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Java and FTP Client
The same interface with S3FileOperation. The idea is to load the FTP configuration from properties files, upload and download files from remote FTP. I set up mock FTP server to do integration testing.
pom.xml to add commons-net as my client for FTP, MockFtpServer for mock the testing
Here is the same interface for both S3 and FTP
package com.sillycat.transmission;
public interface Transmission
public boolean uploadFile( String bucketName, String key, String fileToUpload );
public boolean downloadFile( String bucketName, String key, String destFolder );
Let’s first talk about the unit test, haha, think in test driving implementation.
This is the mock server for testing, so I put that under the test directory
package com.sillycat.transmission;
import org.mockftpserver.fake.FakeFtpServer;
import org.mockftpserver.fake.UserAccount;
import org.mockftpserver.fake.filesystem.DirectoryEntry;
import org.mockftpserver.fake.filesystem.FileSystem;
import org.mockftpserver.fake.filesystem.UnixFakeFileSystem;
public class FtpServerMock
private FakeFtpServer fakeFtpServer;
public FtpServerMock( int port, String userName, String password, String homeDir )
fakeFtpServer = new FakeFtpServer();
fakeFtpServer.setServerControlPort( port );
fakeFtpServer.addUserAccount( new UserAccount( userName, password, homeDir ) );
public void start()
FileSystem fileSystem = new UnixFakeFileSystem();
fileSystem.add( new DirectoryEntry( "/home" ) );
fakeFtpServer.setFileSystem( fileSystem );
public void stop()
This is the Integration Test class
package com.sillycat.transmission;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
* how to run: mvn -Dtest=TransmissionFtpJUnitIntegrationTest test
* @author carl
public class TransmissionFtpJUnitIntegrationTest
private Transmission transmission;
private FtpServerMock serverMock;
public void setUp() throws Exception
transmission = new TransmissionFtpImpl();
serverMock = new FtpServerMock( 2121, "carl", "supercarl", "/home" );
public void tearDown()
public void ftpFile()
String localFilePath = this.getClass().getResource( "mock.txt" ).getPath();
boolean result = transmission.uploadFile( "mockFtp", "mock2.txt", localFilePath );
Assert.assertTrue( result );
localFilePath = localFilePath.substring( 0, localFilePath.indexOf( "mock.txt" ) );
result = transmission.downloadFile( "mockFtp", "mock2.txt", localFilePath );
Assert.assertTrue( result );
For easier to load the properties from files, I create a java POJO, FtpOption.java
package com.sillycat.transmission;
public class FtpOption
private String host;
private int port;
private String user;
private String password;
private String root;
The properties format will be similar to this file mockFtp.properties
This is the TransmissionFtpImpl.java class with will load the properties, find the right ftpName
package com.sillycat.transmission;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.net.SocketException;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTPClient;
import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTPFile;
import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTPReply;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class TransmissionFtpImpl implements Transmission
protected final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger( this.getClass() );
public boolean uploadFile( String ftpName, String path, String fileToUpload )
boolean result = false;
FtpOption ftpOption = loadFtpOption( ftpName );
InputStream input = null;
FTPClient ftpClient = null;
ftpClient = loginFtp( ftpOption );
input = new FileInputStream( fileToUpload );
ftpClient.storeFile( ftpOption.getRoot() + path, input );
result = true;
catch ( IOException e )
logger.error( "IOException:", e );
clearFtpResource( ftpClient );
return result;
public boolean downloadFile( String ftpName, String path, String destFolder )
boolean result = false;
FtpOption ftpOption = loadFtpOption( ftpName );
FTPClient ftpClient = null;
ftpClient = loginFtp( ftpOption );
logger.info( "FTP server " + ftpName + " is " + ftpClient.getSystemType() );
ftpClient.changeWorkingDirectory( ftpOption.getRoot() );
FTPFile[] ftpFiles = ftpClient.listFiles();
