



update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(web_text,instr(web_text,'电话',1)-10,30)
where is_yellp is null and web_text like '%电话%' and  tellphone is null

update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(web_text,instr(web_text,'Tel',1)-10,30)
where is_yellp is null and web_text like '%Tel%' and  tellphone is null
--截取电话第1 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,instr(tellphone,'电话','1'),length(tellphone))
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null

update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,instr(tellphone,'Tel','1'),length(tellphone))
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%Tel%' and tellphone not like '%电话%'

update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone= replace(tellphone,'Tel','电话')
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%Tel%' and tellphone not like '%电话%'

--截取电话第2 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=replace(tellphone,'?','')
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null  and tellphone like '%?%'
--截取电话第3 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=replace(tellphone,'?','')
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null  and tellphone like '%?%'
--截取电话第4 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'传真','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%传真%'
--截取电话第5 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'地址','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%地址%'
--截取电话第6 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'网站','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%网站%'
--截取电话第7 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'地图','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%地图%'
--截取电话第8 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'关于我们','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%关于我们%'
--截取电话第9 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'Fa','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%Fa%'
--截取电话第10 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'电子','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%电子%'
--截取电话第11 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'手机','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%手机%'
--截取电话第12 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,instr(tellphone,'电话:','1'),length(tellphone))
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%电话:%'
--截取电话第13 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'投诉电话','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%投诉电话%'
--截取电话第14 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'首','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%首%'
--截取电话第15 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=replace(tellphone,' ','')
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '% %'
--截取电话第16 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'周','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%周%'
--截取电话第17 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'邮箱','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%邮箱%'
--截取电话第18 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'公司','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%公司%'
--截取电话第19 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'传','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%传%'
--截取电话第20 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'联系','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%联系%'
--截取电话第21 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'E','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%E%'
--截取电话第22 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'邮编','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%邮编%'
--截取电话第23 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'客服','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%客服%'
--截取电话第24 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'在线','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%在线%'
--截取电话第25 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'QQ','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%QQ%'
--截取电话第26 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'Pow','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%Pow%'
--截取电话第27 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'招标','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%招标%'
--截取电话第28 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'www','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%www%'
--截取电话第29 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'校长','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%校长%'
--截取电话第30 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'服务','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%服务%'
--截取电话第31 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'信箱','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%信箱%'
--截取电话第32 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'信息','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%信息%'
--截取电话第33 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'获取','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%获取%'
--截取电话第34 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'品牌','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%品牌%'
--截取电话第35 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'售后','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%售后%'
--截取电话第36 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'技术','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%技术%'
--截取电话第37 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'注册','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%注册%'
--截取电话第38 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'客户','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%客户%'
--截取电话第39 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'标签','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%标签%'
--截取电话第40 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'营业','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%营业%'
--截取电话第41 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'Copy','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%Copy%'
--截取电话第42 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'邮件','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%邮件%'
--截取电话第43 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'关注','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%关注%'
--截取电话第44 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'北京','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%北京%'
--截取电话第45 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'版权所有','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%版权所有%'
--截取电话第46 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'物','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%物%'
--截取电话第47 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'服','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%服%'
--截取电话第48 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'国','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%国%'
--截取电话第49 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'中','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%中%'
--截取电话第50 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'经营者','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%经营者%'
--截取电话第51 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'京','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%京%'
--截取电话第52 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'举报','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%举报%'
--截取电话第53 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'业务','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%业务%'
--截取电话第54 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'邮政','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%邮政%'
--截取电话第55 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'官方','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%官方%'
--截取电话第56 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'咨询','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%咨询%'
--截取电话第57 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'关闭','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%关闭%'
--截取电话第58 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'版','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%版%'
--截取电话第59 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'返','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%返%'
--截取电话第60 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'分享','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%分享%'
--截取电话第61 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'招生','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%招生%'
--截取电话第61 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=substr(tellphone,0,instr(tellphone,'官','1')-1)
where tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null and tellphone like '%官%'

--截取电话第62 步
update z_beijing_all_web33 set tellphone=null
tellphone is not null and is_yellp is null
and tellphone not like '%0%'
and tellphone not like '%1%'
and tellphone not like '%2%'
and tellphone not like '%3%'
and tellphone not like '%4%'
and tellphone not like '%5%'
and tellphone not like '%6%'
and tellphone not like '%7%'
and tellphone not like '%8%'
and tellphone not like '%9%'



    2. 截取电话号码薄中的指定信息 ``` cut -d'|' -f1,3 1.test > 2.test ``` 这个命令将截取 `1.test` 文件中的第 1 个和第 3 个字段,并将其保存到 `2.test` 文件中。 cut 命令的注意事项 在使用 cut 命令时,...


