  • 浏览: 49853 次
  • 性别: Icon_minigender_1
  • 来自: 厦门





<insert id="insertList" parameterType="java.util.List" >
     insert into t_project ( projectid,productid ) values
    <foreach collection="list" item="item" index="index" separator="," >
       ( #{item.projectid,jdbcType=CHAR},#{item.productid,jdbcType=CHAR} )



SqlSession session =sessionFactory.openSession(ExecutorType.BATCH,false);
		for(int i=0;i<10;i++){



      所以,这个方法也不好。根本原因是mybatis在创建SqlSession的时候,去实例化executor时,就决定了执行sql的方式是不是batch方式。在实例化SImpleExector的时候,则表明该事务的所有增删改方法会立刻在数据库执行该语句,实例化BatchExector的时候,则表明该事务的所有增删改方法都是 以batch方式,不会立刻在数据库执行。即mybatis框架本身限制了你不能灵活的在一次事务中选择是否要以批处理的方式执行。




package com.hcd.mybatis.demo;

import org.apache.ibatis.session.ExecutorType;
import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSession;
import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSessionFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

 * Created by cd_huang on 2017/8/21.
public class BatchMybatisTest {
	private SqlSessionFactory sessionFactory;

	public void test(){
		int group =26;
		long times[][] =new long[group][3];
		for(int i=0;i<group;i++){
			times[i][0] = batchExecutorBatchExecute(10+i*50);
			times[i][1] =batchExecutorSimpleExecute(10+i*50);
			times[i][2] =simpleExecutorSimpleExecute(10+i*50);

		for(int i=1;i<group;i++){
			System.out.println("Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: " + times[i][0] + " ms");
			System.out.println("Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: " + times[i][1] + " ms");
			System.out.println("Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: " + times[i][2] + " ms");

	public long batchExecutorBatchExecute(int group){
		SqlSession session =sessionFactory.openSession(ExecutorType.BATCH,false);
		long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
		for(int i=0;i<group;i++){
		time = System.currentTimeMillis() - time;
		return time;

	public long batchExecutorSimpleExecute(int group){
		SqlSession session =sessionFactory.openSession(ExecutorType.BATCH,false);

		long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
		for(int i=0;i<group;i++){
		time = System.currentTimeMillis() - time;
		return time;

	public long simpleExecutorSimpleExecute(int group){
		SqlSession session =sessionFactory.openSession();
		long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
		for(int i=0;i<group;i++){
		time = System.currentTimeMillis() - time;
		return time;

	private static Map<String,Object> getParam(){
		Map param=new HashMap();
		return param;
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 123 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 271 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 197 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 181 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 524 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 596 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 238 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 664 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 523 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 370 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 747 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 814 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 311 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 688 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 661 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 357 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 799 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 765 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 431 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 917 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 878 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 471 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 991 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 848 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 339 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 1004 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 1087 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 820 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 1082 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 1443 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 746 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 1535 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 1514 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 875 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 1696 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 1677 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 810 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 1626 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 1576 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 748 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 1506 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 1375 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 751 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 1544 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 1387 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 689 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 1536 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 1490 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 772 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 1995 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 2242 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 1143 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 2530 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 2708 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 1705 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 2600 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 2745 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 1427 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 2516 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 2574 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 1191 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 2157 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 2142 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 708 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 2170 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 2173 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 818 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 2415 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 2419 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 1140 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 2570 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 2244 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 785 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 2205 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 2181 ms




<plugin interceptor="com.com.hcd.mybatis.exector.ProxyExecutorInterceptor" />



package com.hcd.mybatis.exector;

import org.apache.ibatis.executor.Executor;
import org.apache.ibatis.plugin.Interceptor;
import org.apache.ibatis.plugin.Invocation;

import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
import java.util.Properties;