if ( ftpFiles != null && ftpFiles.length > 0 )
for ( FTPFile file : ftpFiles )
if ( !file.isFile() )
OutputStream output;
output = new FileOutputStream( destFolder + File.separator + file.getName() );
//get the file from the remote system
ftpClient.retrieveFile( file.getName(), output );
//close output stream
result = true;
catch ( IOException e )
logger.error( "IOException:", e );
clearFtpResource( ftpClient );
return result;
private FtpOption loadFtpOption( String ftpName )
FtpOption ftpOption = new FtpOption();
Properties ftpProperties = new Properties();
ftpProperties.load( this.getClass().getResourceAsStream( ftpName + ".properties" ) );
catch ( IOException e )
logger.error( "IOException:", e );
String host = ftpProperties.getProperty( "ftp.host" ).trim();
String user = ftpProperties.getProperty( "ftp.user" ).trim();
String password = ftpProperties.getProperty( "ftp.password" ).trim();
String root = ftpProperties.getProperty( "ftp.root" ).trim();
int port = Integer.valueOf( ftpProperties.getProperty( "ftp.port" ).trim() );
ftpOption.setHost( host );
ftpOption.setUser( user );
ftpOption.setPassword( password );
ftpOption.setRoot( root );
ftpOption.setPort( port );
return ftpOption;
private FTPClient loginFtp( FtpOption ftpOption ) throws SocketException, IOException
FTPClient ftpClient = new FTPClient();
//init connection
ftpClient.connect( ftpOption.getHost(), ftpOption.getPort() );
if ( !ftpClient.login( ftpOption.getUser(), ftpOption.getPassword() ) )
logger.warn( "FTP logging failure with ftpOption:" + ftpOption );
int reply = ftpClient.getReplyCode();
if ( !FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion( reply ) )
logger.warn( "FTP did not get positive replay code:" + reply + " ftpOption:" + ftpOption );
//enter passive mode
ftpClient.changeWorkingDirectory( ftpOption.getRoot() );
return ftpClient;
private void clearFtpResource( FTPClient ftpClient )
catch ( IOException e )
logger.error( "IOException:", e );
Instead of read the properties files again and again, I may need to add local cache for that as well.
package com.sillycat.cache.guava;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.google.common.cache.Cache;
import com.google.common.cache.CacheBuilder;
import com.sillycat.cache.CacheService;
public class CacheServiceGuavaImpl<T> implements CacheService<T>
protected final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger( this.getClass() );
Cache<String, T> localCache;
public CacheServiceGuavaImpl()
localCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().expireAfterWrite( 24, TimeUnit.HOURS ).build();
public T load( String key, Callable<T> callable )
return localCache.get( key, callable );
catch ( ExecutionException e )
logger.error( "cache failure:" + e );
return null;
Unit test for that CacheService
package com.sillycat.cache;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import com.sillycat.cache.guava.CacheServiceGuavaImpl;
* how to run: mvn -Dtest=CacheServiceGuavaJUnitTest test
* @author carl
public class CacheServiceGuavaJUnitTest
private CacheService<String> cacheService;
public void setUp() throws Exception
cacheService = new CacheServiceGuavaImpl<String>();
public void cache()
Assert.assertEquals( cacheService.load( "key1", new Callable<String>()
public String call() throws Exception
return "value1";
} ), "value1" );
for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
Assert.assertEquals( cacheService.load( "key1", new Callable<String>()
public String call() throws Exception
return "value1";
} ), "value1" );
Mock ftp Server
The same interface with S3FileOperation. The idea is to load the FTP configuration from properties files, upload and download files from remote FTP. I set up mock FTP server to do integration testing.
pom.xml to add commons-net as my client for FTP, MockFtpServer for mock the testing
Here is the same interface for both S3 and FTP
package com.sillycat.transmission;
public interface Transmission
public boolean uploadFile( String bucketName, String key, String fileToUpload );
public boolean downloadFile( String bucketName, String key, String destFolder );
Let’s first talk about the unit test, haha, think in test driving implementation.
