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Mapped Diagnostic Context (MDC)



Mapped Diagnostic Context (MDC)

针对 MDC功能,目前只有logback 以及 log4j 支持。


  • https://www.baeldung.com/mdc-in-log4j-2-logback
  • http://logback.qos.ch/manual/mdc.html
  • https://www.jianshu.com/p/3fa7e7726fbb
  • https://ketao1989.github.io/2015/04/29/LogBack-Implemention-And-Slf4j-Mdc/



Let's now use the SLF4J's flavor of MDC. In this case, the syntax and semantics are the same as that in log4j:

import org.slf4j.MDC;

public class Slf4jRunnable implements Runnable {
    private final Transaction tx;
    public Slf4jRunnable(Transaction tx) {
        this.tx = tx;
    public void run() {
        MDC.put("transaction.id", tx.getTransactionId());
        MDC.put("transaction.owner", tx.getOwner());
        new Slf4TransferService().transfer(tx.getAmount());

We have to provide the Logback configuration file, logback.xml:

    <appender name="stdout" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
        <encoder class="ch.qos.logback.classic.encoder.PatternLayoutEncoder">
            <pattern>%-4r [%t] %5p %c{1} - %m - tx.id=%X{transaction.id} tx.owner=%X{transaction.owner}%n</pattern>
    <root level="TRACE">
        <appender-ref ref="stdout" />

Again, we'll see that the information in the MDC is properly added to the logged messages, even though this information is not explicitly provided in the log.info() method:

1020 [pool-1-thread-3]  INFO c.b.m.s.Slf4jBusinessService 
  - Has transfer of 1869$ completed successfully ? true. - tx.id=3 tx.owner=John
1021 [pool-1-thread-3]  INFO c.b.m.s.Slf4jBusinessService 
  - Preparing to transfer 1303$. - tx.id=6 tx.owner=Samantha
1221 [pool-1-thread-1]  INFO c.b.m.s.Slf4jBusinessService 
  - Has transfer of 1498$ completed successfully ? true. - tx.id=4 tx.owner=Marc
1221 [pool-1-thread-1]  INFO c.b.m.s.Slf4jBusinessService 
  - Preparing to transfer 1528$. - tx.id=7 tx.owner=Samantha
1492 [pool-1-thread-2]  INFO c.b.m.s.Slf4jBusinessService 
  - Has transfer of 1110$ completed successfully ? true. - tx.id=5 tx.owner=Samantha
1493 [pool-1-thread-2]  INFO c.b.m.s.Slf4jBusinessService 
  - Preparing to transfer 644$. - tx.id=8 tx.owner=John






MDC and Thread Pools

MDC implementations are usually using ThreadLocals to store the contextual information. That's an easy and reasonable way to achieve thread-safety. However, we should be careful using MDC with thread pools.


Let's see how the combination of ThreadLocal-based MDCs and thread pools can be dangerous:


  1. We get a thread from the thread pool.
  2. Then we store some contextual information in MDC using MDC.put() or ThreadContext.put().
  3. We use this information in some logs and somehow we forgot to clear the MDC context.
  4. The borrowed thread comes back to the thread pool.
  5. After a while, the application gets the same thread from the pool.
  6. Since we didn't clean up the MDC last time, this thread still owns some data from the previous execution.

This may cause some unexpected inconsistencies between executions. One way to prevent this is to always remember to clean up the MDC context at the end of each execution. This approach usually needs rigorous human supervision and, therefore, is error-prone.




    LOG4J2 mdc配置

    LOG4J2的生产环境配置配置案例: 4.日志滚动,避免单个日志过大,可以按小时进行日志分割. ignoreExceptions="false"&gt; &lt;Pattern&gt;%d %p %c{1.} [%t] %m%n &lt;/RollingFile&gt;


    MDC,全称Mapped Diagnostic Context,是SLF4J提供的一种上下文诊断功能,用于存储线程相关的诊断信息。在多线程环境中,MDC能够帮助我们跟踪和记录每个请求或事务的相关信息,这对于调试和监控非常有用。 MDC的...


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    Log4j的Mapped Diagnostic Context (MDC)可以辅助实现这一点。首先,为每个模块设置一个唯一的MDC键,然后在日志配置中根据这些键来设定级别。 5. **利用JMX(Java Management Extensions)** Log4j提供了一个JMX...

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    此外,Log4j还支持MDC(Mapped Diagnostic Context)和NDC(Nested Diagnostic Context),这些特性可以附加上下文信息到日志记录中,对于调试多线程和分布式系统非常有用。 如果你对Log4j的具体使用还有疑问,可以...


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    此外,它还可能会涵盖一些高级特性,如MDC(Mapped Diagnostic Context)和NDC(Nested Diagnostic Context)用于跟踪上下文信息,或者自定义日志输出策略。 学习和掌握Log4j不仅可以提高日志管理的效率,也有助于...

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    8. **MDC和NDC**:Mapped Diagnostic Context (MDC) 和 Nested Diagnostic Context (NDC) 提供了上下文相关的日志信息,例如跟踪请求ID或用户ID。 9. **异常处理**:Log4Net可以方便地记录和处理异常信息,帮助...


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