
Pentaho Ctools to change CDEdashboard tooltip





to change CDEdashboard tooltip, add this function in to Post Fetch.


function f(data) {

    // Configure the category dimension
    // See http://webdetails.github.io/ccc/charts/jsdoc/symbols/pvc.options.charts.Chart.html#dimensions
    this.chartDefinition.dimensions = {
        series:   {
            label: '题号'
            // , isHidden: true
        category: {
            label: '分数段'
            , valueType: Number
            // , format: '0.00%' 如果值需要转为百分比,或者使用formatter
            // , formatter: function(v) { return Utils.numberFormat(v, '0.00%'); } // extract month, remove zero-prefix, if any
        value:    {
            label: '值'

    return data;


如果出现 Utils 未定义,则添加如下:


Add Resource


Resource Type             Resource Source 

Javascript                Code Snippet

window.Utils = Utils



Base Axis Tick Formatter

function f(v) {
    return Utils.numberFormat(v, '0.00%');







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