure, press the "blood pressure start button", the corresponding P and blood pressure values will appear on the display screen and be recorded on the nursing record sheet.
8. Stop monitoring: Remove all output cables from under the patient and lay out the bed sheet unit.
9. Turn off the power switch and unplug the power supply.
Figure 10. Clean the instrument and output cable with 75% alcohol, and replenish the electrode plate in time for spare.
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