 * 使用插件生成代理执行器
 * Created by cd_huang on 2017/8/22.
public class ProxyExecutorInterceptor implements Interceptor {

	public Object intercept(Invocation invocation) throws Throwable {
		return null;

	public Object plugin(Object target) {
		if (target instanceof Executor == false) {
			return target;
		return Proxy.newProxyInstance(
				new ProxyExecutorHandler((Executor)target));

	public void setProperties(Properties properties) {



package com.hcd.mybatis.exector;

import com.hcd.common.SpringContextUtil;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.reflect.FieldUtils;
import org.apache.ibatis.executor.*;
import org.apache.ibatis.plugin.Plugin;
import org.apache.ibatis.reflection.ReflectionException;
import org.apache.ibatis.session.Configuration;
import org.apache.ibatis.session.ExecutorType;
import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSessionFactory;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;

 * 代理拦截器,控制ComplexExecutor的初始化时机
 * Created by cd_huang on 2017/8/23.
public class ProxyExecutorHandler implements InvocationHandler {

	private Executor target;

	private Executor realTarget;

	private boolean isInit = false;

	public ProxyExecutorHandler(Executor target) {
		this.target = target;
		if (MybatisExecutorContext.initComplexExecutorImmediately) {


	public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
		if (!isInit && MybatisExecutorContext.isOpenExecutorMode()) {
		try {
			return method.invoke(this.target, args);
		} finally {
			String methodName = method.getName();
			if ("commit".equals(methodName) || "rollback".equals(methodName) || "close".equals(methodName)) {

	public void init() {
		this.target = initComplexExecutor(this.target);
		isInit = true;

	 * 初始化ComplexExecutor
	 * @param target
	 * @return
	public Executor initComplexExecutor(Executor target) {
		Executor initialTarget = target;
		Object[] result = ProxyExecutorHandler.getLastPluginFromJdkProxy(target);
		Object parentPlugin = result[0];
		target = (Executor) result[1];
		if (target instanceof ComplexExecutor) {
			realTarget =target;
			return initialTarget;
		if (target instanceof BaseExecutor) {
			ComplexExecutor newTarget = new ComplexExecutor(ProxyExecutorHandler.getConfiguration(), target.getTransaction(), getOriginalExecutorType((Executor)target));
			realTarget =newTarget;
			if (parentPlugin == null) {
				return newTarget;
			} else {
				try {
					Field targetField = FieldUtils.getField(Plugin.class, "target", true);
					FieldUtils.writeField(targetField, parentPlugin, newTarget, true);
					return initialTarget;
				} catch (Throwable e) {
					throw new ReflectionException("replace property 'target' of Plugin error !", e);
		if (target instanceof CachingExecutor) {
			try {
				Field delegateField = FieldUtils.getField(CachingExecutor.class, "delegate", true);
				Object delegate = FieldUtils.readField(delegateField, target, true);
				if (delegate instanceof BaseExecutor) {
					Executor newDelegate = new ComplexExecutor(ProxyExecutorHandler.getConfiguration(), ((BaseExecutor) delegate).getTransaction(), getOriginalExecutorType((Executor)delegate));
					realTarget =newDelegate;
					FieldUtils.writeField(delegateField, target, newDelegate, true);
					return initialTarget;
			} catch (Throwable e) {
				throw new ReflectionException("replace property 'delegate' of CachingExecutor error !", e);

		throw new ExecutorException("init ComplexExecutor error !");

	 * 获得jdk代理里最里层的一个Plugin对象
	 * @param proxy
	 * @return 返回 最里层的一个Plugin对象 和 Plugin的target属性
	public static Object[] getLastPluginFromJdkProxy(Object proxy) {
		if (proxy instanceof Proxy) {
			InvocationHandler h = Proxy.getInvocationHandler(proxy);
			Object target;
			try {
				Field targetField = FieldUtils.getField(Plugin.class, "target", true);
				target = FieldUtils.readField(targetField, h, true);
			} catch (Throwable e) {
				throw new ReflectionException("get property 'target' of Plugin error !", e);
			if (target instanceof Proxy) {
				return ProxyExecutorHandler.getLastPluginFromJdkProxy(target);
			} else {
				return new Object[]{h, target};
		} else {
			return new Object[]{null, proxy};

