# Generate WAS admin console password
cat /opt/IBM/WebSphere85/AppServer/profiles/appprofile/properties/sas.client.props | grep -a2 "IIOP"; cat /opt/IBM/WebSphere85/AppServer/profiles/appprofile/properties/sas.client.props | grep -a2 "IIOP" | grep Password | awk -F{ '{print "{"$2}' | xargs /opt/IBM/WebSphere85/AppServer/java/bin/java -Djava.ext.dirs=/opt/IBM/WebSphere85/AppServer/plugins:/opt/IBM/WebSphere85/AppServer/lib com.ibm.ws.security.util.PasswordDecoder
# Renew WAS cert
Client cert
/opt/IBM/WebSphere85/AppServer/java/bin/keytool -genkeypair -v -alias clientauth -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 365 -sigalg SHA2withRSA -keystore clientauth-keystore.p12 -storetype pkcs12 -storepass abcdA2m7H0 -keypass abcdA2m7H0 -dname "CN=clientauth,O=The Corporation Limited,L=Hong Kong,C=CN"
/opt/IBM/WebSphere85/AppServer/java/bin/keytool -certreq -alias clientauth -file clientauth-keystore.csr -keystore clientauth-keystore.p12 -storetype pkcs12
pwd: abcdA2m7H0
3. Import root
/opt/IBM/IBMIHS85/bin/gskcmd -cert -add -db clientauth-keystore.p12 -pw abcdA2m7H0 -file Root.cer -label abcdROOTCA
4. Import int
/opt/IBM/IBMIHS85/bin/gskcmd -cert -add -db clientauth-keystore.p12 -pw abcdA2m7H0 -file Int.cer -label abcdINTCA
5. Validation
/opt/IBM/IBMIHS85/bin/gskcmd -cert -receive -db clientauth-keystore.p12 -pw abcdA2m7H0 -file clientauth.cer
6. Check p12 status
/opt/IBM/IBMIHS85/bin/gskcmd -cert -details -db clientauth-keystore.p12 -pw abcdA2m7H0 -label clientauth
7. Import p12 into kdb
/opt/IBM/IBMIHS85/bin/gskcapicmd -cert -import -db clientauth-keystore.p12 -pw abcdA2m7H0 -target gss_fqdn.kdb -target_pw amh@2018Mar
IHS cert
1. Generate kdb/rdb/sth:
/opt/IBM/IBMIHS85/java/jre/bin/ikeycmd -keydb -create -db gss_fqdn.kdb -pw amh@2018Mar -type cms -stash
2. Generate CSR:
/opt/IBM/IBMIHS85/java/jre/bin/ikeycmd -certreq -create -db gss_fqdn.kdb -pw amh@2018Mar -size 2048 -dn "CN=gss_fqdn,O=The Corporation Limited,C=CN,L=Hong Kong" -file gss_fqdn.csr -label gss_fqdn
3. Verify CSR:
/opt/IBM/IBMIHS85/java/jre/bin/ikeycmd -certreq -list -db gss_fqdn.kdb -pw amh@2018Mar
4. import root cer
/opt/IBM/IBMIHS85/java/jre/bin/ikeycmd -cert -add -db gss_fqdn.kdb -pw amh@2018Mar -file Root.cer -label "abcd ORCA G2"
5. import issue cer
/opt/IBM/IBMIHS85/java/jre/bin/ikeycmd -cert -add -db gss_fqdn.kdb -pw amh@2018Mar -file Int.cer -label "abcd Issuing CA02-G2"
6. receive signed cer
/opt/IBM/IBMIHS85/java/jre/bin/ikeycmd -cert -receive -db gss_fqdn.kdb -pw amh@2018Mar -file gss_fqdn.cer
7. Trust server cert
keytool -import -v -file "c:\Memo\RBP\Lin\2017\2017_STMA\SRBPEQ-670 - Online HTTPS setup\AMH_UAT_Online\gss_fqdn.cer" -keystore "C:\Users\43384141\git\srbp-api\src\main\resources\key\abcdkeystore.jks" -alias gss_fqdn
keytool -import -v -file "c:\Memo\RBP\Lin\2017\2017_STMA\SRBPEQ-670 - Online HTTPS setup\AMH_UAT_Online\gss_fqdn.cer" -keystore "C:\Users\43384141\git\wealth-compliance-hk-abcd\src\main\resources\keyfiles\abcdkeystore.jks" -alias gss_fqdn
/opt/IBM/IBMIHS85/java/jre/bin/ikeycmd -cert -list -db gss_fqdn.kdb -pw amh@2018Mar
有关,如:The accident was related to the driver's fatigue. (事故与驾驶员的疲劳有关。) 以上词汇和短语在高中英语学习中尤其重要,理解和掌握它们对于提高阅读、写作和口语能力大有裨益。在实际语境中运用这些...
Preface The introduction of the IBM Personal Computer in 1982 fostered a technology revolution that has changed the way the world does business. Prior to that ...security review-related questions.
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Javacore contains diagnostic information related to the JVM and a Java application captured at a point during execution. For example, the information can be about the operating system, the ...
Tris(N-pyrrolidinyl)phosphine Substituted Diiron Dithiolate Related to Iron-only Hydrogenase Active Site: Synthesis, Characterization and Electrochemical Properties,侯军,彭孝军,A tris(N-...
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This is the same as the error(), except there are two sets of filenames and line numbers, one for the statement in which the block was malloc'd, and the other for the statement in which the block was ...
**Gradle构建Java简单示例** 在现代Java开发中,构建工具起着至关重要的作用,它们帮助我们自动化编译、测试、打包等流程。本文将详细介绍如何使用Gradle这一流行的构建工具来构建和运行Java程序。...
The dataset is related with the marketing campaigns of a Portuguese banking institution. This data was picked up from UCI Machine Learning Repository. Link: ...
containing data from both block-design and event-related experiments revealed that functional brain activation was effectively detected and different response patterns were distinguished using our ...
I am no longer involved in any way with OBD and related activities, so don't expect my feedback on issues, pull-requests and most of all, email. I can't even remember when I first picked this project ...
There then followed significant research funding, which was measured in hundreds of millions of Dollars and Euros, fueling large collaboration projects first in the USA and later in Europe.
This specification provides the processor-specific definitions required by ELF [SCO-ELF10] for ...December 2003 draft, which was the most recent stable draft at the time this specification was developed.