In this customizing below, you can define the mapping relationship between ERP sales organization and CRM org:
For example, ERP sales org 0001 is mapped to CRM O 50040102:
The mapping relationship is stored in table HRV1222A, you can query by attribute name R3_SA_ORG:
The CRM sales org ID is stored in field OBJID:
Or you can use API CL_CRM_ORGMAN_SERVICES=>MAP_R3_SALES_ORG_TO_HROBJECT to archieve the same.
在本FPGA设计中,AXI Memory Mapped To PCI Express IP核和RS485通信模块将协同工作,实现数据的高速传输和实时处理。 FPGA选择xc7k325tffg900-2 ,PCIe IP核选择AXI Memory Mapped To PCI Express,提供AXI4接口与...
内容概要:本文档详细介绍了Xilinx公司开发的AXI Memory Mapped to Stream Mapper v1.1的核心特性和应用方法。它用于将AXI4内存映射事务封装到两个AXI4-Stream接口,以及将AXI4-Stream事务扩展回AXI4内存映射主接口...
前几天在网上下载一个struts2的helloword的例子,那个作者也真够缺德的,搞个错误的程序,害得我查了一天的程序错误。 最后发现竟然是struts.xml被写成啦sturts.xml。 碰见这样的问题先鄙视下提供例子的作者, ...
collection coordinate system directly affects how data is mapped to the surface: planar, cylindrical, spherical or other types. Far-field measurements are usually mapped or converted to spherical ...
that optimize an assumption about how the information is mapped to the data produces more predictable methods. • Deep learning gives new impulses to many areas in medical image analysis as it ...
在处理一对多(One-to-Many)关系时,`mappedBy`属性扮演了关键角色。这篇博客文章,虽然描述为空,但链接指向了一个可能深入讨论`mappedBy`特性的资源。 `mappedBy`属性是Hibernate中用于定义关联关系的一个关键...
Fixed comparing against disconnected mapped network drives to prompt for username/password and reconnect.
MemoryMappedFile 使用 C# 内存中分配一大块地址. 前边分配一个用与共同配置用 后边N个结构体 for循环建 一般用到此问题,两本程序 一个读一个写 循环读写 ----2015/09/24 Lyndon 上海----
基于.NET4.0的MemoryMappedFile实现共享内存通信 共享内存通信可以解决跨线程、跨进程、跨EXE之间通信的问题 对于需要传输图片等引用类数据,可以通过序列化和反序列化配合共享内存实现跨进程(跨EXE)通信 共享...
Two novel contributions to Content Based Image Retrieval are ...the high-dimensional feature space is mapped to a two-dimensional representa- tion, which can be reorganized into a grid-based display.
We show how to learn a deep graphical model of the word-count vectors obtained from a large set of documents. The values of the latent variables in the deepest layer are easy to infer and give a ...
When mapping from an ER model to a relational model, a strong entity is mapped into a (a) table (b) row (c) column (d) key Correct answer is (a) 10. Which of the following is true about ...
1. Mapping Scheme: It determines how the main memory addresses are mapped to the cache locations. Techniques like Direct Mapping, Associative Mapping, and Set-Associative Mapping are commonly used. 2...
How to add sound and bit-mapped graphics How to build grid-based games Audience This book assumes no prior programming knowledge. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Before Getting Started… Chapter 2: ...
A reference to an invalid page (a page that is not in your working set) is referred to as a page fault. Assuming the page reference does not result in an access violation, a page fault can be either ...
Windows Workflow Foundation is a ground-breaking addition to the core of the .NET Framework that allows you to orchestrate human and system interactions as a series of workflows that can be easily ...
在Web开发中,尤其是使用基于Java的Web框架如Struts时,开发者可能会遇到一个常见的问题:“HTTP Status 404 - There is no Action mapped for namespace and action name BackMemberGroupAudit”。这个问题通常出现...
### CRM在通用汽车中的应用及重要性 #### 一、上海通用汽车背景介绍 上海通用汽车有限公司是由上海汽车工业(集团)总公司与美国通用汽车公司共同出资成立的大型合资企业,双方各占50%的股份,总投资额达到了15.2亿...
based architecture for a product line and how to express this architecture as a UML platform-independent model that can then be mapped to a platform-specific model. <br>Key topics include: <br>...