" text Object
daw = delete a word
==a==n object: include tail space
ciw = change inner word
==i==nner object: just content self
exclude tail word space
" word/sentence/paragraph
textObject specification
w word
s sentence
p paragraph
" chunk object
]/[ []block
)/( b block
>/< >/< <>block
}/{ B Block
t tag block: <> </>
" visual mode
viw select word
vis select sentence
vip select paragraph
vi( select content in (
vi[ select content in [
vit select content in tab
v2i{ select content in 2{
v3aw select 3 word
v3iw select 3 word, exclude tail space
v operator can substitute to c x d y etc. operator effect on text Object
" macro
if you write a thing once,it is okay. However if you're writing
t twice or more times, then you should find a better way to do it.
qa start record macro and reg to a
q stop record macro
n@a execute n times macro a
@@ redo last operation
:n,mnormal @a n to m row execute reg a
:let @a= ' edit macro reg a
" best operation
normalize cursor pos: 0
execute edit and operator
move cursor to easy back pos: j
" macro save
viminfo/vimrc file
save history and not null reg
vim launch read
easy to cover
- 在Target的Build Settings中搜索“prelink”,将“Perform Single-Object Prelink”设置为“Yes”,并将所需的所有库文件直接拖到Prelink配置中。 - 这一步是确保在最终打包发布之前,所有带有`private_external...
Object Management Support ........................................................................... 17 Error Detection and Reporting Policy Hooks ............................................... 18 ...
Section D.8. System Information Registers Section D.9. System Control Registers References Appendix E. Conditional Assembly and Macros (GCC Assembler) Section E.1. Interference from ...
Added #pragma pack(8/4) to acobject.h to ensure that the structures in this header are always compiled as aligned. The ACPI_OPERAND_OBJECT has been manually optimized to be aligned and will not work ...
</#macro> <#assign mail = "jsmith@acme.com"> ? 使用import指令导入库到模板中,Freemarker会为导入的库创建新的名字空间,并可以通过import指令中指定的散列变量访问库中的变量: <#import "/lib/my_test....
Chapter 8. Opening, Saving, and Sharing Workbooks Section 8.1. Add, Open, Save, and Close Section 8.2. Share Workbooks Section 8.3. Program with Shared Workbooks Section 8.4. Program with ...
The file "usertype.dat" is simply a text file listing the state machine keywords. Here is a brief overview of the state machine structure. Each game object can point to a state machine. When ...
Naming General Naming Rules File Names Type Names Variable Names Constant Names Function Names Namespace Names Enumerator Names Macro Names Exceptions to Naming Rules Comments Comment Style File ...
• Tablets often control the system cursor, provide additional digitizing input, and provide template or macro functions. 1.2 The Windows Environment Programming for tablets in the Windows ...
WELCOME TO TURBO C 2.0 ---------------------- This README file contains important, last minute information about Turbo C 2.0.....DOC file on the COMMAND LINE/UTILITIES disk also answers many common ...
Object Browser filter text now also works for user-defined query-based folders Viewing job classes on Oracle12c could lead to "ORA-01036: illegal variable name/number" PL/SQL Beautifier did not format...
Word VBA编程的核心在于理解和掌握其对象模型(Object Model)。Word的对象模型主要由以下几类对象组成: - **Application**:代表Word程序本身。 - **Document**:代表一个打开的文档。 - **Range**:表示文档中的...
WELCOME TO TURBO C 2.01 ----------------------- This README file contains important, last minute information about Turbo C 2.01.....DOC file on the COMPILER/UTILITIES disk also answers many common ...
2. COFF(Common Object File Format)是一种文件格式标准,被用于编译器、汇编器和链接器等工具中,用于保存编译后的目标文件信息,方便后续的链接和转换工作。 3. 在软件开发过程中,DSP的开发涉及编译器...
**CLOS (Common Lisp Object System)** is a powerful object-oriented framework built into Common Lisp. It supports advanced object-oriented programming concepts, such as multiple inheritance, generic ...
Multi-functional "Text" object can display one or more text lines. That may contain text mixed with variables or dataset fields or expressions. It supports simple HTML tags (b,i,u,strike,sub,sup,font ...
用vba在access 2003中进行多人开发时,... Microsoft Access then imports the text file into your Microsoft Access database, turning it into a Microsoft Access object (query, form, report, macro, or module).
8. OLE对象类型(OLE Object):允许嵌入表格、图形、图像、声音等对象。 9. 超级链接类型(Hyperlink):存储超级链接的地址,可以链接到其他文档或网页。 10. 查阅向导类型(Lookup Wizard):创建特殊字段,...
批量查找和替换通常通过编写宏(Macro)来实现,宏是一种在Microsoft Office程序中记录或编写的一系列命令,可以自动化重复任务。在开启宏的状态下,用户可以编写一段宏代码,该代码会遍历指定文件夹下的所有Word...