Arthas is a Java Diagnostic tool open sourced by Alibaba.
Arthas 是Alibaba开源的Java诊断工具,深受开发者喜爱。
这个类从哪个 jar 包加载的?为什么会报各种类相关的 Exception?
我改的代码为什么没有执行到?难道是我没 commit?分支搞错了?
遇到问题无法在线上 debug,难道只能通过加日志再重新发布吗?
线上遇到某个用户的数据处理有问题,但线上同样无法 debug,线下无法重现!
Often times, the production system network is inaccessible from the local development environment. If issues are encountered in production systems, it is impossible to use IDEs to debug the application remotely. More importantly, debugging in production environment is unacceptable, as it will suspend all the threads, resulting in the suspension of business services.
Developers could always try to reproduce the same issue on the test/staging environment. However, this is tricky as some issues cannot be reproduced easily on a different environment, or even disappear once restarted.
And if you're thinking of adding some logs to your code to help troubleshoot the issue, you will have to go through the following lifecycle; test, staging, and then to production. Time is money! This approach is inefficient! Besides, the issue may not be reproducible once the JVM is restarted, as described above.
Arthas was built to solve these issues. A developer can troubleshoot your production issues on-the-fly. No JVM restart, no additional code changes. Arthas works as an observer, which will never suspend your existing threads.
Key features
Check whether a class is loaded, or where the class is being loaded. (Useful for troubleshooting jar file conflicts)
Decompile a class to ensure the code is running as expected.
View classloader statistics, e.g. the number of classloaders, the number of classes loaded per classloader, the classloader hierarchy, possible classloader leaks, etc.
View the method invocation details, e.g. method parameter, return object, thrown exception, and etc.
Check the stack trace of specified method invocation. This is useful when a developers wants to know the caller of the said method.
Trace the method invocation to find slow sub-invocations.
Monitor method invocation statistics, e.g. qps, rt, success rate and etc.
Monitor system metrics, thread states and cpu usage, gc statistics, and etc.
Supports command line interactive mode, with auto-complete feature enabled.
Supports telnet and websocket, which enables both local and remote diagnostics with command line and browsers.
Supports profiler/Flame Graph
Supports JDK 6+.
Supports Linux/Mac/Windows.
Arthas(阿尔萨斯)是阿里巴巴开源的 Java 诊断工具,开始在淘宝内部孵化使用,后来成为阿里java项目必须使用的内部工具。2018年arthas成为ali开源项目,代码托管在github上。这是带给java系一大福音,项目深受...
阿里Arthas是一款由阿里巴巴开源的Java诊断工具,它提供了丰富的命令行操作,帮助开发者在不重启服务的情况下,对线上Java应用进行问题定位和诊断。Arthas 3.1.0版本的离线文档包含了官方提供的详细使用指南,便于...
**Arthas(阿尔萨斯):阿里巴巴开源的在线分析诊断工具** Arthas,源自阿里巴巴,是一款强大的Java在线诊断工具,旨在帮助开发者解决在生产环境中遇到的各种问题,如性能瓶颈、异常排查、代码问题等。它提供了一...
**阿里云Arthas:Java性能诊断利器** Arthas是阿里巴巴开源的一款强大的Java诊断工具,它能够帮助开发者在不重启应用的情况下进行问题排查、性能分析以及代码跟踪等操作。Arthas的主要特点是轻量级、高效且易用,...
一个独特之处是Arthas支持在运行时动态修改类的字节码,实现热更新和调试。这在生产环境中尤其有用,因为开发者可以不必停机就能修复问题或调整参数。 5. **功能扩展**: Arthas具有良好的可扩展性,通过插件机制...
阿里Arthas是一款强大的Java诊断工具,主要用于解决生产环境中的问题,提高开发人员的效率。Arthas 3.5.2是其一个版本,包含了丰富的功能和改进。这个压缩包""提供了Arthas的中文离线...
Arthas的强大之处在于其提供的丰富命令,例如: - `od`:查看对象详情,可以了解对象的属性值、锁状态等。 - `sc`:列出当前应用中所有的类,包括加载的类和未加载的类。 - `cls`:搜索类,根据关键字查找相关类。 ...
Arthas,全称为 Alibaba Arthas,是阿里巴巴开源的一款强大的Java诊断工具,专为解决生产环境中的Java应用问题而设计。它提供了多种命令行工具,帮助开发者在不重启服务的情况下进行实时诊断和分析,极大地提高了...