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Set Jenkins Slave as Windows Service

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If you are having trouble getting the Java Web Start agent installed as a Windows service (ie, you followed the instructions on installing the slave as a service here but it didn't work), an alternative method of starting the service automatically when Windows starts is to use the Windows Scheduler. 

We take advantage of the Windows Scheduler's ability to run command at system startup

  1. Configure your node to use the "Launch slave agents via Java Web Start" launch method
    • Click Save
  2. Note the command required to launch the slave
    • On the new slave node's Jenkins page, note the slave command line shown. 
      • It will be like: java -jar slave.jar -jnlpUrl http://<JenkinsHostName>:8080/computer/<nodeName>/slave-agent.jnlp -secret <some_long_hex_string>
  3. Obtain the slave.jar file and copy it to your new Windows slave node
    • In the command line noted in the last step, the "slave.jar" is a hyperlink. Click it to download the slave.jar file.
    • Copy the slave.jar file to a permanent location on your slave machine
  4. Ensure that you have a java version available on your slave machine
    • If not, obtain and install a copy of Java
  5. Run the command manually from a CMD window on your slave to confirm that it works
    • Open the CMD window
    • Run the command (the one like java -jar slave.jar -jnlpUrl http://<JenkinsHostName>:8080/computer/<nodeName>/slave-agent.jnlp -secret <some_long_hex_string>)
    • Go back to the node's web page in Jenkins.  If everything works then page should say "Connected via JNLP agent"
    • Stop the command (control-c)
  6. Register a new scheduled job to run the same command
    • Open "Task Scheduler" on your windows machine
      • Start -> Run: task Scheduler
    • Create a basic task (Menu: Action -> Create Basic Task)
      • First page of the wizard:
        • Name: Jenkins Slave
        • Description (optional)
        • Click Next
      • Next page of the wizard
        • When do you want the task to start: select "When the computer starts"
        • Click Next
      • Next page of the wizard
        • What action do you want the task to perform: select "Start a program"
        • Click Next
      • Next page of the wizard
        • Program/Script: enter "java.exe" (or the full path to your java.exe)
        • Add arguments: enter the rest of the command, like " -jar slave.jar -jnlpUrl http://<JenkinsHostName>:8080/computer/<nodeName>/slave-agent.jnlp -secret <some_long_hex_string>"
        • eg: -jar D:\Scripts\jenkins\slave.jar -jnlpUrl http://jenkinshost.example.com:8080/computer/buildNode1/slave-agent.jnlp -secret d6a84df1fc4f45ddc9c6ab34b08f13391983ffffffffffb3488b7d5ac77fbc7
        • Click Next
      • Next page of the wizard
        • Click the check box "Open the Properties dialog for this task when I click Finish
        • Click Finish
    • Update the task's properties
      • On the General tab
        • Select the user to run the task as
        • Select "Run whether use is logged on or not"
      • On the settings tab
        • Uncheck "Stop the task if it runs longer than"
        • Check "Run the task as soon as possible after a scheduled start is missed"
        • Check "If the task failed, restart every: 10 minutes", and "Attempt to restart up to: 3 times"
      • Click OK
  7. Start the scheduled task and again check that Jenkins can connect
    • Go back to the node's web page in Jenkins.  If everything works then page should say "Connected via JNLP agent"



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