1.Jerry is very generous @with his money.
2.Please don't get mad @at me.I was only trying to help.
3.Dane was quit agreeable @to my suggestion.
4.He was always attentive @to my idea.
5.Fruit is rich @in vitamins.
6.She was very quick @at bringing the dinner.
7.John was understandably awkward @at washing up.
8.She was eligible @for an increase in salary.
9.His secret was safe @with them.
10.That book is identical @with an American one.
11.Donna was very quick @at English.
12.She was deaf @to his request to do her work.
13.Mr Jones is very orthodox @in his attitude to Shakespeare.
14.It was most presumptuous @of them to behave like that.
15.Canned food may be deficient @in vitamins.
16.The weather is favourable @for football.
17.No one is exempt @from taxation in the United States.
18.The amount stated was exclusive @of tax.
19.Is the city noted @for its champagne?
20.They were averse @to my suggestion for free tickets.
21.Jock was completely devoid @of humour.
22.My daughter was very sensible @of his kindness.
23.His attitude was very destructive @to achievement.
24.The bed was alive @with bugs.
25.Mary is still inseparable @from her mother.
26.Jim was impatient @with his daughter.
27.Cathy was particular @about the jewellery she wore.
28.She is sick @with flu.
29.I believe they are related @by marriage.
30.It is evident @from his words that he is honest.
31.The director was critical @of the way we were doing the work.
32.I'm useless @at anything electrical.
33.You were right @about Jim.
34.She's marvelous @at grammer.
35.My friend is very liberal @in his thinking about that subject.
36.This small suitcase is perfect @for weekend trips.
37.The man was positive @of the time the accident happened.
38.The thought of war was repugnant @to Jack.
39.Our new house is very convenient @for the office as I can get there in five minutes.
40.John got a job,so that he could be independent @of his parents.
41.Vain people are susceptible @to flattery.
42.You can never be happy if you feel envious @of other people.
43.Jack feels homesick @for his own country.
44.I think Mr Waugh is quite honest @with you.
45.The dog seemed suspicious @of everybody.
46.Laura is very enthusiastic @about her new job.
47.Mark isn't deaf,but he is very hard @of hearing.
48.The dialect was one peculiar @to the North.
49.The jury decided that Susan was guilty @of murder.
50.Is this line parallel @to that one.
资源分类:Python库 所属语言:Python 资源全名:philoseismos-0.0.26a0-py3-none-any.whl 资源来源:官方 安装方法:https://lanzao.blog.csdn.net/article/details/101784059
microRNA-26a抑制特发性肺纤维化的作用及机制,刘莉,苏晓敏,目的:研究过表达microRNA-26a (miR-26a)对肺纤维化的影响,探究miR-26a对特发性肺纤维化是否具有保护作用。方法:通过real-time PCR技术检测临
在点拨环节,给出了一些常见的去括号错误,如选项C,正确的处理应该是3a-13(3a^2-2a)=3a-39a^2+26a,而不是3a-a^2+2/3a。这提醒学生在去括号时,必须注意负号对括号内每一项的影响,以及乘法运算的优先级。 计算与...
7. 由 2(y - 13a) - 12(c + b - 3y) + b = 0,可化简得 2y - 26a - 12c - 12b + 36y + b = 0,整理后得 38y - 26a - 12c + 25b = 0,解出 y = (26a + 12c - 25b) / 38。 8. 因为 A、B、C 三点共线,所以存在实数 λ...
很抱歉,根据您提供的信息,"单板11-26A.zip" 是一个压缩文件,但没有具体的描述或标签来指示它包含的IT知识点。压缩包内的唯一文件是 "单板11-26A.exe",这通常是一个可执行文件,可能是某种软件应用程序或者系统...
以正常绒毛为对照,通过qRT-PCR检测自然流产胚胎绒毛组织中hsa-miR-26a的表达水平;利用基因表达谱 芯片筛选自然流产胚胎绒毛的差异表达基因,并使用 Targetscan预测这些差异表达基因中可能为 hsa-miR-26a所调 控的靶...
**Java Development Kit (JDK) 8u181 for Windows x64** JDK(Java Development Kit)是Oracle公司提供的用于开发Java应用程序的核心工具集。这个特定版本,"jdk-8u181-windows-x64",是针对64位Windows操作系统的...
正泰 数显时间继电器JSS26A技术样本pdf,JSS26A数显时间继电器适用于50Hz,额定电压380V及以下或直流24V及以下的控制电路中作延时元件,按预定的时间接通或分断电路。
因此,第2题的答案是 \( -26a + 195 \),其中 \( a \) 满足 \( a^2 + a - 3 = 0 \)。 通过这两道题的解答,我们可以看到代数式求值的关键在于正确运用代数运算规则、因式分解和等式变形,同时灵活地利用已知条件。...
同样在25℃,若V_GS为4.5V,I_D的最大值为41A,100℃时则降为26A。栅源电压的绝对最大额定值为±20V,并且芯片已经通过了100%雪崩测试,确保了其在过载条件下的稳定性。 在脉冲漏极电流(I_D,pulse)方面,当温度为25...
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《液晶电视LPL26A电源原理分析》的讲解涵盖了电视电源系统的关键组成部分及其工作原理。这份资料详细解析了LPL26A型号液晶电视的电源电路,包括电源的各个功能模块、关键元器件以及故障排查策略。 1. **电源模块**...