	private static Configuration configuration;

	public static Configuration getConfiguration() {
		if (configuration == null) {
			configuration = SpringContextUtil.getBean(SqlSessionFactory.class).getConfiguration();
		return configuration;

	public ExecutorType getOriginalExecutorType() {
			return getOriginalExecutorType(realTarget);
		throw new ExecutorException("ComplexExecutor not init !");

	public static ExecutorType getOriginalExecutorType(Executor executor) {
		if(executor instanceof ComplexExecutor){
			return ((ComplexExecutor)executor).getOriginalExecutorType();
		if (BatchExecutor.class.getName().equals(executor.getClass().getName())) {
			return ExecutorType.BATCH;
		} else {
			return ExecutorType.SIMPLE;

	public Executor getRealTarget(){
		return realTarget;

	public Executor getTarget() {
		return target;

	public void setTarget(Executor target) {
		this.target = target;




package com.hcd.mybatis.exector;

import org.apache.ibatis.executor.BatchExecutor;
import org.apache.ibatis.executor.BatchResult;
import org.apache.ibatis.mapping.MappedStatement;
import org.apache.ibatis.session.Configuration;
import org.apache.ibatis.session.ExecutorType;
import org.apache.ibatis.transaction.Transaction;

import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.List;

 * 扩展mybatis支持批处理和非批处理两种模式的复合执行器
 * Created by cd_huang on 2017/8/22.
public class ComplexExecutor extends BatchExecutor{

	private ExecutorType originalExecutorType;

	public ComplexExecutor(Configuration configuration, Transaction transaction,ExecutorType originalExecutorType) {
		super(configuration, transaction);
		this.originalExecutorType =originalExecutorType;


	public int doUpdate(MappedStatement ms, Object parameterObject) throws SQLException {
		int result =super.doUpdate(ms,parameterObject);
			List<BatchResult> results=this.doFlushStatements(false);
			return results.get(0).getUpdateCounts()[0];
		return result;

	public List<BatchResult> doFlushStatements(boolean isRollback) throws SQLException {
		List<BatchResult> results =super.doFlushStatements(isRollback);
		return results;

	public ExecutorType getOriginalExecutorType() {
		return originalExecutorType;

      该执行器重写了doUpdate()方法,判断是否要使用批处理模式,从而判断是否执行doFlushStatements。       判断是否要执行批处理模式,是在MybatisExecutorContext类中,利用线程变量,来主动设置的。MybatisExecutorContext:
package com.hcd.mybatis.exector;
import org.apache.ibatis.executor.BatchResult;
import org.apache.ibatis.executor.Executor;
import org.apache.ibatis.executor.ExecutorException;
import org.apache.ibatis.session.ExecutorType;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

 * mybatis执行器上下文
 * Created by cd_huang on 2017/8/22.
public class MybatisExecutorContext {

	private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MybatisExecutorContext.class);

	private static final ThreadLocal<ExecutorType> currentExecutorType = new ThreadLocal<>();

	private static final ThreadLocal<ProxyExecutorHandler> executorResource = new ThreadLocal<>();

	private static final ThreadLocal<CheckBatchResultHook> checkBatchResultHook = new ThreadLocal<>();
	 * 是否立刻初始化ComplexExecutor
	public static boolean initComplexExecutorImmediately =true;

	public static void openSimpleExecutorMode(){

    public static void openBatchExecutorMode(){

	public static void closeExecutorMode(){

	public static List<BatchResult> doFlushStatements(){
		ProxyExecutorHandler interceptor =executorResource.get();
			return Collections.emptyList();
		Executor executor =interceptor.getRealTarget();
		if(executor instanceof ComplexExecutor){
			try {
				return ((ComplexExecutor)executor).doFlushStatements(false);
			} catch (SQLException e) {
				throw new RuntimeException("doFlushStatements error!",e);
		throw new ExecutorException("doFlushStatements must invoke on ExecutorType.BATCH!");

