This morning,our team had a meeting,We discussed how to do in the next work.
A member came to asked me when I was coding intently,at that time,I feel that I was out of their
memory.I had an idea that I wanted to go immediately.I worked there,but i lost myself.I made mistake frequently,the major reason was that i did not took care of how to do my work,even though,I coded but I did not thought about more.I did not thought of the related things. I did not care of what would happend when I changed one thing.
At the dining time,I thought a lot.if I worked hard when I was in MianYang City,I would had be a
manager,maybe there was many coder worked for me,but now,I has noting.I had no enough skills and experiences to made a higher job.
What shall i do? work hard or study english hard?who can tell me!
标题“yiayanghuatan chuan ganqi bei fen zi liao c”似乎是一个拼写错误或者乱码,但根据给出的标签“C语言 开发语言”,我们可以推断这是一个关于C语言编程的资料。C语言是一种强大的、底层的编程语言,被广泛...
结合以上分析,我们可以猜测“xu ni chuan kou”可能是一个专门用于高效视频传输或处理的软件工具,支持多语言环境,并且基于先进的HEVC编码技术,确保高质量的视频传输同时减少带宽需求。用户可以通过运行VSPM-Kh...
vb zuo de chuan kou tiaoshi gongju
在本压缩包“lianbiao+chuan.rar”中,很可能是包含了一些关于链表和串的理论介绍、实现代码或者相关练习。下面将详细讨论这两个主题。 首先,我们来看链表。链表是一种线性数据结构,它与数组不同,数组中的元素在...
标题 "Le-Quoc-Chuan_Bai3.rar_faces" 暗示了这是一个与图像处理相关的项目,特别是关于面部检测的。"faces" 标签进一步确认了这一点,表明内容可能涉及计算机视觉中的面部识别或检测算法。压缩包内文件 "Le Quoc ...
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标题中的"chuan-pi-pei.zip_bf"可能是指一个关于字符串匹配算法的压缩文件,其中"bf"是Brute Force(暴力)算法的缩写。这个压缩包可能包含了对几种不同字符串匹配算法的介绍,包括Brute Force算法、Boyer-Moore算法...
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标题 "" 暗示我们关注的是STC15F2K60S2单片机的串口通信测试程序。这个压缩包很可能是包含相关代码、文档或调试工具的资源集合,用于帮助开发者理解和实现STC15F2K60S2...
《遗传算法在旅行商问题(TSP)中的应用——yi_chuan_suanfa_旅行商_safeh2j_tsp_youngo5t_遗传算法_》 遗传算法是一种模拟自然选择和遗传机制的优化方法,广泛应用于解决复杂问题,如旅行商问题(Traveling ...
For i = 0 To 6 sta(0, i) = i Next i sta(1, 0) = "E": sta(1, 1) = "A" sta(1, 2) = "T": sta(1, 3) = "B" sta(1, 4) = "F": sta(1, 5) = "C" sta(1, 6) = "P" Dim zif(1, 6) As String For j = 0 To 6 zif(0, ...
i--) { // 从字符串的最后一个字符开始遍历 reversed += str[i]; // 将当前字符添加到翻转字符串的末尾 } return reversed; } // 示例 const originalStr = "chentao"; const reversedStr = ...