    - 正则表达式:除了基本的截取,我们还可以使用正则表达式来匹配和提取复杂的模式,如邮箱地址、电话号码等。 - 分割字符串:有时我们可能需要按照特定分隔符来截取,如`split()`方法可以将字符串按分隔符拆分成多...

    mp3 截取软件, 截取个性铃声



    例如,`SUBSTR('13088888888', 3, 8)`将返回`08888888`,用于截取电话号码或日期中的特定部分。 #### 十、REPLACE函数:替换字符的艺术 `REPLACE('string', 's1', 's2')`函数用于在字符串中替换所有的`s1`子串为`...






    1. 使用`substringWithRange:`方法截取电话号码字符串的中间四位。这个方法接受一个NSRange对象,表示我们要截取的子串的起始和结束位置。在这种情况下,我们从第5个字符(下标为4)开始,截取4个字符。 ```objc ...


    Linux 中截取字符串 cut 命令用法简介 Linux 中的 cut 命令是一种功能强大的文本处理工具,能够帮助用户快速提取文本文件中的特定字符串或字段。下面是 cut 命令的语法和用法简介: 语法:`cut -c num1-num2 ...


    《电话号码簿——MFC与ACCESS数据库连接应用详解》 在信息技术领域,数据管理是至关重要的环节,尤其在日常生活中,电话号码簿作为个人或组织联系信息的存储工具,其重要性不言而喻。本项目名为“电话号码簿”,...




    数据集格式:Pascal VOC格式+YOLO格式(不包含分割路径的txt文件,仅仅包含jpg图片以及对应的VOC格式xml文件和yolo格式txt文件) 图片数量(jpg文件个数):6261 标注数量(xml文件个数):6261 标注数量(txt文件个数):...


    对于手机铃声,一般要求长度较短,比如30秒左右,确保它能在电话接通前播放完毕。 在设定好截取范围后,点击“剪切”或“保存”按钮,软件会将选中的部分保存为一个新的MP3文件。在此过程中,你可能需要调整输出...



    VB.net 获取电话号码的函数

    - **temp**:临时字符串变量,用于存储电话号码的部分截取。 - **temp2**:另一个临时字符串变量,用于处理电话号码的特殊格式。 ##### 输入验证 - 首先检查传入的`phone`是否为空字符串。如果是空字符串,则直接...

    免费网络电话 长途0.06元/分

    6. **隐私和安全性**:使用网络电话时,通话内容可能面临被截取的风险,因此需要采取安全措施,如加密通信,保护用户隐私。 7. **移动性**:用户可以通过智能手机、平板电脑等移动设备随时随地进行通话,不受固定...



    JavaScript截取手机号码 手机验证 身份证验证等等

    `test()`方法会返回一个布尔值,表示输入的电话号码是否符合该正则表达式。 身份证验证: 中国居民身份证号码(ID)分为15位和18位两种,通常现在使用的是18位的。身份证验证涉及到更复杂的校验规则,包括地区代码...

    C++ 电话薄原代码

    C++ 提供了`std::string`类来处理字符串,我们可以使用`+`运算符进行拼接,`find()`函数查找子串,以及`substr()`函数截取子串。 3. **结构体或类**:电话薄条目可能包含多个字段,如姓名、电话号码等。C++通过定义...


    窗口截取代码PlotAR - 浏览您的数据 例子 截屏 iOS (usdz) 安卓 (gltf) 虹膜著名的数据集 虹膜文件 间隙管理器仅限欧洲国家 间隙管理器.gltf PLZ 你能猜出这是什么? PLZ.gltf 行星行星 行星.gltf CH 瑞士的表面 CH....

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