Single sign-on (SSO) started it all. Organizations needed a way to unify authentication systems in the enterprise for easier management and better security. Single sign-on was widely adopted and provided a solution for keeping one repository of usernames and passwords that could be used transparently across several internal applications.
Service-oriented software kicked off the next wave of change. Organizations wanted to open APIs in their software so partners and independent developers could use them. Managing authentication and authorization for entities looking to consume these APIs was obviously a challenge.
Social media moved things even further. Various platforms spread far and wide on a plethora of devices, and many applications were built on top of those platforms. Now we have countless apps and services hooked into Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
The problem? How to bring together user login information across many applications and platforms to simplify sign-on and increase security. The solution? Federated identities . . .
Federated identity means linking and using the electronic identities a user has across several identity management systems.
In simpler terms, an application does not necessarily need to obtain and store users’ credentials in order to authenticate them. Instead, the application can use an identity management system that is already storing a user’s electronic identity to authenticate the user—given, of course, that the application trusts that identity management system.
This approach allows the decoupling of the authentication and authorization functions. It also makes it easier to centralize these two functions in the enterprise to avoid a situation where every application has to manage a set of credentials for every user. It is also very convenient for users, since they don’t have to keep a set of usernames and passwords for every single application that they use.
There are three major protocols for federated identity: OpenID, SAML, and OAuth.
基于Python的统一身份认证授权管理系统提供了一种高效、安全的解决方案,它能够支持多种业界标准协议,如LDAP(轻量目录访问协议)、OAuth2、SAML(Security Assertion Markup Language)以及OpenID。这些协议在不同...
用于身份验证插件,实现基于表单,基本,本地,LDAP,OpenID Connect,OAuth 2.0,SAML身份验证。 请查看其他相关插件: 在启用了插件的情况下下载Caddy: 请表示您对这项工作的赞赏,并 :star: :star: :star: 请在...
▸OAuth-SAML-CAS-OpenID Connect-HTTP-Google App Engine-LDAP-SQL-JWT-MongoDB-CouchDB-Kerberos-IP地址-Kerberos(SPNEGO)-REST API 者旨在检查已认证的用户个人资料或当前Web上下文中的授权: ▸角色/权限-...
SSO解决方案--提醒:文档只是作为一个基础的参考,愿意了解的朋友可以随时咨询。 第一节:单点登录简介 第一步:了解单点登录 SSO主要特点是: SSO应用之间... SSO的体系中有下面三种角色: ...SSO实现包含以下三个原则:
OAuth 2.0 和 OpenID Connect 是两个在互联网身份验证和授权领域至关重要的协议。OAuth 2.0 主要关注的是资源访问的权限委托,而 OpenID Connect 则是在 OAuth 2.0 的基础上增加了一个身份验证层,使得用户可以安全...
MaxKey单点登录认证系统是业界领先的IAM-IDaas身份管理和认证产品,支持OAuth2.x、OpenID Connect、SAML2.0、JWT、CAS、SCIM等SSO标准协议,基于RBAC统一权限控制,实现用户生命周期管理,开源、安全、自主可控。
SAML更复杂,适用于企业级的SSO场景,而OpenID Connect基于OAuth 2.0,更适合消费者级别的应用程序。 六、SAML实现工具 在实际应用中,开发者可以使用各种开源库和工具来实现SAML,例如: - OpenSAML:一个Java库...
CAS基于Servlet容器,提供了一套集中式的认证服务,支持多种认证协议,包括SAML和OAuth2.0。用户只需登录一次CAS服务器,就可以访问所有已集成的CAS客户端应用,从而实现了单点登录的效果。 对比不同的登录方式,如...
2. **集中式认证**:如OpenID和单点登录(SSO)机制,其中常用的是CAS协议和SAML标准。 3. **分散式认证**:主要指OAuth协议。 #### SAML/CAS - **SAML**(Security Assertion Markup Language)是一种用于身份认证...
3. **可扩展性**:JOIDS设计为模块化,可以通过添加插件来支持额外的功能,如OAuth、SAML等其他身份验证协议。 4. **与其他技术集成**:JOIDS可以与各种Java应用服务器(如Tomcat、Jetty)以及数据库(如MySQL、...
The jee-pac4j project is an easy and powerful security library for JEE web applications and web services which supports authentication and authorization, but also logout and advanced features like ...
pac4j是Java的一个简单而强大的安全引擎,用于对用户进行身份验证,获取其个人资料并管理授权,以保护Web应用程序和Web服务的安全。 它提供了一套完整的。 它基于Java 8,并在Apache 2许可下可用。...
▸OAuth-SAML-CAS-OpenID Connect-HTTP-OpenID-Google App Engine-LDAP-SQL-JWT-MongoDB-CouchDB-Kerberos-IP地址-Kerberos(SPNEGO)-REST API 者旨在检查已认证的用户个人资料或当前Web上下文中的授权: ▸角色...
间接客户端用于Web应用程序身份验证,而直接客户端用于Web服务身份验证: ▸OAuth-SAML-CAS-OpenID Connect-HTTP-OpenID-Google App Engine-LDAP-SQL-JWT-MongoDB-CouchDB-Kerberos-IP地址-Kerberos(SPNEGO)-REST...
Crowd 是 Atlassian 公司提供的一款强大的身份管理和访问控制解决方案,它支持多种协议如SAML、OAuth、OpenID Connect等,便于实现SSO。 本项目"crowd实现单点登录demo"旨在演示如何利用Crowd搭建和配置单点登录...
1. 用户身份验证:IDP需要验证用户的身份,这通常涉及用户名和密码的输入,或者与其他身份验证机制(如OAuth、OpenID Connect)的集成。 2. 创建SAML响应:一旦用户身份被验证,IDP将创建一个SAML响应,其中包含...
间接客户端用于Web应用程序身份验证,而直接客户端用于Web服务身份验证: ▸OAuth-SAML-CAS-OpenID Connect-HTTP-Google App Engine-Kerberos-LDAP-SQL-JWT-MongoDB-CouchDB-IP地址-REST API 者旨在检查已认证的...