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SAP Fiori应用没能从Fiori Launchpad启动的一个可能原因及分析过程


Issue: There are two ABAP systems which host CRM “My Opportunity” application. In system A, the application works however in system B, the opportunity application could not be opened. There is error message below:



The necessary reuse library failed to be loaded, this could be observed in Chrome network and console:



Root cause

in Opportunity Component.js, the correct module path ( prefix ) is registered in line 15. Unfortunately, in system B, the sPath does not have expected lower case of “/crm_opprtnty”. Instead, it has upper case, so reuse library module path does not have chance to be registered, so it is loaded with wrong path and caused the error.



So now the question is, why for system B, the module path “cus.crm.opportunity” has upper case while system A has the correct lower case? The path is returned when you first click the application tile in Launchpad. That is, an INTEROP service is responsible for navigation target resolution. In system B, the returned url has upper case,



And in the system A where everything works, the url has lower case.



So where is this url configured? Log on to backend system and use transaction code LPD_CUST, search entry with role = UICRM001 and instance = TRANSACTIONAL, double click it:



And the url is maintained here:



In system B, the upper case is maintained by mistake.



Once it is corrected, the issue would be resolved.




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