This is the mock server for testing, so I put that under the test directory
package com.sillycat.transmission;
import org.mockftpserver.fake.FakeFtpServer;
import org.mockftpserver.fake.UserAccount;
import org.mockftpserver.fake.filesystem.DirectoryEntry;
import org.mockftpserver.fake.filesystem.FileSystem;
import org.mockftpserver.fake.filesystem.UnixFakeFileSystem;
public class FtpServerMock
private FakeFtpServer fakeFtpServer;
public FtpServerMock( int port, String userName, String password, String homeDir )
fakeFtpServer = new FakeFtpServer();
fakeFtpServer.setServerControlPort( port );
fakeFtpServer.addUserAccount( new UserAccount( userName, password, homeDir ) );
public void start()
FileSystem fileSystem = new UnixFakeFileSystem();
fileSystem.add( new DirectoryEntry( "/home" ) );
fakeFtpServer.setFileSystem( fileSystem );
public void stop()
This is the Integration Test class
package com.sillycat.transmission;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
* how to run: mvn -Dtest=TransmissionFtpJUnitIntegrationTest test
* @author carl
public class TransmissionFtpJUnitIntegrationTest
private Transmission transmission;
private FtpServerMock serverMock;
public void setUp() throws Exception
transmission = new TransmissionFtpImpl();
serverMock = new FtpServerMock( 2121, "carl", "supercarl", "/home" );
public void tearDown()
public void ftpFile()
String localFilePath = this.getClass().getResource( "mock.txt" ).getPath();
boolean result = transmission.uploadFile( "mockFtp", "mock2.txt", localFilePath );
Assert.assertTrue( result );
localFilePath = localFilePath.substring( 0, localFilePath.indexOf( "mock.txt" ) );
result = transmission.downloadFile( "mockFtp", "mock2.txt", localFilePath );
Assert.assertTrue( result );
For easier to load the properties from files, I create a java POJO, FtpOption.java
package com.sillycat.transmission;
public class FtpOption
private String host;
private int port;
private String user;
private String password;
private String root;
The properties format will be similar to this file mockFtp.properties
This is the TransmissionFtpImpl.java class with will load the properties, find the right ftpName
package com.sillycat.transmission;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.net.SocketException;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTPClient;
import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTPFile;
import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTPReply;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class TransmissionFtpImpl implements Transmission
protected final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger( this.getClass() );
public boolean uploadFile( String ftpName, String path, String fileToUpload )
boolean result = false;
FtpOption ftpOption = loadFtpOption( ftpName );
InputStream input = null;
FTPClient ftpClient = null;
ftpClient = loginFtp( ftpOption );
input = new FileInputStream( fileToUpload );
ftpClient.storeFile( ftpOption.getRoot() + path, input );
result = true;
catch ( IOException e )
logger.error( "IOException:", e );
clearFtpResource( ftpClient );
return result;
public boolean downloadFile( String ftpName, String path, String destFolder )
boolean result = false;
FtpOption ftpOption = loadFtpOption( ftpName );
FTPClient ftpClient = null;
ftpClient = loginFtp( ftpOption );
logger.info( "FTP server " + ftpName + " is " + ftpClient.getSystemType() );
ftpClient.changeWorkingDirectory( ftpOption.getRoot() );
FTPFile[] ftpFiles = ftpClient.listFiles();
if ( ftpFiles != null && ftpFiles.length > 0 )
for ( FTPFile file : ftpFiles )
if ( !file.isFile() )
OutputStream output;
output = new FileOutputStream( destFolder + File.separator + file.getName() );
//get the file from the remote system
ftpClient.retrieveFile( file.getName(), output );
//close output stream
