<!-- 启用异步支持 -->
public Callable<String> forCallable(Model model) throws Exception {
return () -> {
model.addAttribute("a", "aaaaaaa");
return "async_request_callable";
public WebAsyncTask<String> forCallableWithTimeout(Model model) throws Exception {
long timeout = 5 * 1000L;
WebAsyncTask<String> asyncTask = new WebAsyncTask<>(timeout, () -> {
TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(timeout + 10);
model.addAttribute("a", "aaaaaaa");
return "async_request_callable";
asyncTask.onTimeout(() -> {
return "async_request_callable_timeout";
asyncTask.onCompletion(() -> {
return asyncTask;
public DeferredResult<String> forDeferredResult() throws Exception {
DeferredResult<String> result = new DeferredResult<>();
new Thread(() -> {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return result;
public DeferredResult<String> forDeferredResultWithTimeout() throws Exception {
DeferredResult<String> result = new DeferredResult<>(10 * 1000);
new Thread(() -> {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
result.onTimeout(() -> {
result.onCompletion(() -> {
return result;
<mvc:async-support default-timeout="15000" task-executor="asyncTaskExecutor"/>
public interface CallableProcessingInterceptor {
static final Object RESULT_NONE = new Object();
static final Object RESPONSE_HANDLED = new Object();
* Invoked <em>before</em> the start of concurrent handling in the original
* thread in which the {@code Callable} is submitted for concurrent handling.
* <p>
* This is useful for capturing the state of the current thread just prior to
* invoking the {@link Callable}. Once the state is captured, it can then be
* transferred to the new {@link Thread} in
* {@link #preProcess(NativeWebRequest, Callable)}. Capturing the state of
* Spring Security's SecurityContextHolder and migrating it to the new Thread
* is a concrete example of where this is useful.
* </p>
* @param request the current request
* @param task the task for the current async request
* @throws Exception in case of errors
<T> void beforeConcurrentHandling(NativeWebRequest request, Callable<T> task) throws Exception;
* Invoked <em>after</em> the start of concurrent handling in the async
* thread in which the {@code Callable} is executed and <em>before</em> the
* actual invocation of the {@code Callable}.
* @param request the current request
* @param task the task for the current async request
* @throws Exception in case of errors
<T> void preProcess(NativeWebRequest request, Callable<T> task) throws Exception;
* Invoked <em>after</em> the {@code Callable} has produced a result in the
* async thread in which the {@code Callable} is executed. This method may
* be invoked later than {@code afterTimeout} or {@code afterCompletion}
* depending on when the {@code Callable} finishes processing.
* @param request the current request
* @param task the task for the current async request
* @param concurrentResult the result of concurrent processing, which could
* be a {@link Throwable} if the {@code Callable} raised an exception
* @throws Exception in case of errors
<T> void postProcess(NativeWebRequest request, Callable<T> task, Object concurrentResult) throws Exception;
* Invoked from a container thread when the async request times out before
* the {@code Callable} task completes. Implementations may return a value,
* including an {@link Exception}, to use instead of the value the
* {@link Callable} did not return in time.
* @param request the current request
* @param task the task for the current async request
* @return a concurrent result value; if the value is anything other than
* {@link #RESULT_NONE} or {@link #RESPONSE_HANDLED}, concurrent processing
* is resumed and subsequent interceptors are not invoked
* @throws Exception in case of errors
<T> Object handleTimeout(NativeWebRequest request, Callable<T> task) throws Exception;
* Invoked from a container thread when async processing completes for any
* reason including timeout or network error.
* @param request the current request
* @param task the task for the current async request
* @throws Exception in case of errors
<T> void afterCompletion(NativeWebRequest request, Callable<T> task) throws Exception;
<mvc:async-support default-timeout="15000" task-executor="asyncTaskExecutor">
<bean class="YourCallableProcessingInterceptor"/>
public interface DeferredResultProcessingInterceptor {
* Invoked immediately before the start of concurrent handling, in the same
* thread that started it. This method may be used to capture state just prior
* to the start of concurrent processing with the given {@code DeferredResult}.
* @param request the current request
* @param deferredResult the DeferredResult for the current request
* @throws Exception in case of errors
<T> void beforeConcurrentHandling(NativeWebRequest request, DeferredResult<T> deferredResult) throws Exception;
* Invoked immediately after the start of concurrent handling, in the same
* thread that started it. This method may be used to detect the start of
* concurrent processing with the given {@code DeferredResult}.
* <p>The {@code DeferredResult} may have already been set, for example at
* the time of its creation or by another thread.
* @param request the current request
* @param deferredResult the DeferredResult for the current request
* @throws Exception in case of errors
<T> void preProcess(NativeWebRequest request, DeferredResult<T> deferredResult) throws Exception;
* Invoked after a {@code DeferredResult} has been set, via
* {@link DeferredResult#setResult(Object)} or
* {@link DeferredResult#setErrorResult(Object)}, and is also ready to
* handle the concurrent result.
* <p>This method may also be invoked after a timeout when the
* {@code DeferredResult} was created with a constructor accepting a default
* timeout result.
* @param request the current request
* @param deferredResult the DeferredResult for the current request
* @param concurrentResult the result to which the {@code DeferredResult}
* @throws Exception in case of errors
<T> void postProcess(NativeWebRequest request, DeferredResult<T> deferredResult, Object concurrentResult) throws Exception;
* Invoked from a container thread when an async request times out before
* the {@code DeferredResult} has been set. Implementations may invoke
* {@link DeferredResult#setResult(Object) setResult} or
* {@link DeferredResult#setErrorResult(Object) setErrorResult} to resume processing.
