Siddhi Query Language的官方解释如下:
Siddhi Query Language (SiddhiQL) is designed to process event streams to identify complex event occurrences
Stream | A logical series of events ordered in time with a uniquely identifiable name, and set of defined attributes with specific data types defining its schema. |
Event | An event is associated with only one stream, and all events of that stream have an identical set of attributes that are assigned specific types (or the same schema). An event contains a timestamp and set of attribute values according to the schema. |
Table | A structured representation of data stored with a defined schema. Stored data can be backed by In-Memory , RDBMs , MongoDB , etc. to be accessed and manipulated at runtime. |
Query | A logical construct that processes events in streaming manner by combining existing streams and/or tables, and generates events to an output stream or table. A query consumes one or more input streams, and zero or one table. Then it processes these events in a streaming manner and publishes the output events to streams or tables for further processing or to generate notifications. |
Source | A contract that consumes data from external sources (such as TCP , Kafka , HTTP , etc)in the form of events, then converts each event (which can be in XML , JSON , binary , etc. format) to a Siddhi event, and passes that to a Stream for processing. |
Sink | A contract that takes events arriving at a stream, maps them to a predefined data format (such as XML , JSON , binary , etc), and publishes them to external endpoints (such as E-mail , TCP , Kafka , HTTP , etc). |
Input Handler | A mechanism to programmatically inject events into streams. |
Stream/Query Callback | A mechanism to programmatically consume output events from streams and queries. |
Partition | A logical container that isolates the processing of queries based on partition keys. Here, a separate instance of queries is generated for each partition key to achieve isolation. |
Inner Stream | A positionable stream that connects portioned queries within their partitions, preserving isolation. |
Siddhi SQL 4.0版本相比于3.0版本增加了流处理的支持
<siddhi app> : <app annotation> * ( <stream definition> | <table definition> | ... ) + ( <query> | <partition> ) + ;
- 事件流定义(Event Stream Definitions)
- 事件表定义(Event Table Definitions)
- 分区(Partitions)
- 查询(Queries)
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