How to Change Elastix Default Recording Location
This method is used to only change recording location , after changing this you can not download recordings from PBX--> Call Recording .
First Go to -->Security-->Advance Settings And Click on Enable direct access (Non-embedded) to
FreePB and Turn it to ON
Go to PBX-->Unembedded FreePBX
Now open https://PBXIP/admin/config.php
Goto Settings-->Advance Setting
Change the 2 switch
Display Readonly Settings and Override Readonly Settings to TRUE
Save it and refresh it if its not visible reboot PBX and verify if settings saved
Now new settings called "Override Call Recording Location " will be visible
change here new location for voice recordings
make sure you give appropriate permission to new recording location ( I given persion 777 to newly created folder as i coun;t figure out how which permission needs to store recording )
OR create new nfs share on external network OR mount external NAS directory
Check hot to mount nfs share
Note : don't mount recording on network as its create constant traffic on network , its better to create some script to move recording from PBX
1. Create a monitor folder with owner:group asterisk:asterisk permission 777.
the Asterisk script will look for the folder monitor.
i.e: I want my recordings on: /recordings/monitor
#cd /recordings
#mkdir monitor
chmod 777 monitor
#cd /recordings
chown -h asterisk:asterisk monitor
Advanced Setings
Override Call Recording Location: /recordings/monitor
Edit file: paloSantoMonitoring.class.php
define (‘DEFAULT_ASTERISK_RECORDING_BASEDIR’, ‘/var/spool/asterisk/monitor’);
define (‘DEFAULT_ASTERISK_RECORDING_BASEDIR’, ‘/recordings/monitor’);
path: vi /var/www/html/modules/monitoring/libs/paloSantoMonitoring.class.php
After those 3 steps the recording are being storage on /recordings/monitor and the web portal have the recording.
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