result = true;
catch ( IOException e )
logger.error( "IOException:", e );
clearFtpResource( ftpClient );
return result;
private FtpOption loadFtpOption( String ftpName )
FtpOption ftpOption = new FtpOption();
Properties ftpProperties = new Properties();
ftpProperties.load( this.getClass().getResourceAsStream( ftpName + ".properties" ) );
catch ( IOException e )
logger.error( "IOException:", e );
String host = ftpProperties.getProperty( "ftp.host" ).trim();
String user = ftpProperties.getProperty( "ftp.user" ).trim();
String password = ftpProperties.getProperty( "ftp.password" ).trim();
String root = ftpProperties.getProperty( "ftp.root" ).trim();
int port = Integer.valueOf( ftpProperties.getProperty( "ftp.port" ).trim() );
ftpOption.setHost( host );
ftpOption.setUser( user );
ftpOption.setPassword( password );
ftpOption.setRoot( root );
ftpOption.setPort( port );
return ftpOption;
private FTPClient loginFtp( FtpOption ftpOption ) throws SocketException, IOException
FTPClient ftpClient = new FTPClient();
//init connection
ftpClient.connect( ftpOption.getHost(), ftpOption.getPort() );
if ( !ftpClient.login( ftpOption.getUser(), ftpOption.getPassword() ) )
logger.warn( "FTP logging failure with ftpOption:" + ftpOption );
int reply = ftpClient.getReplyCode();
if ( !FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion( reply ) )
logger.warn( "FTP did not get positive replay code:" + reply + " ftpOption:" + ftpOption );
//enter passive mode
ftpClient.changeWorkingDirectory( ftpOption.getRoot() );
return ftpClient;
private void clearFtpResource( FTPClient ftpClient )
catch ( IOException e )
logger.error( "IOException:", e );
Instead of read the properties files again and again, I may need to add local cache for that as well.
package com.sillycat.cache.guava;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.google.common.cache.Cache;
import com.google.common.cache.CacheBuilder;
import com.sillycat.cache.CacheService;
public class CacheServiceGuavaImpl<T> implements CacheService<T>
protected final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger( this.getClass() );
Cache<String, T> localCache;
public CacheServiceGuavaImpl()
localCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().expireAfterWrite( 24, TimeUnit.HOURS ).build();
public T load( String key, Callable<T> callable )
return localCache.get( key, callable );
catch ( ExecutionException e )
logger.error( "cache failure:" + e );
return null;
Unit test for that CacheService
package com.sillycat.cache;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import com.sillycat.cache.guava.CacheServiceGuavaImpl;
* how to run: mvn -Dtest=CacheServiceGuavaJUnitTest test
* @author carl
public class CacheServiceGuavaJUnitTest
private CacheService<String> cacheService;
public void setUp() throws Exception
cacheService = new CacheServiceGuavaImpl<String>();
public void cache()
Assert.assertEquals( cacheService.load( "key1", new Callable<String>()
public String call() throws Exception
return "value1";
} ), "value1" );
for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
Assert.assertEquals( cacheService.load( "key1", new Callable<String>()
public String call() throws Exception
return "value1";
} ), "value1" );
Mock ftp Server
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ftp server and ftp client
本文将深入探讨如何使用Java实现SFTP(Secure File Transfer Protocol)和FTP(File Transfer Protocol)进行文件的上传与下载,以满足在Linux服务器上的操作需求。 首先,FTP是一种用于在网络之间传输文件的标准...
ftp4j是一个FTP客户端Java类库,实现了FTP客户端应具有的大部分功能文件(包括上传和下 载),浏览远程FTP服务器上的目录和文件,创建、删除、重命,移动远程目录和文件。ftp4j提供多种方式连接到远程FTP服务器包括...
"android--simple-Server-and-Client.rar" 提供了一个示例,让我们来深入探讨这个主题。 1. **Android 服务器搭建**: - **Socket编程**:在Android中,服务器端通常使用Java的Socket类来创建TCP连接。通过...
ftp4j是一个FTP客户端Java类库,实现了FTP客户端应具有的大部分功能文件(包括上传和下 载),浏览远程FTP服务器上的目录和文件,创建、删除、重命,移动远程目录和文件。ftp4j提供多种方式连接到远程FTP服务器包括...