* @param request the current request
* @param deferredResult the DeferredResult for the current request; if the
* {@code DeferredResult} is set, then concurrent processing is resumed and
* subsequent interceptors are not invoked
* @return {@code true} if processing should continue, or {@code false} if
* other interceptors should not be invoked
* @throws Exception in case of errors
<T> boolean handleTimeout(NativeWebRequest request, DeferredResult<T> deferredResult) throws Exception;
* Invoked from a container thread when an async request completed for any
* reason including timeout and network error. This method is useful for
* detecting that a {@code DeferredResult} instance is no longer usable.
* @param request the current request
* @param deferredResult the DeferredResult for the current request
* @throws Exception in case of errors
<T> void afterCompletion(NativeWebRequest request, DeferredResult<T> deferredResult) throws Exception;
<mvc:async-support default-timeout="15000" task-executor="asyncTaskExecutor">
<bean class="YourDeferredResultProcessingInterceptor"/>
Spring MVC从3.2版本开始,引入了对异步请求的支持,这主要建立在Servlet 3.0及其以上版本的异步处理功能之上。下面将详细介绍如何在Spring MVC中配置和实现异步请求。 ### 1. 配置Web应用以支持异步处理 首先,你...
Servlet3.0是Servlet规范的一个重要版本,引入了许多新特性,如异步处理、注解支持和简化部署描述符。 1. **Servlet3.0的新特性:** - **注解配置**:不再需要在web.xml中注册Servlet,可以直接在Servlet类上使用`...
3. 异步请求(如AJAX)中,通过`@ResponseBody`返回JSON数据,更新页面部分区域。 4. 实现RESTful API,使用HTTP动词(GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)和资源路径,配合JSON数据进行增删查改操作。 综上所述,Spring MVC...
Servlet 3.0是Java Servlet API的一个重大更新,引入了许多新特性,如注解驱动的配置、异步Servlet处理、以及可插拔的部署描述符。这对于简化Web应用开发和提高其灵活性起到了关键作用。 Spring MVC 的核心是模型-...
在处理前端与后端交互时,尤其是涉及到用户界面的动态更新,异步请求变得越来越重要。本篇文章将深入探讨SpringMVC如何支持异步数据返回,以及如何将这些数据以JSON格式传递给前端。 首先,让我们了解什么是异步...
在SpringMVC环境中实现Ajax异步请求JSON格式数据是一项常见的任务,这有助于创建更高效、交互性更强的Web应用程序。以下是一份详细的步骤指南和关键知识点解析: 首先,环境搭建是基础。确保你已经设置了标准的...
为了解决这个问题,Spring MVC 从3.2版本开始引入了对Servlet 3.0异步请求的支持。 异步请求的主要优点在于,它允许服务器在处理耗时操作时释放HTTP请求线程,让其他请求可以立即得到响应,从而提高系统吞吐量。在...
3. **配置SpringMVC上下文**:在指定的初始化参数中(如servlet-context.xml),配置SpringMVC的行为,包括视图解析器、模型视图、拦截器、转换器和格式化器等。 ```xml xmlns:xsi=...
12. **Servlet 3.0支持**:SpringMVC 4.0充分利用Servlet 3.0的特性,如异步Servlet、WebSocket等,提高了Web应用的性能和功能。 13. **测试支持**:Spring MVC Test框架提供了对Spring MVC应用的单元测试和集成...
Servlet 3.1是Java Servlet规范的一个版本,它引入了许多新特性,比如异步处理能力,使得服务器可以在不阻塞线程的情况下处理请求,从而提高性能。Jetty是一个轻量级的开源Web服务器和Servlet容器,它可以很好地支持...
在本文中,我们将深入探讨Spring MVC中的异步请求处理,主要关注Servlet 3.0引入的异步处理机制以及Spring MVC如何利用这个特性。首先,理解同步和异步请求的区别至关重要。 8.1 同步处理是标准的HTTP请求响应模型...
对于springmvc-异步请求-返回Callable,Spring MVC提供了支持异步处理的能力。在Controller方法中,我们可以返回`Callable`对象,这使得请求可以在后台线程中处理,而主线程可以立即响应,提高系统的并发能力。例如...
3. 数据绑定:支持自动将请求参数绑定到方法参数,如@RequestParam、@PathVariable等。 4. 视图解析:配置ViewResolver来决定如何生成视图,如JSP、Thymeleaf等。 三、SpringMVC流程 1. 用户发送HTTP请求到服务器。...
在整个开发流程中,还需要特别注意请求参数的绑定和类型转换、请求中文乱码问题的处理、Session和Cookie的使用、Ajax异步请求的处理、文件上传功能的实现、异常处理机制以及拦截器的应用等细节。 对于文件上传,...
6. **Tomcat 8.0**:作为应用服务器,Tomcat 8.0对Servlet 3.0规范有良好的支持,这对于Spring MVC的应用部署和管理提供了便利,例如可以通过Web-INF/classes或Maven的war-exploded方式热部署应用。 7. **JSP视图...
3. 在 pom.xml 文件中导入 SpringMVC 和 Servlet 相关依赖。 4. 定义处理请求的 Controller 类,并使用 @Controller 和 @RequestMapping 注解。 5. 配置 SpringMVC 的环境,如通过 @Configuration 和 @ComponentScan...
- **异步处理**:支持异步请求处理,提高系统性能。 通过熟练掌握SpringMVC,开发者可以构建高效、灵活的Web应用程序。这个"SpringMVC示例"项目是一个很好的起点,帮助你了解和实践这些基本概念。通过逐步学习和...
1. **SpringMVC基本架构**:SpringMVC框架基于Servlet API构建,通过DispatcherServlet作为前端控制器接收请求,然后根据配置的HandlerMapping将请求分发到相应的Controller。Controller处理业务逻辑后,通过...