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java.io.Buffer的相关定义:A container for data of a specific primitive type.




 * A container for data of a specific primitive type.
 * <p> A buffer is a linear, finite sequence of elements of a specific
 * primitive type.  Aside from its content, the essential properties of a
 * buffer are its capacity, limit, and position: </p>

 * (0<=position<=limit<=capacity        注:capacity一旦确定就不能更改)
 * <blockquote>
 *   <p> A buffer's <i>capacity</i> is the number of elements it contains.  The
 *   capacity of a buffer is never negative and never changes.  </p>
 *   <p> A buffer's <i>limit</i> is the index of the first element that should
 *   not be read or written.  A buffer's limit is never negative and is never
 *   greater than its capacity.  </p>
 *   <p> A buffer's <i>position</i> is the index of the next element to be
 *   read or written.  A buffer's position is never negative and is never
 *   greater than its limit.  </p>
 * </blockquote>


* <h4> Transferring data </h4>  存取数据
 * <p> Each subclass of this class defines two categories(绝对和相对存取) of <i>get</i> and
 * <i>put</i> operations: </p>
 * (相对以前的IoStream变化体现在操作更为灵活,不仅局限于单向,不可以逆的流操作。)
 * <blockquote>
 *   <p> <i>Relative</i> operations read or write one or more elements starting
 *   at the current position and then increment the position by the number of
 *   elements transferred.  If the requested transfer exceeds the limit then a
 *   relative <i>get</i> operation throws a {@link BufferUnderflowException}
 *   and a relative <i>put</i> operation throws a {@link
 *   BufferOverflowException}; in either case, no data is transferred.  </p>



      get  (if: current+requested > limit)  throw:   BufferUnderflowException

      write (if:  current+requested > limit) throw:    BufferOverflowException
 *   <p> <i>Absolute</i> operations take an explicit element index and do not
 *   affect the position.  Absolute <i>get</i> and <i>put</i> operations throw
 *   an {@link IndexOutOfBoundsException} if the index argument exceeds the
 *   limit.  </p>



* <h4> Marking and resetting </h4>
 * <p> A buffer's <i>mark</i> is the index to which its position will be reset
 * when the {@link #reset reset} method is invoked.  The mark is not always
 * defined, but when it is defined it is never negative and is never greater
 * than the position.  If the mark is defined then it is discarded when the
 * position or the limit is adjusted to a value smaller than the mark.(mark被隐含失效)


If the mark is not defined then invoking the {@link #reset reset} method causes an
{@link InvalidMarkException} to be thrown.





<h4> Clearing, flipping, and rewinding </h4>
 * <p> In addition to methods for accessing the position, limit, and capacity
 * values and for marking and resetting,

     this class also defines the following operations upon buffers:
 * <ul>
 *   <li><p> {@link #clear} makes a buffer ready for a new sequence of
 *   channel-read or relative <i>put</i> operations: It sets the limit to the
 *   capacity and the position to zero.  </p></li>
 *   <li><p> {@link #flip} makes a buffer ready for a new sequence of
 *   channel-write or relative <i>get</i> operations: It sets the limit to the
 *   current position and then sets the position to zero.  </p></li>



      (3)如果我们要改变流操作的特性,需要对同一份数据进行多次读取的话,那么如果【全部复读】,则直接rewind下;如果【部分复读】则使用mark and reset。
 *   <li><p> {@link #rewind} makes a buffer ready for re-reading the data that
 *   it already contains: It leaves the limit unchanged and sets the position
 *   to zero.  </p></li>
 * </ul>


public class ByteBufferDemo {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
  ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(12);
//  【全部复读】
//  【部分复读】
//  现在要对第2个int复读两次

  /* 10
   * 20
   * Exception in thread "main" java.nio.BufferUnderflowException
 at java.nio.Buffer.nextGetIndex(Buffer.java:404)
 at java.nio.DirectByteBuffer.getInt(DirectByteBuffer.java:620)
 at com.umpay.construct.ByteBufferDemo.main(ByteBufferDemo.java:17)
   * */





* <h4> Thread safety </h4>
 * <p> Buffers are not safe (非线程安全)for use by multiple concurrent threads.  If a
 * buffer is to be used by more than one thread then access to the buffer
 * should be controlled by appropriate synchronization.




* <h4> Read-only buffers </h4>
 * <p> Every buffer is readable, but not every buffer is writable.  The
 * mutation(指:会改变对象状态的方法) methods of each buffer class are specified as <i>optional
 * operations</i> that will throw a {@link ReadOnlyBufferException} when
 * invoked upon a read-only bufferA read-only buffer does not allow its
 * content to be changed, but its mark, position, and limit values are mutable. (因为:这些变量都属于内部维护的变量InVar)
 * Whether or not a buffer is read-only may be determined by invoking its
 * {@link #isReadOnly isReadOnly} method.




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