	public static void bindExecutor(ProxyExecutorHandler interceptor){

	public static boolean isOpenExecutorMode(){
		return currentExecutorType.get()!=null;

	public static Boolean isBatchExecutorMode() {
		ExecutorType executorType =currentExecutorType.get();
			ProxyExecutorHandler interceptor =executorResource.get();
			executorType =interceptor==null?null:interceptor.getOriginalExecutorType();
		return ExecutorType.BATCH.equals(executorType);

    public static void clean(){

    private static CheckBatchResultHook defaultCheckBatchResultHook =new DefaultCheckBatchResultHook();

	public static CheckBatchResultHook getCheckBatchResultHook(){
		CheckBatchResultHook hook =checkBatchResultHook.get();
		return hook==null?defaultCheckBatchResultHook:hook;

	public static void setCheckBatchResultHook(CheckBatchResultHook hook){

	 * 校验批处理结果的默认机制(默认更新影响记录数为0的时候logger打印警告信息)
	private static class DefaultCheckBatchResultHook implements CheckBatchResultHook{
	    public boolean checkBatchResult(List<BatchResult> results) {
		    for(BatchResult result:results){
			    for(int i=0;i<result.getUpdateCounts().length;i++){
	                    logger.warn(" sql statementId "+result.getMappedStatement().getId()+","+result.getMappedStatement().getSqlCommandType().name()+" effect 0 rows ! ");
		    return true;




package com.hcd.mybatis.exector;

import org.apache.ibatis.executor.BatchResult;

import java.util.List;

 * 校验批处理结果
 * Created by cd_huang on 2017/8/24.
public interface CheckBatchResultHook {

	boolean checkBatchResult(List<BatchResult> results);



package com.hcd.mybatis.demo;

import com.hcd.common.SpringContextUtil;
import com.hcd.mybatis.exector.MybatisExecutorContext;
import com.hcd.mybatis.interfaces.CommonMapper;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import org.springframework.transaction.PlatformTransactionManager;
import org.springframework.transaction.TransactionStatus;
import org.springframework.transaction.support.TransactionCallback;
import org.springframework.transaction.support.TransactionTemplate;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

 * Created by cd_huang on 2017/8/28.
public class BatchMybatisTest2 {
	private CommonMapper commonMapper;

	private TransactionTemplate transactionTemplate;

    private TransactionTemplate getTransactionTemplate(){
		    transactionTemplate =new TransactionTemplate();
	    return transactionTemplate;
	public void test(){
		int group =26;
		long times[][] =new long[group][3];
		for(int i=0;i<group;i++){
			times[i][0] = batchExecutorBatchExecute(10+i*50);
			times[i][1] =batchExecutorSimpleExecute(10+i*50);
			times[i][2] =simpleExecutorSimpleExecute(10+i*50);

		for(int i=1;i<group;i++){
			System.out.println("Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: " + times[i][0] + " ms");
			System.out.println("Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: " + times[i][1] + " ms");
			System.out.println("Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: " + times[i][2] + " ms");

	public long batchExecutorBatchExecute(final int group){
		return getTransactionTemplate().execute( new TransactionCallback<Long>(){

			public Long doInTransaction(TransactionStatus status) {
				long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
				for(int i=0;i<group;i++){
				time = System.currentTimeMillis() - time;
				return time;

	public long batchExecutorSimpleExecute(final int group){
		return getTransactionTemplate().execute( new TransactionCallback<Long>(){
			public Long doInTransaction(TransactionStatus status) {
				long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
				for(int i=0;i<group;i++){
				time = System.currentTimeMillis() - time;
				return time;

	public long simpleExecutorSimpleExecute(final int group){
		MybatisExecutorContext.initComplexExecutorImmediately =false;
		return getTransactionTemplate().execute( new TransactionCallback<Long>(){
			public Long doInTransaction(TransactionStatus status) {
				long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
				for(int i=0;i<group;i++){
				time = System.currentTimeMillis() - time;
				return time;


Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 62 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 121 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 148 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 79 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 254 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 219 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 78 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 327 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 281 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 113 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 387 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 388 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 101 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 504 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 495 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 137 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 526 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 559 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 154 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 606 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 631 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 198 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 699 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 793 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 227 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 858 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 851 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 185 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 812 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 942 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 227 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 1057 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 1528 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 243 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 1037 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 993 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 158 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 1091 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 1083 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 264 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 1391 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 1133 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 160 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 1232 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 1247 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 224 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 1287 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 1344 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 207 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 1379 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 1367 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 280 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 1473 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 1469 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 344 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 1544 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 1582 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 511 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 1747 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 1612 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 263 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 1772 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 1812 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 343 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 1799 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 1906 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 340 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 1855 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 1833 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 354 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 1925 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 1932 ms
Batch - Executor - Batch - Execute: 381 ms
Batch - Executor - Simple - Execute: 2014 ms
Simple - Executor - Simple - Execute: 2184 ms





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    1. 创建自定义拦截器类,实现`HandlerInterceptor`接口,重写`preHandle`、`postHandle`和`afterCompletion`方法。 2. 在`WebMvcConfigurer`的实现类中,通过`addInterceptors`方法添加拦截器,指定拦截的URL和排除...


    在自动封装版的MyBatis分页拦截器中,开发者通常会创建一个拦截器类,该类会拦截到执行SQL的时机,然后在SQL语句中动态添加分页相关的条件,如LIMIT和OFFSET子句,以实现数据的分页展示。 分页拦截器的核心思想是...


    Mybatis作为一款强大的Java持久层框架,其灵活性使得扩展分库分表功能变得可能。本文将深入探讨Mybatis分库分表扩展插件的原理与实践。 一、Mybatis简介与分库分表需求 Mybatis是一款优秀的持久层框架,它支持定制...


    定义好的拦截器会按照顺序被Mybatis执行。 由于Mybatis的架构设计,拦截器的实现和使用相对灵活。可以通过实现Interceptor接口并重写其方法来自定义拦截逻辑,还可以通过@Intercepts和@Signature注解来指定拦截器...

    free mybatis plugins

    通过实现Interceptor接口并重写intercept方法,开发者可以实现自定义的拦截逻辑。 4. **Free MyBatis Plugins的功能**:这款免费插件可能包含以下功能: - SQL智能提示:在编写Mapper XML文件或者Mapper接口时,...


    Spring Boot以其快速启动、自动化配置和开箱即用的特点,大大简化了Java应用程序的开发过程,而MyBatis作为轻量级的持久层框架,提供了灵活的SQL映射机制,使得数据库操作更为便捷。在这个教程中,我们将不仅了解这...

    javafx 整合 sparingboot mybatis

    在 JavaFX 应用中整合 SpringBoot 和 MyBatis 可以让开发者利用 Spring 的自动化配置和依赖注入,以及 MyBatis 的灵活数据库操作,构建出高效且易于维护的桌面应用。 整合 JavaFX、SpringBoot 和 MyBatis 的主要...






    总的来说,理解 MyBatis 插件原理和自定义插件的编写,可以帮助我们更好地扩展 MyBatis 的功能,实现更灵活的数据库操作。同时,掌握 Spring 集成 MyBatis 的方法,可以确保事务管理和资源管理的正确性,提升系统的...




    这些拦截器可以注册到MyBatis的配置文件中,当MyBatis执行SQL时,会按照配置的顺序逐个调用拦截器的intercept()方法。 在下载并解压“mybatis-plugins”压缩包后,你会得到一个名为“mybatis-plugins”的文件,这个...



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