在本文中,我们将详细探讨FTPS和SSL的基本用法,以及如何使用Java的ftp4j库进行FTP操作。 FTPS分为两种模式: Explicit(明示式)和Implicit(隐式)模式。在 Explicit 模式下,客户端先建立一个未加密的FTP连接,...
ftp4j是一个FTP客户端Java类库,实现了FTP客户端应具有的大部分功能文件(包括上传和下 载),浏览远程FTP服务器上的目录和文件,创建、删除、重命,移动远程目录和文件。ftp4j提供多种方式连接到远程FTP服务器包括...
ftp4j是一个FTP客户端Java类库,实现了FTP客户端应具有的大部分功能文件(包括上传和下 载),浏览远程FTP服务器上的目录和文件,创建、删除、重命,移动远程目录和文件。ftp4j提供多种方式连接到远程FTP服务器包括...
ftp4j是一个FTP客户端Java类库,实现了FTP客户端应具有的大部分功能文件(包括上传和下 载),浏览远程FTP服务器上的目录和文件,创建、删除、重命,移动远程目录和文件。ftp4j提供多种方式连接到远程FTP服务器包括...
ftp4j是一个FTP客户端Java类库,实现了FTP客户端应具有的大部分功能文件(包括上传和下 载),浏览远程FTP服务器上的目录和文件,创建、删除、重命,移动远程目录和文件。ftp4j提供多种方式连接到远程FTP服务器包括...
ftp4j是一个FTP客户端Java类库,实现了FTP客户端应具有的大部分功能文件(包括上传和下 载),浏览远程FTP服务器上的目录和文件,创建、删除、重命,移动远程目录和文件。ftp4j提供多种方式连接到远程FTP服务器包括...
ftp4j是一个FTP客户端Java类库,实现了FTP客户端应具有的大部分功能文件(包括上传和下 载),浏览远程FTP服务器上的目录和文件,创建、删除、重命,移动远程目录和文件。ftp4j提供多种方式连接到远程FTP服务器包括...
ftp4j是一个FTP客户端Java类库,实现了FTP客户端应具有的大部分功能文件(包括上传和下 载),浏览远程FTP服务器上的目录和文件,创建、删除、重命,移动远程目录和文件。ftp4j提供多种方式连接到远程FTP服务器包括...
ftp4j是一个FTP客户端Java类库,实现了FTP客户端应具有的大部分功能文件(包括上传和下 载),浏览远程FTP服务器上的目录和文件,创建、删除、重命,移动远程目录和文件。ftp4j提供多种方式连接到远程FTP服务器包括...
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java中ftp上传下载事例代码 try { // create client log.info("Creating FTP client"); ftp = new FileTransferClient(); // set remote host ftp.setRemoteHost(host); ftp.setUserName(username); ftp.set...
ftp4j是一个FTP客户端Java类库,实现了FTP客户端应具有的大部分功能文件(包括上传和下 载),浏览远程FTP服务器上的目录和文件,创建、删除、重命,移动远程目录和文件。ftp4j提供多种方式连接到远程FTP服务器包括...
ftp4j是一个FTP客户端Java类库,实现了FTP客户端应具有的大部分功能文件(包括上传和下 载),浏览远程FTP服务器上的目录和文件,创建、删除、重命,移动远程目录和文件。ftp4j提供多种方式连接到远程FTP服务器包括...
ftp4j是一个FTP客户端Java类库,实现了FTP客户端应具有的大部分功能文件(包括上传和下 载),浏览远程FTP服务器上的目录和文件,创建、删除、重命,移动远程目录和文件。ftp4j提供多种方式连接到远程FTP服务器包括...
SSD8 provides a survey of networking protocols and technology, multimedia networking, client/server design — including thick and thin clients, CORBA and related tools, WWW implementation issues, ...