Distribution channel is not allowed for sales organization
I try to download customer material info record from ERP via request download. This is my download request created in tcode R3AR2:
This is my customer material info record created in ERP:
When I perform request download, I receive this error message in CRM tcode SMW01:
I debug and found that the error message is raised in FM below, due to the failure match of Sales organization 50040102 and distribution chain 01:
error message is raised in line 71:
When I check the internal table st_distr_chains, I found there are corresponding entry for channel 10, but not for 01.
The solution is, to add missing attribute combination distribution channel 01 and all three division 00, 01 and 07 in tcode PPOMA_CRM:
and then update buffer table CRMD_ORGMAN_TEMP by running program HRBCI_ATTRIBUTES_BUFFER_UPDATE.
Once done, the modified attributes are now visible in buffer table and the original mapping error message would be resolved.
- **文本分类(Text Classification)**:文本分类是一种有监督的学习过程,目的是根据已有的类别标签对文档进行分类。常见的应用场景包括新闻分类、情感分析等。 - **文本检索(Text Retrieval)**:文本检索是指从...
A Structural Classification of Proteins Database
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### SAP字段与表的对应关系解析 #### 一、客户主数据 (Customer Master Data) **1. KNA1 - Customer Basic Data** - **描述**:包含基本的客户信息,如名称、地址等。 - **重要字段**: - KUNNR - 客户编号 - ...
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你可以选择合适的预训练模型,并下载相应的模型权重文件。通过使用Pytorch的模型加载和初始化功能,能够将预训练模型导入到工程中。 数据预处理:在使用Bert和ERNIE进行中文文本分类之前,需要进行数据预处理。主要...
吴恩达Coursera, 机器学习专项课程, Machine Learning:Supervised Machine Learning: Regression and Classification第一周所有jupyter notebook文件(包括实验室练习文件)
SAP MM Classification 分类的设定及应用 。
Classification • In classification problems, each entity in some domain can be placed in one of a discrete set of categories: yes/no, friend/foe, good/bad/indifferent, blue/red/green, etc. • Given a...
This is a python package that contains different algorithm proposed in different research papers in order to perform EMG classification The Algorithms currently implemented for classification of EMG ...
本文解析的代码是论文Semi-Supervised Classification with Graph Convolutional Networks作者提供的实现代码。 原GitHub:Graph Convolutional Networks in PyTorch 本人增加结果可视化 (使用 t-SNE 算法) 的GitHub...
CART: Classification and Regression Trees
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